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Show Sli.lM.MlMi T1IK SUKFAUK. A number num-ber of well-uieauiug womeu in Washington, Wash-ington, U. C, are, us the telegraph informs us endeavoring to secure a building to open a commercial college for the heuetit of fallen women who may bo induced to abandon their career of vice; and a projected raid on house1 of ill-fame, by the police, is postponed until these ladies are ready to receive I those who arc willing to nccvpt the otl'cr of an honorable life. This i another attempt at skimming the surface sur-face of thi.i terrible evil. The police will make a raid on the dens of infamy, and a few uniy be induced to accept the proffered hand to lift them from shame and in, that their places may be supplied with others who uro now innocent inno-cent of so fearful a life, for the patrons of ueh houses will demand to be supplied. Not long since some of these philanthropic ladies visited a number ol houses of ill-fame in Washington, Wash-ington, and conversed with the keepers. There they learned coma things they did not know befurc;aud aruufig others j that membi'ih ol' Lourcis and married men were the most frequent patrons ul brothels, and some of them were von-Itinually von-Itinually demanding new faces "the i younger the better." These men are unchanged; there is no raid made upon them; and the young and innocent must Jail to satisfy lustful appetites! The intention of the Washington ladies is doubtless good, but they are only skimming tho surface, while the : evil will not only remain unabated, but unchecked. . i |