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Show FOR SALE. AUOi'D ROCK HOUSE. Til R KE LARUF rtmiii". -Aii acre oi .ir,-h!ird; tbrea u'.tc uf lam). 'omjietniiiDtf Tiew. tip len i id itr :'nr :i Kffn!l-ii::iii a -u rmrli.tn reMiieiice. In iliecit liiiiil.'. Aj-j)ly at tkis Utiie !' KMt.M CONTAINING TWENTY - V a-Ti- of if-t-.J lni'1. itti it etnall bill oumt'urliibk- ro;idcuc:; uboui twenly tniloa I from .'ilt Lake City ioi rluie iu the lino o! i railroad. Tha owner will ell lor eati. or eibuotfe l'r city i'ro(ier:y. Ai-i-ly m tbe Utility Utiiee. eU TO LEASE. ONE OF TIIE "BIWT Bl'SIXEiS LOTS in th i? city lor a term of years. Inquire ai tbii Utiice. a.ugj5 FOR REST. ri .IE UI'PER STOKVOF THE CALIFORNIA X balcon, Commercial Street. juyift WANTED. AlURL TO DO GENERAL HUUSK-work. HUUSK-work. or to tuke care of children, lull lu-ll uiro ut tho residence ol" C, F. smith, opposite oppo-site the Town.-fend IIous. sl3 'l'WO INTELLIGENT. TRUSTWORTHY 1 men to net us travolinK Agents in the northern and fouthern settlement of L' tan for the "tire;il L'nkrmwn U;iir Restore." CHAS. W. 6TAVNKR, Sole agent sor Utah. Ai'ply ut Lhui ollice. ili A FEW RESPECTABLE GENTLEMEN and thoii T-ives c:in obtain board in irirutu fumily. Amly at thti office. ti A PRACTICAL POWER-LOOM BOSS Weaver. Address B. J. Ukiuld Otlioe. i9 A SMALL FAMILY CAN BE ACCOM-1. ACCOM-1. modatcd with a very plea-ant suite of furnished rooms and board with a private familr. Enquire of C. C. Niohols, at the, Oetapon Houee. ftuitll LOOK! AH pcraQiis who are BA1D, or whoso HAIR IS FALLING- OFF, had hotter see tue immediately. The "Great Unknown Hair Restorer" has produced HAIR ON MV HEAD IN ON 10 MONTH. 1 Charles W. Wtavner, Sole Ageut for Utnlj. For sale at C. W. I, Drug Store, j tn ORGANS II ORGANS ! DAYNES& CO.. For Ij tab Ternary, for the sale of tho eole-brated eole-brated SMITH'S AMERICAN CABINET ORGANS Respectfully invito tho member of tho Musical Profession and tho Public Koncrally to call at their Muio Rooms, FIRST SOUTH STREET, Two doors cast of tho Post Ofticc, Salt Lake City, and osaciino thoir Bplendid stock of OrKFins, and lctirn tho unprecodontodly LOW PRICKS at which Ihcy olfor thorn for sale, . tho price boinpr from twenty to tlilrty per cent lower than thoy oan he bought in any other house in Utah. Dnynes & Co. do not olfor tho SMITH ORGANS at thoso low figures hecauBe thoy are, as some wonld bavo U believed, a poorly manufactured and censequently cheap instrument; for, for ox-cellenoo ox-cellenoo of workmanship thoy have no supo-riora, supo-riora, while in fltroncth. purity and owootnl-s of tone, thoy ciiallenge the profeHMlon to produce any instrument equal to them, The cansc of their LOW RATES Is easily explained : They haTo no local asouta whom they PAY TO PUFF thoir wares; and besides this, they have resolved to place these biautijul instrument within the reach of all, and will do bo by doing what no other houre in Utah pretends to do. namely, sharing with their patrons the coin-miscion coin-miscion allowed by the manufacturers. Act-1 iiiK on this principlo, they oiTcr their instru-! invrits at twenty jier cent, less than