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Show Commercial. Salt Like City, r: kit. H. Gold. Buying, 110; selling, Auction Sale. J. K. Trumbo will eell at Auction to-day a laro lot of well-afsorted New 1 i;bnitl'rb and Second-hand Carpets. Alii a lot of hand-made dTAT lmbv. eM "P.. A. F." Tho members of the R. A. FC&ILEEIWare requested to meet al the Court Koom on Monday evening, si 7 o'clock. A prompt and full attend- ! ance is desired. a jv j Persons wno are Bald, or who are troubled with thin hair, should applv at Z. C. M. I. Drug .Store for tho"Urcat Unknown Hair Kestorer.1' College Scrtrp. The Back of Deseret is prepared to supply Agricultural Agricul-tural college scrip to parties paying for government land, by which they can eavo Si 6 on each quarter section. See theadvertiscment. Daries for 1872. Just, rocfimd ! A iiififfiiiileent assortment of DIAlilKS for 172, in all styles of binding, from 2oe. and upward. For sale :it Dwyor's Book Stoio, next door to Jvimbnll ic Lawrence's. sl4 The Cheapest and Dost llou.;o to buy Kurnituro is at JJninton'a Furniture Warehouse, ?A Soutli street. Sprinir Mattra?c5 a sjtfcirtlty. fiug- Prof. "W. II. Eager will open his Sixteenth Term of School on the 1st j Monday aftor Conference. sl-1 LianT Sfrino Waoons, suitable for grocers and provision dealers; just the j thing for running around town deliver-1 ing goods. adv ! More Goods. Messrs. Dunford & Sons announce the arrival of new goods and the opening of their fall and win- ter stock of boots, shoes and hats. They have a largo and varied lino of goods, embracing the latest styles, which they offer at wholesale or retail. See their new advertisement. p It. L. Jofinson will call at this offico, he will hear of something to his advantage. s7 Prospectors should examine the STUDKBAKEK SPUING WAGONS, at tho Council Uoiho Yard, before purchasing pur-chasing elsowhorc; they uro just what they w:inl. ftdv Cutting & Go's California Canned Fruits and jellies are tho bust in the market. Ask your grocer for them. 80 Furniture, Crockery, Glass and Silverware, etc. Tho largest stock wost of Chicago at the Crystal Palace auglo Ba.kha.tt & Co. Dried Peaches. "Wo respectful ly call attention to tho advantages of drying the surplus stock of PEACHES. We shall givo tho highest price for clean, well dried fruit, at our Provision Department, back of Emporium Empo-rium Buildings. ang-1 11. 11- Clawson, Supt. Just Published. Alaenilieent Views in AMKKLCAN FORK and LITTLE COtTO-N WOOD CANONS, taken by C. It- Savage and lor stilo at tho Pioneer Art Gallery. Como and see tho in. auglU Diamond Spring Wagons, suitable 1 for tamily carriage, good timber, well ironed and tim-eWs workmanship. IFOH SALE CHEAP, at the- Council Uouso yard. adv Studkbakkr SPKING WAGONS. Timber and workmanship warranted. For sale cheap at the Council House yard. adv Peaches. We are prepared to purchase pur-chase an v quality of well dried PEACH K$, fur which we will pay in cash the highest price paid in this market. To tlioe whi have from 500 to l,U0Ulbs-, we can oiler special inducements induce-ments through our Colorado and .Nebraska .Ne-braska connection?. llioos, Lechten" iiF.na & Co., .Main Street. ot 1 1: e. Tn h G roc k a v D i: