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Show SAN FRANCISCO TRADE MUH?HY,GHANT& CO. ' 1 Importers of American and Europot.il , staple and Funcy ) !M DBY GOODS, , HVIN F11ANCIHCO, i CALIFORNIA, ' '-. t Call the attention of tha Tr;i'lo to their largo " i mid couiiilcLo stock of '. . FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS, ',i J WIii'-!i Hiny iirti n.w fvre'wlng d t rert from 1 j Luruiuaii .MamiUcUireri, comi-riaiiiit (' j French Merinos, ' i ' ' J Wool Hatlues, ' . I Waal Plaid, i'r.u. ii and (ioi -mail, , i J li-Uh and Fnncli Poplins, t i.l lUuiires Clollis, A Tamlae, Miiclciiinl color!, ; ' a Ve I vulccni, j Aljiacas, bliwk und colored, ' .' j SILKS, VELVETS, RIBBONS, ' ' - L ALSO '. '' ' ' C3- Xj O "V E S , " ' -k Kid, Iluuk, Berlin (Ludion', Mines', Lienta') '; j Gents' Underwear ; An 1 ull kind, of 'i v. Gents-' Furnishing Goods. h I f Ilolri-y,r-f,i,i,l.-to iu all it-, l.rndu-fl, ' Uhllt t.() ..!., . , , I Iluixlkt i-. hl.-f. , '' I 'J tlullU, while dinl rolor. J, , ' ;' . J UaniuakB, l.ruwu hum and lilm hoJ, ' f. I Tinvrl., Hud, I)mi-r, TurLiU. . ! .itUln ami lluyllcs, j . - J jl Kir., KCc, Kie. ! THE BANK of CALIFORNIA ' I SAN FRAKC1SCO. "V- I). 0. MILLS. - l'KRSIDKNT. . V ' ; W. U. UALTON, (JASlllliH. : CaplUl Paid lip, - 83,000,000. I DRAW DIRECT AND ISSUE LETTERS . , r nf Crctliton alt tho i.rincitial oitiea of the . 1; n H.irij. WliMERDiiia & KELLOGQ, ''. , f Importers and Jolbera of , (,f Wines and Liquors, 214 & 21G FRONT STKKET, V'. SAX FRANCISCO. -;: 1 GIIANI) 110T.UL f- ' On Market, New Montgomery and Hocond Hlroew, ! SAI, FnAlVOISCO, C All. JOHNSON & Co., Propeieioes. . ! : tobim, j..,- DAVISSOSJ & CO., . f ; jj '. IMPORTERS OF i,''. ' ABIKIUCAN, KNOLISH, FRENCH :;. : and gkhman ' ; FANCY GOODS, '.' '' 1 Small Waixs, Pocket Cutler), '. ; Perfumery, Yankee Notions, "j -t Stationa-i, Dress Trimmings, f IKuVa GooJs, Millinery Goods) ' j 1 1 Hosiery, Linen Wdkchfs, . .; Gents' Furnishing Goods, J5tc ' j y : lor. SultiT and Sausome StSt, , ' ! . SAN FRANCISCO. :: JNO. G. HODGE & CO., , , j , IMPORTERS $; i Wholesale Stationers, j Kooji llio largest stock of 'r ' ' " StRtloiiery, Blank Dooks, ScHool . j 1 . Uooks, Plnyln CtinU, Wrap. jv . Twines, Pocket Cutlery, dc, it'c, '" I , On tho Pnriflc Co.ui (.which tbpyaro prepared to Bell Si' i ; eitlu'r forilold or Currency nt priced thut will offor ' ' . inclucoiiii'iiii fir buyers anywlioro wt'Jt ef ILa "; , lUvty Jlouulaiuj. i : S2T, 329 &331 SANSOMK STREET, K mil San Frnciico: if. WEIL&WOODLEAF, 'i. I 113Dftttery St., Snn Frnnctaco. ' Importers of YANKEE NOTIONS, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC, , Cutlery. PlavinR Cards, Stationary, and in ' partii.'uLir. ft lino assortment o! Meershaum and cliciipor pipes, which wo import diroot (. " ' from Kuropo. iy31 f t LOCKE & MOMAGCE, IMP0RTE1!3 OP ii STOVES METALS, MANUFACTURERS Of ' AS D 0SALEK3 I.V House Furnishing Hardware AND ; Tinner's Tools and Machines; AGENTS FOR 'i Agricultural Steam Boilers, v. 114 and 114 Battery Street, ! . ju7 SAN