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Show ! TELECRAP'iS. I 1 NIGHT REPORT. i FOREIGN. I West ladiau Revolutions. ! Jacmel, August 22. The adherent j of Cabral announce their intcniipu to appoint a provisional government to , regulate the revolution. , Caracas, Au trust 2. The jrovern-, jrovern-, mcnt troops have again taken poes-j poes-j sion of the town of Barcelona. 'I Ley have b3en successful everywhere. aL.d ' the government fleet is trTective in ,preven:injr the landine of revolution jists. The prisons are lull of political prisoners. Gladstone Invlled to CilaiCo"". London, l.". The supporters oi Gladstone held a meetins in lilairow to-night and adopted a resolution inviting in-viting him to vLit that city. Committee of Control Appointed. "S'ersaillcs, Ij. The Assembly today to-day elecied the committee of control created by the bill for prorogation, to supervise the government during the recess. It is composed of eleven members mem-bers of the right wing, eiht of the left and six moderates. The New, York Compt rollershlp. New York, l.j. It is rumored in Democratic circles thai, owing to the decision of Judge Barnard, Comptrol ler Connolly will resign; in that case it is said General G. R. McClellan will be tendered the position of Comptroller Comptrol-ler and witl probably accept. |