Show FOR RENT THREE good rooms Donaldson court East near Brigham U Rear Hear 51 1 S 3 E St SI IT fro cot to 5 46 Franklin ave av 1 room 2 So E St SI mod M 50 31 64 1 E 1st So St mod 20 ave 51 mod 2750 E So St SI mod modUS 25 9 US N St 81 mod furnished JM 53 5 Tuttle Bros Est IS electric 4 bath pantY pantrY ROOMS with South lights and wash house 15 9 92 West Vest street hell Bell ell phone house s C street Cannon 18 East South See Cannon Temple MODERN house of 7 rooms 37 East 33 35 Rivers HO Maliu 1 brick house In Water Yater Main Slain 00 vo 0 Equity lIP Inv I Co Inc In So 01 strictly modern modem house houseIn close In 10 Canyon Canon road TWO unfurnished rooms e 1 I bath Call Monday Monda South East TWO largo large rooms closets cellar No C street modern brick furnace neat heat and gas caa choice location 30 D st NICE frame cottage Rear E 2nd South Inquire So East 3 ROOMS water In house kitchen clos clog closets closets ets 73 W So HOUSEKEEPING apartments Lady wanted to share convenient clean cle n reasonable Address X 11 Herald OFFICE space In front room Including stenographer phones etc Apply D F Falker Walker alker LARGE LARGE room No East d South St 1300 Room in Newell block 20 00 Large e barn No Cl 61 West Sd South W J S HALLORAN Agent Real Estate Loans Ians and Fire Insurance No 14 West Vest South St Both Iloth Phones house with closet 9 0 no chil children children children I I dren Greene St So bet and East TWO unfurnished rooms 3 S per mo mono mono mono no children 1357 Lincoln ave Take E South car MODERN HOUSE At 1 4 Apricot street west of ot Center st OFFICE rooms In Security Trust Bids Especially suitable for doctors doctOr and den dentists dentists dentists Enquire Rental Dept Salt Lake Security Trust Co 32 Main St 17 A COTTAGE No 6 5 Montrose Montroe ave 1st West bet bot and South house cellar also house housend and nd cellar both modern East TWO nice rooms for tor housekeeping Zil W lv V Fifth South MODERN COTTAGE C close in Inquire Warnock Insurance Agency room Herald FINE office space for rent Hoffman Hottman Bros eros 62 West est So street 3 ROOMS e I 1 toilet bath furnace no children References 56 56 First ave aveA aveA aveA A LARGE fine tine residence new and mod modern modem ern un em 1 blocks block from ZIons Savings Bank Apply North Main street DESK room finest location In city un under under Under der Deseret National bank I NICE space In th the Atlas block base basement ment nent for rent agent TWO rooms and closet for light house housekeeping housekeeping housekeeping keeping Apply Appl W North PIANOS for rent Rivers Bros S 5 Main street AUCTIONEERS ON ox MONDAY lONDAY Oct 21 at 1030 a m mNo mNo mNo No 36 26 Union ave on East between and South parlor rockers carpets and rugs fine dining table nn arn chairs sideboards dishes homemade fruits beds iron folding bed bcd white curled hair mattress chiffonier dressers and stands two heating stoves fine steel range combination kitchen ta table table table ble also boxes fine tine toilet soap good chanco chance for a dealer K IC A ANDREWS Auctioneer BY E M ONION Forced sale to pay storage and other charges On Wednes Wednesday Wednesday day October 23 1030 a m in at corner 1st West Vest and 2nd South near Hoovers drug store I will sell from vans a lot lotof lotof of ot household goods consisting in part of Q steel ranges one a n Born in fine condi condition condition condition tion heating stoves chiffoniers center tables dresser commode refrigerator kitchen tables kit cupboard lot gar garden garden garden den tools lot bedding home made com corn comforts forts torts cooking utensils crockery crocker etc etc ete Sale will begin 1030 sharp sharpe C e GE E OSTERLOH practical auctioneer Sells household goods and merchandise Address 75 S E So Sop p F SOCIETIES UTAH ry No lio o 1 1 K Templar Stated conclaves conclavE s held at Ma Masonic Masonic sonic Temple cor East and 1st South the first Thursday of ot each month So Sojourning Sojourning Sojourning Sir Knights