FRANCISCO. J&m4 Si'ruauce, Jo tin pru&nco, C. C. Chnpm&n. i J. & J. SPRUAKCE, I Importer and Who I Male Dealers in !' WiES AND LIQUORS, !t 415 FROST STRKKT. i - BRITTAN, HOLGSOOK & CO Importers and Dealers in Stoves z lianges, SHEET IRDN &T!?S PLATE, Copper, Zluc, Sheet Lead, Win, XjoacI and Iron IPifo. ) TjoU acd Machinery and General 1 ' HOUSE FURNISHING HARDWARE, KinbriciEK Pl.nn, JaranniNl, Planished and 6;:imi'ed Waro, 1 ,ol. Ill 11 J California and .oi. 17 . Itf Davit Streets. WOOD WORKING. Thomaa Latimer. w- H- Pnlaonj. , (ieomo II. Taylor. Ueorge Kotuney LATIMER, j TAYLOR & CO. CHEAP and GOOD; GOMIHXED. I i i Wisconsin Pine 1 DOORS, BLINDS, Wo have secured the AGENCY FOR THE Largest Sash and Door Faotory in the World, Located in the great Pineries of Wisconsin, Wis-consin, wbcro the best of lumber is from one to two cents per foot. First Consignment open to-day. 1,000 Doors; DIFFERENT SIZES, 2, 3, 4 und 6 Panel. j 1,000 S SASH, from 7x9 to lOxlS. 300 PAIRS Rolling Blinds, At Prices that Defy Competition ! OUR FACTORY IS IT WITH THE TIMES In all homo work in our line. Sash Doors, Odd Sash, Of nU kind. Bow Windows, Frames, Doors Odd slzca, Etc., Etc. I A FULL LLXE OF MouldingS i i ; Planing & Sawing j WITH DISPATCH. IlITIMR, TAYLOR & CO. ' In OnBlokwMtofIbniul SEWING MACHINES. READ THIS!' T n i; SINGER SEWING MACHINE In all tho bountiful vrk'ti-s mm u m u mm UoutMiilnLint; tho pn relive of u Mucbiiio fur fstinily or olbw UaU. At our iitu iy-nlted up Salesroom, Second Door South of the Eagle Eui-: Eui-: porlum, between the Drug and Clo-' Clo-' thing Department! of Z. C. 01. 1., trill , be found a Full Asportmeut of these I 'Admirable Sewing Machines At Prices to Suit Everybody. I THE SINGrEE I SEWING MACHINE NEEDS NO PUFFING to commend It to the public, as tha following WcC Z3 ' ST" how : ! In 1&50 theso now celebrated Machines 1 were first offered to the public and in the four years succoodiDB 4.UD0 wore sold. Today To-day over that numbor ara wookly turnod out from llio fnccory, and yet thia immense eup-; eup-; ply is not cgual to tho demand. At tho o?d of the year 1867, upward of 200.00 Machines ; wore sold, and in the following years, from , to 'To, the numbor had been increased to j upward of ! 500,000 j MACHINES SOLD, I One third of which were disposed of within the preceding twelve mouths. From tho forotioing it will bo soon thatdur-! thatdur-! inr tho last threoyonra, tho sales have been I upward of fifty per cent moro than during tho wholo of the seventeen previous years, THE PEOPLE'S VERDICT, after a score of years thorough trial j Is that the ; EL r&! a- BU SEWIHO iAOHSIIE is adapted to all kinds of work, sowing as readily tho thickest and most stubborn material ma-terial as tho finest and most dolicato fabrics; with a stitch, that for evenoss, perfection and durability is unequalled. Accompanying oach Machino aro printed instructions, so plain and easy of comprehension comprehen-sion that, althouch wo recommend customers custom-ers to tako at least ono laason from tho Operator, Op-erator, it is seldom done purchasers seoing at a gianoo tho simplicity of tho Machino and completeness of the construction. So mo ofthe ADVANTAGES OP TILE SINGER MACHINES ARB j Simplicity of construction thoroforo loss i liability to got out of repair. i Short, straight needle less liable to bend, I break, or skip tho elitoh. ; The shuttle is carried; friction, woar and the necessity of greasing the raco are thus , avoided. 