eastern rotail Ijitiircs, hc-ido imyine the freight to; the railway teiminus in thin oily, guarantee, ing ovory inslruiuont soKJ Huimd and freo of damage. Thoy will Fell a Parlor Urgan.with ' elegant Black Walnut JCase, Yivu iStop-, Trcmulo and Knec-swell. lor dllu. tho en orn retail price being f:175. An instrument for a school or meeting-hnuse, with power1 sufficient for fifty singers, with seven Stop, Sub-lia?, Uotavo. Coupler. Tremulo and Knee-swell, ior 160, tho eastorn price for th' eame instrument 'icing In proof that the American Organ ie all thoy represent, thoy roler purchasers to the following wcll-kn.jwn gentlemen ; C; San-ome, San-ome, D. L. Davis, A. Minor, John Sharp, S. V. Sears and W. S. (Jodbc, also Mrs. S. Kimball, all of tbid city; U. Henroid, ol Salt Crook, Jnab oouuty; T. Stayner, Ogdcn: the Fishburn Choir, Brigham City, Davne; & Co. will also sell every other description of first-clas Musical Merchandise, Merchan-dise, from a Pianoforte to n Violin String, at the same ratio; and to prove that tbe i receding re-ceding statements contain not a particle of exaggeration, thoy invite ull muaeiuns and tbe public to call nnd prove thbir truth by personal oxaminatiun and investigation. Remember! J. DAYNES & CO., Dealers in Musical Instrument. Two Doors East of the Post Office SALT LAKE CITY. Agents fop tho Colobratcd Grover & Baker Sewing Machine TmED SEWING MACHINES For Family and Manufacturing Purposes, Kiubtiriy all that is new and novel in Sewing Machine,:. They are the latest improved an 1 lightest run a ing shuttle machines in the world. Beautiful anu compact iu model and unexcelled in material and linib. They sew everything from lace to beaver cloth in the inoet perfect manner. Every variety of Hemming, Ftlllugt (lulltlng, Cordlug, Ruflling, Piping, Tubing, Fringing, It-jil Stitching etc., easily per formed. Straight Needle. No Cog-wheels, NO VI IIS, AT I SPRINGS, livery M-ichine WarrariieJ as Reprejcntei. Salesroom ou First South Street) Salt Lake City, opposite tbe Theatre. ; IRA PFOUTZ, Z. C.M.I. CLOTHING DEPT. GRAND CLOTHING AND FURNISHING DEPARTMENT, 25. O. HiL. I. JUST OPEjVIIVU A FULL AND MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF FRENCH, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN CassimereS SUITABLE FOR FALL AND INTER USB, Which wo ahall sell in suit or other lengths on a very small margin. Gentlemcu wishing tu be dressed in the most lush-io lush-io liable and substantial manner, can have their selection manufactured on short notice by our own workmen, of large experience, expe-rience, and good fit guaranteed. In addition to the above we have OPENED an IMMENSE STOCK Of anlt&bla and aenaonabla READY-MADE CLOTHING In every variety of fabric and style. The Latest fashions in HATS AND GAPS Segligee, Dress and Under Shirts, DRAWERS, SUSPENDERS, NECK-TIES AND BOWS, HANDKERCHIEFS, Boots and Shoes, WALKING CANES, UMBRELLAS, ETC, House Furnishings, BLANKETS, Floor & Oil Cloths, MATS AND HUGS. WALL PAPER AND DECORATIONS. With competent wort men to attend to pur-chat pur-chat ere. togf-The Lartjett, Must Desirable add Complete Stock in Utah. H. B. CLAWSON, 10 UPT. MISCELLANEOUS. 