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Show TElUUTOltl.VL EYS. , liy ljc-eret Tvlernph Lme.l nVBju OiitrrtKr Kntiatt. Isl'SiKL III TuM. Bkl: i !.!. St. (jfeorgc. .'.. Afxnii a week ago -event y-ni iie Navaio wan ir-. mostly on toot, all aimed and each having a lariat, arrived at Kalian, ninety miles from-here. I're-ident Snow was on a vi-it there and had a talk with the principal chief- in the company. The proie.-sioDs of the Navajoes were friendly. Th" d .y after President Snow left, the Navajoes unmasked . ihem-ei3 aud levied a black mail of , seventy hordes and seventeen beeves. Mr. L. Stewait telt that this was too heavy on his small settlement, and expres.-ed for assistance to re.-ist the aggre.-sive spirit manifested, Kanab having at the time of the demand but about twenty men at home. During the following night and early in the morning morn-ing reinforcement arrived, and Mr. Navajo uianikitcd a more temperate disposition, and offered to trade for lior.-es. Trading went on slowly but peaceably, till the arrival of some forty horse- in Jacob ilambhn's uharge. This ua-j. too much for the Navajoe-; they could not engage in the tardy process of trade any longer, and commenced to lariat the horses, and continued until the last one was caught. Some of the nggressors then started lor their own country, but twenty more Navajoes had arrivc(Lat last account?. Lieut. -Col. Andrus is (it route with a detachment to aid the Kanab re tilers. |