1 Readiness with whiok tho most inexperienced inexper-ienced can adjust tho tension of the thread. Freedom from wear. After twenty years' constant service theso machines have never been kootu to wear out. They aro noiseless, rapid and easy in all their movemoDUi. All our machines are adjusted and put in thorough runniu order. by compctont handp, beforo delivery. Purchasers therefore have no trouble, but can suectuetully operato with them it once. THE KEW SUTTOS-HGIE MAOHI N E S arethdrouKhir practical and will perform all that wecLaini for thorn. Ttie Improved MANUFACTURING MACKiKES for heavy work, are too well known to need comment. Ve also keep in Btock the New Medium Noiseless MAUFACTU!ils3 MACHINES Our stock of tho SiDor SowinB Machines is very oxianeivo, embracing every variety of finish, from the plain Machine, mounted on black walnut table, oiled, to the elaborately elabor-ately pearled Machine, with aabinot casoand folding cover in mottled black walnut, rose, wood, or mahogany highly polished. Evory Mao hi no is furnished with the same oomplcto furniture, including tho now hem-mer hem-mer (sowing all width;) and teller and braider. brai-der. We guarantee our Machines to do Hemming, ail widths) Felling) Ilein-j Ilein-j stitching) Braiding) Alaglc ItuiHing) Embroidering (no chain stitch;, Gathering ana Sewing on at same time, with or without a band, on the edge -or in the center. Cor din g. Tucking) Tuck-ing) dulltlug, Ti-lmuilng) Binding all widths and kinds, etc., etc., etc. Two duo. i toutU of the Kagle Kui-porluiu. Kui-porluiu. WE DELIVER MACHINES Without A-!ditintd C ha rye TO ALL PARTS OK Til IS CITY All Linda of fccwiug Machines thoroughly Kepaireil on Reasonable Rea-sonable Teriut, ol E.B, CLAWSON, Supt MIIS. WILKINSON Has just received a Choice Assortment of LADIES' MATS, SHAPES, And nil kindJ of MILLINERY for Pnlll mid Winter juii wear. FIRE INSURANCE. PEOPLE'S INSURANCE COMPANY OP CALIFORNIA. Jcash Capital over $300,000, ciOTi) coiisr. B. W. E. JENNENS, Agcut for Salt Lake lily & 0rdcu. Oflicc with Tcnsdcldt Co., Main St., j ju2 SALT LAIiE CITY J Merchants' Exchange Building. Fire and Marine Insurance. CAPITAL, r - SOS 0,000. JOHN n. REDDINGTON, - President. CIIAitLES K. STORY;, - - - Secretary. GEO. H. HOWARD, - - Vice-President. N. B. EDDY, - - - Marine Secretary. H.H. BIGELOW, General Manager. H, R. MANN, Agut fcr Utah Territory, ! Office, under the Rending Rooms, ' ju28 Salt Lnkp City SALT LAKE BRANCH OP THE Great Western INSURANCE CO'Y, OF CHICAGO. TI1KO. F. TKACY, President C. H . BASSEVT, 1 I1EMIY W. LA WHENCE "-Directors CI1AS. L. DAIILER, j MARSHALL dt