i-' t o i-Z. i-Z. C. -M. 1. will be closed on Jlonday jind Tuesday, Sept. ami l'Jlh, to take account of slock. All persons having hav-ing business with tho department will ! please govern themselves accordingly. ! sh'j il. ii. Clawson, Supt. Express "Wagons for sale at the Council House yard. Warranted a first-class article. Timber and workmanship work-manship guaranteed. adv 1 Proclamation to the Public 1 do horeby issue thi. my Proclamation, to tho traveling public : Parlies visiting bait Lake City and going east on tho U.P.ll.K., will hnd it to their advantage to leave Salt Lake City on tho evening train and remain over ut Ogdon at night, thereby having hav-ing a good night's ros-l, and so bo fresh Tor travel at o'clock a.m., when the daily cxpross train leaws this depot. At the Ogden House wo oiler as good accommodations ac-commodations as aay kou;o west ol Omaha. Prec busses at every train to and from the depot, adv John JIauon, Proprietor. COLLEGER SCRIP 1 pUEKMPTOKS will tavo lt on 1 each quarter section by buying Agricultural College t-enp. Avrir ? T II K B.VK OK UKSERKT, : ji:, SucJff'fr to Hooper. KMrctise Co ;! Dissolution of Partnership. J lb. Sim f litU. x i;m:t w '"J JbKniatmU'Ma-.oEliio of July. ;71. Ihe.KCOunls will lc cdltcicj l.y Levi ', r. LIIILK. j.Evi...iRRF.rr. LOST. A SPAN OF MAKE MU I K3. FROM THE liny Corral. o'l"tito tho Theatre, List Wciiiiiiilnj. One is an iron gi c y; t n o : h cr dark IjroiTn, witb white in .irk m mlc, l.rnnildl on left thnuMer. The Gmler will plra'o t.ike them to llio Tithing yard uq1 bo rewarded. a 10 LADY OF THE LAKE! Uulil further notico the Steamer "L,jidy ofllieLaltc" Will iiiaka PLEASURE TRIPS. EVKUY DAY,' iSaodayi excelled.) At 11a.m. an.l 2 p. rc., ran rune down to ' i I r : 1 1 1 ' --, -emamine tl.r re n:c.U one hmr. 1 uLtl return at 1 , in. and p. m. Fare for the Round Trip.SI. 50. ' Inchi-Jiwj Cnrri'irjt larr. I Liberal Discount to Fumlllti, , Crr,acc: W.ll e.nl daily at thfi .tv'v-i ;h-tr tj l.i he .a-?CL rrf to ar.d :njii luc I ' steamer. 'j r r;t' -air-. :;r,K -i;-r--;-.Eh--iri . iioiK- .irr.-ec:cer.-' t. d.ij : 10 i- sr... r- vure :.:L'.is j,i :t oi J.Vi. i "Ui.j RrfrcahiBcnii ran le obtained or 1 , Board. tug HISCELLAKECUS. THEATRE. Saturday Ev:g. Sep. 16, 1371. MAliPJEI) LIFE FvHt THIS NIGHT O.NLY. MASTER W. E. WEIHE, The f.,v.-.-i:e i :". oT will per- : tsj & VI jLIN t-.'LO. The i-crfr::vie :c cszS.v ie wlih the ROMANTIC TENDENCIES! i WITH Mr. P. Mart;rttfi as I Iyliuachus Tootles I Io I'refirjtion. ;he cri'.n 5cnsaiIoal , NEVER TOO LATE TO MEND! I We the undtr-igned Drewcr and Laser Deer S.ilocn-keerer.-, ot" i.ilt Lake City, Utah. a;re( ih'i: La aai after ihis lth d.iy ! Sei'WuibcT. 171. ire will not fell Later Beer, Ale Porter by tho incisure, oiccp; ; :o panic; wao wisa ;o take it ouljide ol our ; reitvlive nloor.s. We further fcree thai all l.accr ileer. Ale or I'orter f i'ld at retail, ihall be fiJd by tae pla?.-. at ten cents per plaii or miT except above, by the meis- Henry Wnconer. Juicpli l) tidier. 1 Hcnrv Truudt A Cj. Krewer A Lapham. ' John Ml'H Cl- Trier i Mrckuck. J. R. Turb.it iCo. William Reich. ' James lior Jtn. t". i'uukcn tcin A Co j Phil. .Mnr;;ct3. W. M. Lov eland, j slo I Trotting Match ! j Al FAUST'S TRACK, Ov.