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Show GKXERAL Another Woninu Movement. Washington, 16. The Woman's Club is negotiating for the purchase of a building in which to locate a business college, which they propose to establish for the instruction of the demi-monde who wish to reform. Subscriptions for the purpose have been already commenced. com-menced. The police raid on the bad houses is postponed for a few days in order that the club may extend its preparations pre-parations for the reception and care of such inmates as may seek to abandon a life of shame. " Public sentiment is divided di-vided with regard to the wisdom and prospects of the movement, but cir cu instances have given the ivforu.KT an opportunity to put their theories to the test of practical application. Sew York New . New York, ,". Ingcrsoll, who was paid some large claims against the city and county, has not left tor Kuropc as stated, lie is in the city. Patrick Logan, who was dismissed from tho police force on account of dishonorable conduct during the July riot, has been nominated a candidate for the Assembly. The Lotus club last night passed resolutions of condolence with the friends of tho late Walter Montgomery, Mont-gomery, who was a member of the Lotus. Copica of the resolutions are to be sent to the Savage and Junior Garrick clubs, London. New York, 15. Jacob YjindeiWilt, presidentofthc Statcnlsland Ferry, was arraigned to-day on the charge of manslaughter man-slaughter and pleaded not guilty. Tlic New York Injunction Case-Judge Case-Judge Uarnnrd'ii Decision. In the injunction ca-e, to-day, ex-Judge ex-Judge Bartell, attorney fur Tweed, made an argument for the immediate dissolution of the injunction, so far as his client was concerned, lie says his client was enjoined to perform certain duties, he answers he has faithfully and fully performed them, aud is corroborated cor-roborated under oath by the Mayor of tho city. Tho law says an injunction against a corporation shall not be granted except on eight d:iy.n notice; yet here is au injunction granted ex parte, without notice, and therefore void as regards supervisors. Counsel threatened to hold the plaintiff responsible respon-sible for bringing false charges against his client, and denounced the persons who prompted the injunction suit, as a band of Catalinc conspirators without a Cataline, who have sworn to libels. Barrett, for the prosecution, argued that the officials had no rudit to raise or spend money outsido of the two per cent. act. Re reviewed the acts of Mayor Hall, and charged him with making paltry excuses. Referring to Connelly, he said his affidavit was the boldest and mo.st tricky document before the Court aud proved the falsity of Hall's answer. At the close of Barrett's argument Judge Barnard rendered the lbllowing decision. Re said, with regard to the point raised that the two per cent, act was unconstitutional, he would not declare de-clare the actiso, unless very clear in the case, and ho had no such clearness, and would not take the responsibility, and he would prefer that it should be heard more maturely in the general term. The plaintiff" had a clear right to sue and bring action against the lour defendants, officers of the city government, asting, anions other things, that the supervisors be enjoined . from raising taxes in LS7I, until a certain cer-tain thing shall have been done; sec-. sec-. ond, that the defendants be ordered to meet, as a boartl ol apportionment, and do certain things; third, that the board of supervisors bo restrained from paying claims until the board of auditors meet and set them apart; fourth, that the mayor, aldermen aud commonalty be restrained Irom paying any expenses except the board of audit set them apart; fifth, that tho comptroller comp-troller be restrained from paying claims in excess of the amount set apart by the board of apportionment, and from paying any debts incurred to the New I ork Printing company, the New York Transcript and Leader associations, or the Stationers' company, or any of them; and that he be restrained from raising, nn behalf of the city and county of New 1'oik, and the supervisors from paying, any of t Tic expenses of the government of the city and county for IsTl. Complainant also charges a conspiracy con-spiracy on the part of three of the defendants, de-fendants, by combination, collusion and fraud, to obtain payment of dihonest claims on the city and county treasury, 1 and that they did ot her aetsof wrongand 1 fraud. That charge is made on inlorma- tion and belief; the three defendants deny it. Tho defendant Tweed denies there is any truth in the allegations: the comptroller denies inthc same way; I I nil denies it in language equally strong. The amount of belief to be attached at-tached to the statements made against the defendant Hail, can be weighed by the statement of counsel for the people peo-ple who last addressed the court, that he did not believe that tho defendant wr5 personally interested in any of the companies or associations named in i the charges against him. Then come? one of the points of law to be borne in mind. here an alh-gation is made on in format ion and beliet'on one side, anJ ; positively di-nied on the other, it is to be taken in favr of the person donin u;-.'.e-s o'her circum-taneeF throw discredit on tii-" man making a positive denial. 'j h.-y ai.-o charge the three deknJams with havi:ig rur the city into debt, and having incurred , vast iiabuik? far in excess of the appropriations ap-propriations allowed y legislation. Their answer is that tlv two per cent I law did not repeal all the laws prey ir,uly exi-ling for rai-ing revenues it ;l.e thy cc-unty. I direr with them. I think the two per cent, aec repealed aii the 'aw exevL't tL se -;v-bg power to issue Lou-Js fcr th-.