cordially invited to attend CLESSON S B KINNEY E C CE CEo cE E Eo O 0 LEATHERWOOD Recorder A A 8 S RITE The four coordinate bodies b of ot the A A R S Rite of ot Free Ma lola onry bold hold stated meetings the third Thursday In each month at Masonic Tem Tern Temple yle le corner First South and Second East Streets Sojourning brethren invited RICHARD L CONLEY Degree V M Jordan Lodge of Perfection No Z 2 ZA zA A E Eo HUTCHINSON Degree W M James Lowe Chapter Hose Rose Croix No 1 I IC C e B DIEHL Sd 21 Degree Desree Commander Salt Sl t Lake Lak Council Counell T No rt 1 I IJOHN JOHN S CRITCHLOW 32 3 Degree M and K Utah Consistory No 1 CHRISTOPHER DIEHL Degree Registrar for tor all the Bodies WASATCH Lodge No 1 I F and A M st I Regular meeting held at the Masonic Temple corner Second East and First South the second Friday of each month Members of sister lodges lod and sojourning cordially Invited brethren SAMUEL C e PARK PARle W V M MA MA MA A J 3 LOWE Secretary MOUNT MORIAH Lodge No 2 F and andAM andA andA A AM M Regular meetings held at Masonic Masonia Temple Temple corner First South and Second fr East t the second Monday of each month Members of ot sister lodges and brethren In good standing are cordiallY Invited teda to at attend attend tend J M MARRIOTT W V M CHRISTOPHER nt Hr Secretary ARGENTA Lodge No X 3 F and A M Regular meetings meetIng held beld at Masonic Tem Tern TemPle Temple pie corner Second East and First South the the first Tuesday of each month mont Mem Mern Member Members bers ber of sister Bister lodges and sojourning brethren cordially Invited to attend FREDERICK D KEELER W V M MM MM L LU M U C e PHILLIPS Secretary UTAH CHAPTER No 1 i R A M Stated convocations held at Masonic Tern Tem TempIe pIe ole corner Second East and First South the first Wednesday of each month So Sojourning Sojourning Sojourning companions cordially invited to toO attend E O 0 LEATHERWOOD E H IL P PM PM M C PHILLIPS Secretary tent No 1 t meets every Wednesday evening at L I O 0 OO OO O 0 F hall Market street Sojourning Sir Knight cordially Invited NAOMI REBEKAH Lodge No 1 meets every second and fourth Saturday even evenIng evening evening Ing of each month In Odd Fellows Tem Tern Temple TempIe pIe Market street BROTHERHOOD OF AMERICAN YEOMEN Homestead No 1132 meets every ever Monday evening at 8 In Yeo Yen Yeoman Yeoman man ha hia halI 20 East Third South WILLIAM E JENKINS Foreman J 3 EVERETT SEELEY Cor South East Eat Bell phone Dhone K I FOR FOK KENT MODERN DERN furnished t rooms room North Main FOUR rooms completely furnished for tor housekeeping Bell phone ONE front room furnished 24 East So TWO furnished rooms for or light house keeping at So GUI East LARGE modern cottage fur furnished furnished furnished Call mornings East FURNISHED rooms for tor rent at East 1st South street TWO furnished rooms for housekeeping water elec elee light lights gas reasonable lG Glen avenue PLEASANT room with every conven comen lence including hot and cold water ont one on block inside Eagle Baglo Gate Belt Bell 1414 I TWO beautiful furnished rooms for light housekeeping with kitchen modern Apply No 4 Woodbine place South Main and West est Temple LARGE front room one dr two per persons persons perSons sons South East TWO TO rooms for tor housekeeping every everything everything everything thing modern South Main street NICELY furnished rooms modern E 3rd South Ind md 2147 MODERN furnished front room suit suitable suitable suitable able for tor two 5 East 2nd South Bell phone Red TWO modern furnished rooms cheap at 12 2 Dubel ave aye So bet and Uh E strictly modern house com corn completely completely furnished to respectable family of adults Will give lease So State NICELY furnished rooms for light housekeeping No Ne 9 Kendall terrace FURNISHED rooms for rent refer references references references Apply 3 So East Phone Bell sS 2528 Red t I NICELY furnished front and an back par parlor parlor lor br single or en suite with use of ot piano South East MODERN