CARTER, Attorneys, j II. R. ?t AS.V, Manager. j ' Ol'T ICK : Under Salt Lake Reading Rooms. A Branch of this SOUND and RELIABLE RELI-ABLE ! $as000,000 COMPANY i Having been organized in our city, we j are now ready for business and earn-! earn-! esdy soUeit pubUc patronage, guaran-! guaran-! teeing that all fire risks will be carried ' at a fair rate. j H. R. MANN, 1 1 Manager, HARDWARE. ATTENTION HOUSEKEEPERS! WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED Another Car Load OF THOSE Crescent Stoves, And we iuvite all to call and examine exam-ine them, as we warrant ALL of them to give PERFECT SATISFACTION, Far surpassing any other pattern ever brought to this Territory. We also have a few of those iXOVEL, LAUNDKY Stoves, SOMETHING NEW, Together with a very largo variety of Cooking Stoves, FROM THE SMALLEST TO TUE LABGEST. Oall and see for yourselves ALL KINDS OP Copper, Tin and Iron Work DONE TO OBDER m ' SENSENEY&GO Opposite W. F. c Co's OSke, SALT LAKE CITY WAGON AND CARRIAGE. RAILROAD SHOPS. A. HOPPER & CO., Second South Street, II "If Block East Revere House, SALT LAKE CITY. WAG OR! AND CARRIAGE WORK, Of all Descriptions. BLAGKSMITHING Iu all its branches. COACH PAINTING AND CARRIAGE PAINTING A SPECIALTY. COACH AND CARRIAGE TRIJIMIXO. Horse Shoeing ! Iu a Style to suit all. A. HOPPER. I. B. ZAJlIlISKiK. fg SAN FRSNC'SCO TRACE. EINSTEIN BROS. & CO., Importers and Manufacturers of BOOTS AND SHOES OF EVERY STYLE AND KIND. 113, 115, .uil 117 Tine Street, SAN FRANCISCO. Our Ilume-mmk Goods an tmcijimhti by any. Samples at 3Ir. (ioodhind's Office-, o SALT LAKK CITY. E.MARTIH&CO. Male Lipr Dealers, tOS Front Street, San Fnutrlico. Proprietors of MILLER'S EXTRA OLD lit) I ItHON And solo agent-- for I. F. CUTTER'S EXTfU OLD BOUHBON WHISKIES Constantly on b:inJ, a full assortment of all tbe Slamlnrd Urn ml of W Ii Ukle, Kine Urn ml lei, Foreign auri Domestic Wines, m5 Illilei-s, Cordlnln, He. WEIL & CO.. Cigars and Tobacco Pr.'iinutirm,f ilie 11 A VAN ChlAR i ASU FAi'TOH Y '41, 3 tiul -iiS Kii.nl St., Southwest '.Tf.or Kronl A SuTAmeuto Sta., COMiWiSStCN MEBCKANTS 48 Clay SI., Sxn l-'ranolico, DEAI.KUS IX OltKUON PRUDUOK. Are couilautlj" In rw.'ii't of Oreun Hums, Bacon, Lar.l, Salitioti. Ac. Starch, of our sun ami Kjwtoro wauiifncliirr nlwaya on hrn-il. Sroul'e, JSuccney & Co., DEALERS IS I 31 C V I8ION8 Butter, Cheese, Lard, Hnms, On-con, On-con, Fork, Ueef, Cranberries, Salmon, Codfish, Mackerel, Etc. No. 400 FRONT ST.. iuS SAN FRANCISCO. S. P. Uoldon. Jaa. Moorhoad. S. P. HOLDEN & CO.; importers or FOREIGN DRY GOODS, linens, Dress Goods, Hosiery ,'&o. 28 & 30 SANSOME ST. London ; 27 Loadonhnl! St.. E.C o5 Win. T. Reynolds & '., lmtioi-turs mill Ptlcr, iu FIXE WINES AND LIQUORS, Agents for RoHenlmiim and C. O. D, Bitters. 