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Show "ROSH HASHONA." j Tiiis w the Jewish New year, ihe "Hoali Ilanhona," the chief day, the day of Bounding the Shohar, the first of the ten penitential days, to be oh-Bcrved oh-Bcrved with (solemnity by the descendants descend-ants of Israel in alE the world. The Nl-w Year Commenced at sundown yesterday yes-terday evening, and will continue until to morrow evening, the doubt a.s to what time the day should really bein, owing to the difference of longitude, being held sufficient reason to extend the solu run occasion in sonic jjarU ol the earth during two entire day. The HirviuM, which will be held three tiin'-n each day, will be conducted up aaiM, in the large court room of the City Ilai!, placed at the disposal of the UraelitfH of thin city by Mayor UVlk When wo .ice our fellow-citizens of the Jewiih faith observing with all solemnity an anniversary that coined down to them through long centuries, thought takes a backward tlight and glanced briefly at the .strange and eventful event-ful history ofa people that to-day stand the living evidences of the truth ol revelation, prcrving their distinctive distinc-tive nationality unbroken amid the muiutioiid of humanity nndtho rise and fall of the mightiest empires. Nineveh, Assyria, Persia, Macedon, and Komc have alternately held them inboiuhige, yet where arc these mighty powers now? While the seed ot Abraham, t ho children of Jacob, are us distinct in tlioir nationality, though scattered over tho world, ad Ihcy were when Solomon reigned with peaceful sway over an enlarged dominion and a united Israel. Pagans, Mahometans and Christians by turns havo persecuted persecut-ed tho Jews, tho so-called Christians being tho most intolerant and merciless in their cflbris to crush out tho race in whose veins the. blood of Abraham cir-eulated; cir-eulated; But prescriptive edicts, public fanaticism-, the tortures of semi-ravage semi-ravage and mercenary kings and nobles, aud every means resorted to that they might be driven from the earth, failed to accomplish the end in view. They havo su tiered, terribly suffered, but they aro still the. monuments of an Almighty aud preserving power; and though scepticism may sneer at a "chosen people," though tho revcla. lions aud prophecies of the Bible may be mocked at and scorned, the children of Israel still exist, and prosper, buoyed up by their aucicnt and undying undy-ing hope, an argument lor Divine interference in the affairs of humanity that cannot be controverted, a record of Almighty power that cannot be obliterated. Two things should bo learned from tho history of the Jews: One the truth of the Scriptures; another, that tho very worst way to accomplish tho destruction of any religious faith is by attempting to crush it out. And it would bo a litting time, on this the supposed anniversary of tho first day of recorded tiiuo (ho Jewish New Year for all civilized people to take the lesson to heart. |