23 1 ees' SEWING UMIIIK, THE BEST IN IDE WORLD, AT TEASDEL & GO. Eagle House, East Temple Street. jny!2 Wi. SHIRES. COMMISSION MERCHANT, Ar GENERAL DEALER IS Blah, California and Foreign FRUITS, PRODUCE, FANCY GROCERIES, O-fVXSTDIES, VEGETABLES, POULTRY, And all kinds of i S E Tj ID S. A 6nc supply of CANNED FRUITS. Orders froifi tupMines and Country Towns solicited, which will receive prompt attentiou. EAST TEMPLE STREET, Opposite Bishop Hunter's, SALT LAKK CITY. U'A Large Arrival cf New Goods. BOOTS, ' SHOES'' AND 1 HATS Are now oiieued aisd ot) saio. "e hnvc t!u htrest nml boat stoi'k of tl:$ :i'"ove eve!- ull. u J to (Ik- pooj U' of rt:ih. Goods Fi'fsh y '''vo.rWi ! AK tlia Latest Styliii cf Hats-Si k, Soft aad Stiff I !oo:s nud fhoes iu Eadloss Quantities and Styles I "GOODS C EC E AP!" Vho!ele liuyers will consult their interests to give us a call hefore pur-. pur-. chasing elsewhere, us our WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT IS COMPLETE ! IS, Co M. I. Grain Department! Has temporarily REMOVED to .lo.ni It. IHmvsoifs, fust ol" Ili'raUl Ofliee, Where our patrons can ho supplied with Corn Meal, Wheat, Barley, Oats, Flour, Bran, Shorts, States Corn, Etc., Etc. All kinds of Grain bought and sold. II. II. CLAWSON, Sui.oiimon.lm,, C ALDER BROTHERS Dottlcrs ir. every vuri ly uf MUSIGAL INSTRUMENTS SPECIAL AGEJiTS fur Utnli oftlio Arion Pinnufortit C'o'iipiuiv. Slt'inwiiv Ai Sons, Chick-Tilii; Chick-Tilii; ev Sons. Dccl.ci' liiu iics mid (il'OVrMCMII Ai J''llllci"N WORLD-UKSOWSED CABINET ORGA1TS Read what our Professors of Music and Leading Citizens of tho Territory say about them in our new Circular. Books, Stationery AND SCHOOL FURIieHlfGS. mv21 museum" AND MENAGERIE. Opposite the ontranoe to the Tabornuclc, JOILW.YOU.G, - Prop. AdniiBsiou, 50 cts, Cliihlien, 10 j Open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Native Minerals, Pe Irlfnct Ions, Con. crelloua atxl Crymallzat lous. Home Products. Native and Foreign Curiosities, Cu-riosities, (l-C. Compound I'jlectro-Magnetic Apparatus, Appa-ratus, &c. Prof. J, L. B Alt FOOT, Dlnnxfrcr, S Schools nnd Families by jirivato ar-raDgeLnontd ar-raDgeLnontd admitted at reduced racf. COAL! COAL! Having purcliacd (lie Spriggs Coal Mine We are pre.rcil to supply (lilt WEBER COAL by enr lnnrt or r.tnll. D.pnt at U. C. It. It. Vuiil. Oflicei Kxvlia.iKC and BATEMAN & BUEL. !UI38 V. II. UlilD, Agent. , ZU,UUUlROH AND STEEL At . II. llassett's. Oppo.ltc Salt Lak. Hon.a. j n!5 EAST TEMPLE STREET. SALT LAKE CITY. SftNt 1 - L ii jl L ;rJ? v V "t .. ':"'- 3' sr - v s - - j3 A. F. TJLDKW, j. c. uwiliacij'' ( 1'Ropkietoiu. J'ljlj l,:e oj X York, Ilave on hand the Largest and Most Complete Stock in the City OF WAGON TIMBER AND IRON OF ALL SIZES, Whioh they offer -A. T VEBY LO"W PBICES. FIRST EAST STREET, UALF-A-BLOCK SOUTH OF THEATRE m2i H. BINWOODEY'S New Furniture Store UN liAST TEMl'J.K STREET, IS IVT O KT OPEN. llus on Iiantl'a very Large A ..ortui.i.t ot ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE I Eiue Harlot .-els f'JV 10 UetlrouiD eb Irum 'J 10 -M Also at his Stand West of Meat Market, FirstjjSouth St |