425 & iTi B.iUory St., Sua Fruuciseu. Speciftl ftttoution ptiiJ to Clioico Goods fot Medical uud Fttmily uso. Kill HEAD QUARTERS FOB BOOTS & SHOES, HOBART, WOOD & CO., 15 Sansome St., San Francisco. JOHNSON, WOOD & RUST. S7 Pearl St,, Boslon, Mass., MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS. ORDERS PROItlFTLT FILLED. nasi A. J. GRIFFITH, Dealer in gL&jggt all kiurts of PICKLED )b SMOKKT) SALMON AND KERRlNfiS, 133 Washington Street. All kinds of Dried, Suiokod and Pickled ith couBtantlyonbftud. J-l J.iVMEBBILL &CO, GOMMiSSION MERCHANTS a 04 and 400 California St., San Francisco, - - California. Particular attention paid to the filling of orders for every description of morohandisc, n2Tt Sale of Ores, c, &c. CHENERY, SOUTHEK & CO,, Importers and Jobbers of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC BRANDIES, WINES, AKD LIQUORS, 311 Clay Street, San Francisco. hifl A. C. DIETZ & GO. 1 M POUTERS OF PAINTS, OILS, Varnishesand Lamps, No. 224 FRONT STREET, Bet. Sucraiueuto A California, San Francisco Michael Kasb. T. N. Wasd. WAND, KANE & CO., (Successors to Hunter, W and & Co.) Importers and Wholcsalo Dealers in WINES AND LIOUORS, Proprietors of Hunter's California Wlioat Vi liialiey. Alao Agents for Joseph S. Finch's celebrated Pennsylvania RYE WHISKEY. (07 and 600 Front St., near Jackson, SAN FRANCISCO. my3I LeoWv. 104 and 106 FRONT STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, Offer the finest and most complete stock on the Pacific coast, liefer to U. B. CLAWSON, Suu't of a4 J. BAUM & CO., Importers and Manufaclurcra of MEN'S & BOY'S CLOTHING X'i Sansome St., San Francisco. 45 .Murray St., New York. !'. LAZARD FRERES, Importers and Jobbers of Foreign and Domestic Do-mestic Fancy and St.u le DKY OOODS. Depot of Go-.dx Zfnmfac(ur'dni the Mission ar.d Pacific MUU, Cii&UidtteJ. 33 i. 3 -47 market St., San Fran. J") '1 P:iri3: L-S Rue De 1 l-lch k, u i or. mi i mm S&fglsSi Practical U'aU-hinaker -A-Xid O" IE XA7" Z?3 3E1 XX . Workmanship Guaranteed. IIji tbe Cneit stock of Watche3 and Di.i-inond Di.i-inond Jewelry in tho wc.t, at very moderate l.ricei. Wjich glaafca lilted at 'Mi cU.; keys. IU to IS cu.; hand.4, 2n cLJ. Remember, Cn l C. Ajmaesen, Main atreou Xi BENEDICT, HALL & CO., MANUFACTURERS AND W110LESA1.K DEALERS IN Boots and Shoes, HAVE REMOVED TO Xos. ia-1 and 13 tSUAUD STUJCE1 Oiui Hun k Kttst of liroKdwi.j', ' I NEW YORK. Z. C. fri. I. BOOT AND SHOE 5oim-tttieii(, tit tlio Mnot THE "BIG BOOT." Every stylo and quality of Boots and Shoes MAlXIi TO ORDER, eatisl'aoi Lion guaranteed. ALWAYS ON II AND A LARGE AND CHOICE BTOCK OF IIOME-MADEim1dtedBOOTSAND.SIIOES A FULL ASSORTMENT OF Shoe Findings, Horse Collars and all kinds ot Leather II. H. CLAWSON, SorEBIKTINDIKT. I NEW YORK TRADE. ROBERTS, READ & CO., Manufacturers and Jobbers cf Utfi 'TH-"' .371 BROAD WAV. NEW YORK. JnylO C. A. Longatroot. John Sedgwick. LQNGSTREET & SEDGWICK Manufacturers of and Wholesale Dealers in MEN'S & BOYS' CLOTHING, 4GG A. 408 Broadway, New York. HENDERSON.JUSTICE&Co Sucaeasors to Griffon. Ilondcrson & Co., IMPOBTKE3 AKD JOB HERB OF FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS, FURNISHING GOODS. ETC, 108 A. 500 BROADWAY, Opposite St. Nicholas Hotel, fio Now York L. M. BATES & CO., 451 & 45 3 Broadwayi NEW YORK, 111 TORT EK3 A.VD JODQEOS IS