-r Jordau, ! ox ! SATUKDA V AF IE R N OCX, ! At 3 p.m. I -O. A. (.'oiling matches "Snrrol Dan." in iliarncf?. acaiit U. M. TayK.r"? "Honest I L'harley," to a wagon, lor Si)J a side. I Price of admission to the track, fO cents; j ladies free. .-lo SALE ! GOVERNMENT OMAEE. kirlL', Lcn-lilal ruli'ic Aiicti.ui, al H ncWk I a in., on iIil' Jlsl dnv of SciiH in-btr, in-btr, ltiil. :.; CnN(i t'ou.!,;.. f. T., a l.x,- iyiiu.iiiy Oi.au..' Stores com- iSpiucei-, Sliayp's. -Toilyn and Her-rtU'it Her-rtU'it Ureecli-londiitK Citrblnex; ! SprtuKlleld ltlltes, mu.zle loading; : Spencer mid doalyn tte(nlllc Cav-li'idgcsi Cav-li'idgcsi i SHarp's and elongated Bull Car-tridg.st Car-tridg.st Muskcl nnil lllllc Blank Cartridges! i Various spare parts of .Inskelii anil trai-bliie, mid oliirr Slorcn. ! The initvlnner to remvo l!i- t.f,.-. at Ids own : i-:k uuiiiL-Juit.-ly af.i-r llio fal... Cmup D.m;.l n situated tnu aul a-hiilf militl ul tiill l..ikf Lily, U.T. ' K. DeTlEOUllIAXD, I Cidjiit'l Kith U 5. Iiiunlrv. CftiupD.iimlns V T . Oi Juaa. o OilWvr. Aiigiml 14,1:1. slJ i MEATS! MEATS!! MEATS!!! Jennings & Paul, 3STE fliiOAT MAHKKT, Keen the choiocst supply of BEEF, i MUTTON, VEAL, PORK, And everything in their lino which tho j market affords. j Order and dellvtry wafrons will i deliver meats free In any part of (lie city. I Orders ci on al miy timo durinc mnrkot j houm will ho proiu i 1 1 y tilled when dcirod. I NOTICE. i j The tnx-pnver. of Knit Lnko City will 1aU ! n.Uico thut the city tax fur llio year 1ST 1 is ovcr-diie, that tHu notiiro reiiuirci by law has been en. and n ul. si saiil ta.ves be pa id i toriliwitb I fli.-.li be under llio necessity of 1 ciilleetioc the fume witliout.furthcr nutice. 1 with cose, provided by tit-?, ii of nn nr- diuiim:e ill lelulion lo Uaie-fing und Cullvcl- ins taxci. I JOII. 11. AVI.MJKH, I t i I y Af r sbqi- and Collector, 1 (Hlioe JS. City 1111. I September t-l!i, l-"l. Kxtrm-! from '"An nrdin:iii-o in relation lo A-i-.n-- and C-llri'tini l.nt-." 1 "Ski: 11,-lho A ?-ir ami Collect. ,r chali . I'urnisli tn c:fli tns-p: er, f Irav.- at hi- us- mil phi-o id ri'-idcnce or bu-iness i if kmnvii), i a wrilli'ii nuticr ol' the iiuinunt rl tax as- je.jsed mjain 't huii and winro pnynldr. Iu c;.-0 any pet . n ticli et "r r tins e to pin- l,n I i is wit bin twrnt il.iys to,:,) date i, m-i no-: no-: lice, the A-wi-.rr ;r.J Collect. .r i auit-.r-; r..:d and cm p-wen-d to in k e and sell al pub-' pub-' lie 'alo i rnniL-h taxable pmpcrty Ixdoni i tie to ilie delinquent to pity nii lax, witli cut! ol 1 1'ats.ed i-'ebruarr 7. 1ST), si I I CHAMBERS'S jENCYCLOPEDIA, A HICTIO.NAIii' OF ! UNIVERSAL KK3VLEDGE For Ilie People, Revi-'Oil Kdition. J(?-i--no of 1 -70-71 , with Maps, Plates and Engravings. To be complct'-d in M 1'nrt". making 1') Volf . ot iji pates ciich. Illustrated with ahnut 1'mir Thoa'and Engraving.- and forty Mkpk. PRICK prr Part, liirlndlncr Map and llluKralloni, GU Cinln. PHICEPER VOU'MK: ;r fl-fh. hovel-) b-ar-I- '.f- Libmry S"eip. murblci cJge- Half Turkey Al..rocco - 6 'J M"T. n II KFTS' A C. r hf AcnU for C'lmm brri'i Encjelnpnillft the I'acific C-.a-(. and ar pu I.. . w. -; and im-; im-; ji 'rtcri" i.'