- u -;ariiu.':r oi' :i i parks, i i... es.cry io carry en llo duties en:rutc-d to them, by iaT. There is another al- . k-gaacn in ihe eoiLpisint that large chums, au: r-uritiri to several mi.::ei:s oi c.ii:irs: have Ux-n p-id out. to prr-S'.ds prr-S'.ds having no existence, no le-rai L-ljdm or richt to recover them, 'ine ahciration has nJt Uca denied, as 1 undi.-rsta;d. by &ur of the dL-fi-n Iiils iu thoir an?wir. Mr. Beueh. "We d-ny a::y kii .w- ' ledge of the frauiulen: ehar-.a-ior o! : t'tu-e claims." I Judge Barnard. "Before prcHuti-na-y injunction was granted in ui : case, I ta:d, as i new sha.i ru;o to- j Jay, that the part.-, docks, charities. ' police, Crotou water, gas works, and board of ciueation are n-T included in this injunction : Means to pay the salaries of the employes in these departments is supposed sup-posed to have been raised ly the treasury, and if paid away wrongfully, they are, as a matter of course, responsible respon-sible and must see that the proper persons receive the money. (Applause.) That brings me to the last allegation. It U charged against the two defend- I ants, the Mayor and Comptroller, of having paid dishonest claims, knowing them to be such. The Comptroller, the city's financial ofiieer, is entrusted with the auditing and paying almost all bills, and after the rendition of judgment he still has power to apneal to the court of final appeals, and has paramount and supreme power; and it is on him more than on all other officers together, that the people rely for preventing frauds, it is not wise to say that his subordinates subordi-nates may deceive him: it is poible for th?m to do so; and it is a crime il it be done. Tn paying ihe.se various claims of au outrageous character, bearing on the face of them the appearance appear-ance ot' being but little better than highway robbery, it was his business to have examined carefully the vouchers, and satb-fied himself that the charges were correct and theserviees performed; and ii he failed in that he failed in his duly to himself and to the citizens, and was guiUy of an act of criminal negligence. negli-gence. With regard to the duties of the Mayor, he says his duties are mechanical me-chanical and that he signs warrants as presented by the comptroller; and although al-though it may have been the practice and 1 presume it has, for years, to sign checks without looking, and I have as commissioner signed checks for millions without knowing they were correct, yet the community expects or at least hopes that whenever an act is required to be done by three or four persons, in certifying bills, they will not rely on others but see to it themselves. 1 am not justified, under the circumstances, iu saying tlut the payment of these bills by the comptroller, and the rais ing of bonds by the board of apportionment, appor-tionment, authorizes me to say they are entitled to the confidence of the court so as to permit thciu to go on and spend more money. Having failed in consequence of o uission, if not of commission, it is my duty, aud a painful. pain-ful. duty, not to allow a dollar to be piid from the treasury, or another bond to be issued, until such time as there rdiall be some alteration iu that board. (Applause). It may be said that in consequence of granting this order, the city and county government will be disorganized. dis-organized. I have nothing to do with that; I have a plain duty to perform, not a pleasant one, but one which I cannot avoid. Whenever a proper case is presented for an injunction it is my duty to giant it. It is said there is a rcurdy for the purpose of trying tho charges against the comptroller. 1 know ol' no such legal remedy, and when there is no remedy against robbery rob-bery of the community, it is the duty of the bench to invent a remedy; aud if none existed the court would be justified jus-tified in resorting to any means in its power to prevent the continuance of that sMite of things so discreditable tn the city. We are all interested in the credit of the city, in locking for relief to prevent the confiscation of property. The injunction is granted. (LVnnt'c applause). In reply to O'Gormau, hi Honor said ho did not include the issue of the present bonds, payable by property-owners property-owners for local improvements. New Mexico Klcctlon. Omaha, 15. Mr. Gallcgos, Democrat, Demo-crat, candidate for Congress from New Mexico, is probably elected by a majority ma-jority of 5U0. In Santa Pe county the vole stood, Chanez, Republican, -It'; Sena, bolting Republican, G:)); Gal-legos, Gal-legos, Democrat, l.MT. Official returns are received from but few counties. Motu-lai-y mid Storhn. New York, 15. Money more active. Stocks very dull aud generally lower. Mariposa declined from oi to 1. W. U., oTl; quicksilver, 15,;; mariposa, PM., 2; W, P., 5lM; Pacific mail, 54J. Tne Ilodgc Defalcn(hu), Washington, 15. The Secretary of War has s.-nt the Judge Advocate General a conimunica'ivn from Gen. Briee, with regard to tn'; Hodge dcl'al-j dcl'al-j cation, and the charges io be prepared against liinj. The appticilion of llodge to be released from confinement has been refused. Another V t fii n 1 1 e r.--A nc. i e n t JV c -f(resu Uiiriird to Deal U. Philadelphia, 1.0. The treasurer of the mint publishes a card, intimating that the accounts of Deliiken, lately removed, arc not correct. Hannah Jijlicrls, colored, aged nearly 130 years, was burned tu death yesterday. Heavy I'i'dhI In Maine. Lewitnn, Me., 15. There was a heavy frost In at mgnt; the v:n:s arc generally killed. |