Show 9 09 i i iI I O i Free Lecture on onby I II O I O e O 0 0 0 0 0 O Oby i by Dr FRANCIS J FLUNO FLU NO o Member of Official Board of lectureship Lec of the i Mother Church in Boston e 0 i it O t Under Auspices of First Church of Christ Scientist of Salt lake City 0 o 0 t o 0 0 I SALT LAKE lAK AK THEATRE T SUNDAY OCT 27 1907 1 0 0 i 8 0 oC P M I i 0 0 Public Cordially e Invited Io I 0 o o o t tWE WE HAVE MOVED In our new quarters quarter at 40 South Main street where we will be bet better better better ter able to 10 supply you with your teas coffees baking powder and spices spice Our enlarged quarters enable us to carry a much larger stock Call and see us Great American Importing Tea ea Co o New Number 40 Main Street THIS IS THE PUZZLE 2 E I B L M O OK K P O T A AE E EY 4 I IN III CASH PRIZES Y YD D T N O AA A AA I A L A AY Y V N B BL This 2500 will be awarded on October L LAD A D L S A AV ABSOLUTELY V E R It D DEN E N FREE to the persons sending us the neatest CAN YOU SOLVE IT correct solutions Among Arrango the M letters printed minted In the centre group iota Into the names name of six lib cities of d States State Can Oan you do itt It Large CASK CASH PRIZES aa u listed eted 1 below to those the who send end In the neatest correct solutions will be riven in away a on oll October 15 l First Firss rte 1800 1000 In Gold G d Second Prize P e oo In Gold Third bird r Mac u S OO In Gold Bight Prize r e of ot each Making H a Total of Twenty ve Do Dollars Dorian ars In 10 Prize Irlee Dont tend send tend feud us ANY MONEY NaY Y when you yon answer thin thi ad a as I there is l L ab no condition to secure any anT en eD ene of these prizes prices rites GO TilE THE CO tiT In preparing toe the names name II of toe the six allt cities a the letters lett rII u Ia croup t can oan only oa be b used maed d as many times time a as they appear apar appear and no letter can be used ud that does not app appear a Altar After you yon baT bare hap found the tha six Ix correct names you yon will wail haTe hare used every letter In Inthe Inthe inthe the 96 exactly aa as many time aa to it appears appear Thes prizes AU ARE 0 a Na as we wish to have haTe our ourMa Ma mine brought prominently to the attention of of everyone eye on Hying in the United States Statu Our Magazine fa 1 S Is carefully edited edl t and Shed filled d the choicest t literary matter that the best beet authors fI TRY A AYD U D WIN WIK I If you yon make out ont the tha six names namn nd the solutions at once who knows but what you yon will WIN A LARGE LAROE PRIZE Anyway w we de d not want you yon to too send end any money mOD 7 with WIth your l letter ett and a II contest like this is very Tery interesting Our Magazine la Is a II flue large paper r filled ed with f asti tog FREElove of or love and adventure and now has a II circulation of cop coplea lea te Ie each Issue We will send FREE gREE a II cop the latest iWAY Issue of ON ur Ma Magazine tine t to everyone eone who who answers this advertisement ad COnME Eft CB RIGHT oin AW A WAY AT ON THIS iS CONTEST Ou and you yoa ou will 11 find tind It n a II avery Tery Ingenious of letters which can be straightened out to spell toe the names of six nix weli cities of the united States Send Bend in the n names mearl right away As noon as the tho contest clo closes e you will be pot notified Sed d If It you haTe hart won a prize When you u haro bavo nave made out the names of these cities write them neatly and plainly and send it to t us u A copy of f our fascinating MAO AZINE WILL BE uS SENT PREE to everyone answering this advertisement Do sot or ot delay Send Bend BendIn In ID our answer tely Understand Undersea d the neatest neatest correct solution will win win the tit CASH So make mak the effort and Fet iret et a farce farce lare CASH CAS PRIZE PEIZE Address B B D HOPKINS HOlKINS Dept Dent A West Street New York City I f t S x x x x I N w 1 NN 00 a NN x x q tt II tt Z t 11 s st L et e r rZ H I tt u uV s t tn e ii p n 1 11 j jh 1 Store 4 n Big V h Y t t h e Y 0 U tt YV s i i h hi tt i 1 To o furnish urns your our home with their Generous Credit Service Services t r H TV Hs z zi yv s t tIts s i f fIts tt Its service we offer you the idea Not mere trust but HELP HELPFUL tY t tt t o tt tt H ii FUL SERVICE We make lower terms and an give customers greater U Un f n freedom in making their payments than an any other credit furniture I ri ris rit s tt t s institution in in the city Its t s the BEST credit for or the wage wage earner and the i t M t t n i t salaried man manthe the best for or