Fancy Dry Goods UOSIERY, WHITE GOODS, WOOLENS, ' SHAWLS, YANKEE NOTIONS, etc. J. II. 11U1.GE11. juU FELIX CAMPBELL, 79 John St, New York, Manufacturer ofand Dealer in Wrought, Cast and Galvanized Atul every variety of fittings for the same. ml7 DAY & HALSEY, Importers and Whole-alo Dealers in HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUNS, RIFLES, ETC, And Mannfuclurcrs of Axes, Edge Tools aud Mining Tools OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Railway, Steamboat and Machinists Machin-ists Supplies. 1440 Canal Street, Opposite Earlo's Hotel, NEW YORK.. We ask tho merchants and mining companies compa-nies of Salt Luke City and vicinity to examine ourgoods. Prices sent by mail, to tho trade only. j ull BATHS, BATHS? Warm Spring Uutlis ! Private and Plunge. Theso c del) rated baths are ocn to tbe ptiMir iti nil Masons. Thulr niodidual (irupertiat nrr vrUtly ; known that it is uuedluds to enuiuorutc ibani. Bealdoa the Private Baths, the large anil handsome- ' ly furntBbed Plunge Ilaths for und Qenilemen are now opn. H. AIIXOLD. ii IT I CHICAGO TRADE. M, D. WELLS'S, CO., Manufacturers of and Wholesale Dealer in Hoots and Shoes, 114 & 1 1 G Wabash Ave, Chicago. M. D. Wells, II. J. Macfarland, H. Uonediol. in21 S, I. MclnLyre, DIEBOLD .&. KIENZLE, Successors to Diobold, Bohmano Oo, CELEBRATED CINCINNATI TIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF And E&mont's Magnetic and Antomstio Bunk JH 3 M. fm PRATT 4; COVERT, Gonoral AgenU 86 Washington St., Chicago. II. B. CLAWSON, Supt. Z. C. H. X. Agent for Utah Territory. nSO ISHIGCi IIOU8E B. n, Skinner, Proprlstor. Corner Wells and nTJ 11 A pA Randolph Streets, UlilljAuU. This House is centrally located, well fur-i fur-i nished, and oontains 250 Rooms. d CHASE, HANFORD & CO., 51 South Water St., CHICAGO, Headquarter for Oils, Paints, Glass, &c, Manufacturer ofthe celebrated 1 WILSON OIL TANK. As VAN SCHAACK, STEVENSON & REID, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS Dealers In PAiltTS, VARNISHES, OILS, DYE STUFFS, BRUSHES, Window Glass, Glassware Tntont Medicine, &c. Ac. 00, V Jt 04 Lake St., cor. Dearborn With a larso oxporieneo in tho Territorial trade, we feel suro of diving satisfaction in quality, prices und packing. juj2Q Lake Shore Oil Works. MAXWELL, wi?ELS3 & CO., Manufacturers of Engine, SlpnnJ, Tallow, Lard and WOOJL. OILS. Dealers in Headlight Carbon, "Whale Jilephant, fcieal and Hperin Oils, Agents for tho tale of PRATT'S ASTHA1 Oil. Agents of tho Went Virgiols Oil and Oil Laoa UlSCFACTOttXM or EXCELSIOR CAR, ROOF A HO IRON PAINT for lie and Shlagle Boou, Bridce Timbers, Ac Factory, CHICAGO. OtSce, 333 JWJ Illinois St.. 108 S. Water Street, dli PAGE, 1IHO.& CO., Impurten and Dealers Id LEATKCP, AND FINDINGS 60 Lake Street, : JAMES HAGUE, Jua. J. 11. HAGUE. GEORGE HAOUE. 2E2igr Gun Store ! HAGUE "BROTHERS, iJ A T 10 JAMES HAGUE, Xmportors and Donlors in GUNS, PISTOLS, . Elc. W P h Elc. Saddles, Harness AND WHIPS OF EVERY UtSCHIlMIUN. REPAIRS NEA'ILY EXECUTED. u East Temple Street, Salt Lake City, |