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Show IKL1GS. Bret Hurtehas reached the summit of cjrtliiy liupi-incss. A hotel af Culioc-i i.N. V.) was recently c i io tied under the name of "Bret llartc.'' The lriok!u2 F-junt;i!a and Cattle Trou'ii As!odatiuu uf Lundou has erected, koepd in repair, and supplies with water, 144 fountains and l'"0 troughs. There liave been more wrecks on the Southern coats during tho past two weeks than have occurred there during the same leugth of time for many years. General John A. Shoothimdeadon-thcopot Shoothimdeadon-thcopot Dii has been placed on the pension list for fcS a month for services rendered an Lieutenant in the army of I SI 2. One of tho largest hotels in Plida-jdclphia Plida-jdclphia is owned and managed by a I woman; and in one store, among several largo ones, a business of over $lUU,0ou a year is done. Captain Luther Libby died at his residence iu New Kent county, Ya. , on the -Mh ult., aged C years. The famous Libby prison at Richmond took its name from him as I he owner of the building. The Rev. Grorcc 11. Vibherl, of MasaehusettN; v.ia gone to England with iwonty-live lectures, by which he i hopes to teach the beer-brewing people jof that country something about tho j science of total prohibition. I Uf men enrolled in the the militia of Great Britain and Ire-Hand, Ire-Hand, f'i:j in the list uf January to the !;0th of May lat, the bulk were between live feet lour inches and live j feet seven inches high, l'J-l of them exceeded sis feet, and 1,3-1:2 were under ) live feet four inches. ! Colonel Pickett, a Georgia planter, has, in the southwestern part of that '. State, 6,6u0 acres in cotton and 3,500 ! in corn; and it is estimated that he will j clear $180,000 upon his cotton alone. ; lie is said to have the largest cotton Geld in the South. lie employs nearly 400 hands, all of them negroes. The color of yolks of eggs may or may not be slightly affected by the kind of food eaten, but it is certain 1 that tho yolk of a new-laid egg is always of a light lemon color, and that age causes it to grow darker. A yolk jof deep orange color simply denotes an 'old egg. The lighter the color of the yolk, the fresher the etrg. Miss Rctiibone, of Maryland, has purchased a house of worship for the Methodists, for which she proposes to pay by her needle. She has made the tirst payment, and has on hand tweniy-live tweniy-live dresses, made by her own hand, without the aid of a machine, from the profits of which she expects to pay the second instalment. The Morristown Jerseyman baa the following advertisement : "To whom it may concern: Whereas, Parnielia Bush, a resident of Chester, did promise to marry me on the 19th instant, but, instead of doing so, did flunk and has run off, I brand her as a liar, and a person of bad character generally. Kdward Pratt." B. C. Sebring, of Sioux city, Iowa, was watching Mi: Jvepia manipulate a revolver. Suddenly a bullet entered the mouth of Mr, b., knocked out his teeth, shattered his jaw-bone and lodged itself among the cords of his neck. In tho afternoon Sebrine's surgeon .vent to look at the revolver, when it again went of and burned tho doctor's hand, and just missed nerfor-ating nerfor-ating his intestines. |