cottage well fur furnished furnished furnished until September 1 1908 1008 no chil children children dren dreI E B Brigham Phone MODERN rooms suitable for 2 or 4 gen gentlemen gentlemen tiemen 75 East 1st South ONE or two nice large furnished rooms close in So d E Phone 2916 2016 K TWO or four tour rooms closet pantry bath cellar lawn shade Center street TWO nice rooms with or without beam boara conveniences and privileges No 8 W V Zd So second flight up FURNISHED or unfurnished sleeping rooms In modern house hot water heat Inquire South East 2 Z OR 3 large rooms with use of bath close in references required Earl Dunshee Tribune PLEASANT housekeeping rooms In Inquire InQuire Inquire quire Center St LARGE clean housekeeping rooms Ap Apply Apply Apply ply West 1st South TWO nice housekeeping rooms ground floor Apply m VP t 1st 1 t So BOARD AND ROOMS N NICELY Ly furnished b room and board for forone forone r rone one or two gentlemen No 11 U East So o Private family LARGE modern room excellent board for two gentlemen So East FURNISHED rooms and board with private vate rate 58 53 W So MRS BOWLES E lilt let So St new newly newly newly ly furnished rooms excellent table NICELY furnished front room rooms in mod modern modern modem ern em house first class cIa cloi s board 75 7 B St MONEY TO 10 LOAN x wv fc rf x xON ON salaries Atlas Loan Agency suc sue successors ce sors to W S E Lawrence m D F Falker Walker alker r UNCLE SAM SAI 30 E 1st South loans money on all articles of or value lowest in interest Interest Interest terest in the city cit MONEY advanced salaried people with without without without out security at low rate easy terms terras strictly confidential F G Wood Room oo 09 Tribune STANDARD CREDIT CO to Cherry Chem 7 D F Walker Personal Persona loans made anade to men and women employed on a salary Ellary no or endorser re ra required private office business Ud UdON ON real estate lowest rates Elmer B E Darling Co Main St Elt THE COUNTY records prove we make mak more loans upon real al estate than any bank hank loan Joan or trust company In the state Call Cali and let us explain why Bus RUI eel L Tracy 11 E 1st South IF you yu want a q salary galary loan on short sho no notice notice tice lice without publicity call can at Tribune Trl une Ch Ci Loan Agency ON SALARY no other security lowest rates strictly confidential F P A New Newton Newton Newton ton Herald Bide MONEY loaned salaried people and others othes upon their own names without se security security cheaper rates easiest payments payment offices in 62 principal cities save your yourself our self elf money by getting our terms term first D H Tolman room Atlas BUt BIle IF JF YOU YOP need money we will discount your four salary Star Loan Agency 07 Atlas Athu Block top toO floor ON UTAH and Idaho farm special op opo tion Miller ft VI I 1 ls 31 a nt CARPET CLEANING Carpets and rugs cleaned and returned promptly and work guaranteed Phones 1006 Sanitary Wagon renovates at the th house Phones Utah Sanitary House Housecleaning Housecleaning Housecleaning cleaning company compan UT So W IV Temple BY new vacuum sanitary wagon noise noiseless noiseless noiseless less dustless carpets cleaned on the floor or taken away awa and returned work guaranteed National Housecleaning Co Phones Ind md PROMPT work done by the tho Great West Western Western ern em Steam Carpet Mattress Cleaning Co No Main Bell 2629 X Ind 93 MACHINERY SALT LAKE Metal Machinery Co CoAll CoAll CoAll All kinds of or mining machinery engines boilers compressors pumps sup supplies supplies supplies plies etc ete Cor So Temple West Yest Tem Tern Temple Temple pIe Phone MOTORS gasoline and electric steam engines boilers air compressors tons rail J I M Swem South West TO TRADE corner with thor thoroughly thoroughly thoroughly modern house all clear lear in good eastern city for Salt Lake 2 good houses in Colorado Springs for acreage here a anice anice anice nice home In Pueblo Colo Cob for vacant lots here Cromer 