YOU Let et us show you how ow really superior H Hf f our credit plan an is how much more HELPFUL i i 11 H sz i i z zt H t i i t tt t V ERE we show s h ow a few f ew bargains b in In our ouri ZY ft ft vv i HERE range an and heater eater department They it itt t vv ft t are from torn the t e worlds greatest neatest stove p ft AA company compo the Brands Guaranteed Guarante d Line In Inis n nI t is tz B I s i addition to offering offering these stoves at almost cost vv ii t twe jt t st we are allowing you to purchase them on our ft ty V U Us H easy payment Pan plan 3 down own per Perr s H r we week We hive helve over ov r two hundred different 1 T s t styles to select from Next time you are down tt vv ft SPECIAL this way drop in in an and see them SPECIAL i ii 6 45 35 00 i ii y i i i ii NI NIt tt r tY t t i t Both Phones Ex 13 THE BIG STORE Terms Term on 1000 i i 1000 on In n 1 t i Furniture urns ure Carpet East Third Ir v vl i iH X II H v t Installment I os ns t a II men t House H ouse South u x H P A SORENSEN ti Pres res R Mgr tt z vv t NN NN N w 11 N NN J H vv Palmo Palma Tablets Tablet transform weak nerve nerv nervous ous oils wrecks into magnificent types of physical perfection They restore the nerves and kidneys to their normal conditions and make you look and feel years younger Guaranteed 50 O cents Book Free The S R Fell FeU Co Cleveland O 0 For sale by F J Hill Drug Ca C SECURED RED OR rp PATENTS FEE RETURNED Free report as to Guide GuideBook GuIdeBook GuideBook Book New list Inventions Wanted Mechanical Movements sent tree free Pat Patents Patents eats advertised free EVANS WILKENS CO COm 05 m F St Washington D C I WE CURE E WEAK DISEASED NERVOUS MEN MENI I YOUNG OR OLD MEN GLEN E who would possess health I I and strength should not fail to consult the COOK DOCTORS the eminent MASTER SPECIALISTS If you yo Yoli are suffering from Indiscretions Nervous De Debility Debility Debility or a general breaking down of the system you E should lose no time but come to us at once and have havea 0 a confidential talk with us We will explain to you 1 very carefully our METHOD and why our perfected I system will cure you if there is a cure for you For the theLAST theLAST i 1 LAST QUARTER OF A CENTURY T we have made a aI I specialty of mens men 8 diseases and we are more familiar with them than any other 1 living man Experimenting and theories are a thing of the past Our treatment embraces the most modern and scientific principles DR COOK Founder of Cook M Medical On years of successful ul cures We also cure Special an and Chronic Diseases Varicose Veins Blood Poison o son and all diseases of the stomach liver bladder and kidneys We have cured thou thousands thousands thousands r sands We make strong men out of wrecks If your physical condition is im impaired impaired impaired paired if your vitality is assailed if your system is tainted with disease in any allY form whatever YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF AS A IAN MAT to seek and obtain a re restorative restorative restorative at once 1 Until your whole who Ie system sy tem is polluted with disease If this proposition appeals to A DO D 0 NOT WAIT II you as a R man maD can call at our office for consultation or advice A quiet talk in our parlors parlon will win not place you under the slightest obligation to take treatment if net perfectly satisfied td NOT NOTA A DOLLAR NEED BE PAID UNTIL CUBED CONSULTATION IS FREE AND INVITED IMPORTANT We will cure you for tor LESS MONEY than you yon can be treated for far by any other specialist In Salt Lake and you yon have the of ot knowing that you yon are In the care of or reliable specialists who are AC ACKNOWLEDGED ACKNOWLEDGED ACKNOWLEDGED AUTHORITIES In the treatment of ot mens ailments We recognize no superiors In our specialty Consult the Cook Medical Co free before placing your case Hours 9 a m to 8 p In m Sundays 10 a m to 1230 1290 p m Call can or address COOK MEDICAL CO So Main Salt Lake City I I TRill TRIE TRillA TRIBA A guaranteed cure for the Liquor and Tobacco Habits PRICE 1250 Where the Cars Stop Sole Bole Agency c t i x x X N NO OB BETTER E T T E R VIEW V IE W I 1 of Salt Lake Valley can be had than t tt t Z s from the beautiful Tower Heights t ts only a few minutes walk from the s business center of town Select your 1 i i lot now and reserve it t through rou h x i HEBER J s t GRANT CO f ft i t Exclusive Agents Phones 2026 Main M alp St StIo Io r We also a do dothe the Largest Insurance Business Business in the e State fate i t t 1 MX X X vv wI i oo X X I 1 |