55 East South CASH REGISTERS RE GISTER S NATIONAL CASH REGISTERS Oscar Olica O car Groshell sales agent for Utah Expert cash register repairing No Main lain St rt sf i In stock EDUCATIONAL j t t f t Unique School of ot Short Shorthand Shorthand Shorthand hand and ana Typewriting Hooper BId FOR SALE SALEr r r tJ BARGAINS in repossessed pianos a good instrument for tor easy terms Music Co moved to 33 E First So NEW EW Home sewing machine 10 girls bicycle 12 also ladys bicycle cle 12 No IOU 1042 So 51 W V Temple FURNITURE four rooms house for tor torrent rent 19 Delmar ave ava 3rd So between 1st and 2nd W WONE WONE V i iONE ONE mare weight 1350 two earold colts weight 1200 and 1123 So Eth th West WestA WestA A MEXICAN parrot and cage flO 20 can talk English Owl Ol saloon galoon 74 E 2nd So or IF YOU want a bargain bargain in an eight room modern house dont fail fall to look at So East Will be finished about Nov 1 Built to stand Construction guaranteed See owner on premises P gasoline hoist h In good condi condl condition condition tion Call t on David Kennedy Kenned floor loor Herald PRACTICALLY new runabout cheap folding seat sent which when open makes d car Will Ill trade for building lot ot or good mining stock Call either GOOD PHAETON cost good 1200 lb Ib horse fine line free driver lady can drive him no bad habits harness outfit oo Ind md phone 1 I HORSE harness barness and wagon also alo al o small cook stove stoe and washing machine So lOth E Bell Beli phone Ind md 1906 1000 1 SADDLE PONY cheap So E Phones Bell Ind md 1906 1006 WOMANS TICKET to t Pueblo X 23 Herald ONE ladys ticket to St Louis Phone 2225 22 Ind SALOON good location stock fresh Reason overcrowded in business Ad Address Address Address dress X 15 Herald Herl d spring chickens E South S ECLIPSE gas range and water heat heater er cheap East First South FINEST corner on Brigham street 82 feet south and west front Hoffman Bros 63 3 West Yest Second South FINE mare and harness and buggy al almost almost almost most new reasonable Ind md 1083 LADYS ticket to Kansas City Address X 9 Herald BY OWNER Fine corner lot 2 rods n e part of city Enquire of Joseph JosephJ J Daynes 33 E 1st So Se HOUSEHOLD goods Including Chick Chickering Chickering ering piano and fine range at private sale mornings between 9 and 12 So Fifth East GROCERY store and cigar stand Own Owner er leaving on account of sickness E South OFFICE equipment Equitable Life Lite As Assurance Assurance Assurance society Apply Appl McCornIck Block CHEAP ladys lads first class ticket to Lead Leadville Leadville ville vilie good until Oct 29 Address st si Ogden O Utah UPRIGHT cabinet grand gr nd Kranich Bach piano plana practically new Enquire Brigham St LINCOLN and Cotswold rams James iames Winter W V N St Phone Red horse 3 I St twenty late model second hand at less than original cost every one guaranteed Sharman Auto Co W Yo So Temple house on corner corner lot UI 1 feet So and East St Apply Appl Oliver Hodgson 5 E So CASH REGISTERS bought sold and exchanged We sell at Just the price asked by other agents Only place pla e eIn In Utah having regular cash register me mechanic mechanic mechanic Cash Register Exchange No 21 Main St REGISTERED trotting mare 7 1 years old Bailey pneumatic buggy Hand Handmade Handmade Handmade made harness McCoys stables STULL timbers mine props and mine ties ChalK ChaIn Creek Timber Co Utah HORSES bought and an old cold ladles and an gents cents saddle saddIe horses skirts Iowa Jowa Stable Ii West Vest South Temple Temi le FINE driving horse cheap Hoffman Bros 62 West Vest Second South CARS of Ice must be sold at once Apply Hell Ice Co lW N 3rd West SEE Stowe Palmer ad Last page 1 I BUSINESS CHANCES i we rt s CASEY 55 E SO 1600 Saloon close in doing a fine tine business rent 50 soo Restaurant lease rent 23 25 lo location location location cation excellent 2100 IS ro city rent SO one room pays light laundry and rent 2500 Grocery Grocer sales about 2000 per mo rent cheap M jr J CASEY |