.iiT American nd LuirlnL slat-I slat-I dfird and iUti- iraul work'. I CJHSEL'S SEW PDPl'LA H. EDI CATOR, I New Editiin. Vnivfral Pronoun-itiit DM i on ry '.f lii-I lii-I f-rrartT tid Alyih'jloK.v. by J. 'Iiomii, A-. A-. L. V. 1 National Prlrait .il'rr? .f J.icioeai j American.-. part, Lu te:.Li ea h. U. II. KK.V Cf.. ! .'d- Cms ot-.Cfcn Francisco. i y.r. JI. M.v i. nr.w in Tf.V, nd -sill TtU , ii: l'fT-:e-,- : - - '. t Tr. I warro-up ah ....;..,:.;..,. -irved evirj I ' J f.od Octngon Hoiiae, ;1 i7 KAI.T LAKK tlTV ! MISCELLANEOUS. MOORE & POTTER, CARPKSTKRS AXD Bt'lLDKBS. fommtn Ik I rel, , . , : i:t Li.e B-talJ N. P. LAKE & CO., 0 w;iit DatforJ A 5Iri:n. Qld Coatlltnllon Building. i Mr, c. STOW K. HEALING MEDIUM. j Room ..:i. Sail Like lloiuf, I Will devote ft portion ef her tirae to the . Lais the axact Iccauon of mineral iSPORTSMEX ATTEXT10X ! ' wirnxE-PAY. ?::rT.: t.-rc w;n l.t ilritiJ SiuVllXii .MArCllior Pri:r5: Sberp. Cii. ken and Ustne, al lar-lei-fl-ark. Kit:uair H.'tel. Stase will rur; :o;:i the Sad Lake Houe fur tc oojftiioa ; on raeiiay. i j DK. 1IAKK1S. DENTIST, OFFICK Over Davis' Cirwery Store, i 1 MAIN STF.EICTV uK wilsom & co., IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS Groceries, Foreign and Domestic Brandies, Bran-dies, Wines and Liquors, Cigars, Tobacco, Coot and Slkoci), Hardware, A.C., Ac, EAST TKNPLE STREET. Third Store ooith of Hooper, Kldreuce A tl Co". Bank. MATCHES &JEMELRV! O. L. EMASOIM, 1") titlS to inform the residents of Salt Lake -J- City and vicinity, that he not only cuarnnterj: to properly Repair, Clean and Adjust Watclies mid Chionoiuclfrt. but ho will mnke thorn or any part ol them, to order, and warrant tho work. A nkw sri'Pi.Y of ELGIN and SWbS WATCHES just roeoivoJ, which lui will p-iarrtnteo as reliable time-keepers. Prices to defy competition Femcmbor the c.d In--?. Two doom eaif of (lie Dear ret liniik. ! JQHH TAYLOR & BR0 Merchant Tailors, Con.tlKRCf Ali ST It K E T, KEKP eonM:inth- nn Innd a c)orc n'jort-meiit n'jort-meiit ol KKKM II. KXti mid A.MKRICA.V Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Etc., Of iho finest iiunlitio.' nnd Intcfit sItIc". nhii-h make tip to order ia tho must insbioii.ibli' und approved mnnncr. Z-O-PaT H O N A G E SOLICITED-S, HEATH & MUG AN, JIANLTACTURERS OF WHITE LEAD, Zinc and Colors, 170 & 172 Randolph street, CHICAGO. UTAH SOUTHERN RAILROAD. MIXED TRAINS KTJTXT D AIL Leaving the Utah Central Depot, Salt Lake Ciiy, at 7.10 a.m., ond Kandy Station, (nearest point lo Little Cottonwood Canon,) at 0 p.m. SUNDAY TRAINS Lenvr Utiili Cctitr:tl Hepot at T:10 a.m. and 4:':n p in , mi I Himdy Pttin at H.;t I a, in. anil I LA1I; Sail L.iko to lllu (Tottonwo'.d fitnlion, r'tft I utlo " " Vitc " " .Siuidy " tl.iiu Twenty-fire rent. ;idditi-mil will bp ehnrnod when tho dire is collected on tho irain. FKIUMUIlt L1TTI.K, pii'i;himi:muint. Ii. U. CAtiD 10 1( , Jrn. FrHrh nnd Tiehrt Ai-cnt. ! ALL KINDS MiningTools Wriffht's I'JcUn, Shovt'Is, Iron EtarrowK, I'Av., I'M: POWDER AND FUSE, i PIPE FITTINGS, Brass Goods, StOTT, DimiM i tO'S, nla tilr.cl. Wet .l.lr, Next door to White House, i low roii CASH. SAN FRg.SIlSCO TRADE. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. r?i ; M -' ' V.-v.- . "T7"'-!n' 7; 1 6i r: . ' - --. T 11 K GREAT CALIFORNIA I VEGETABLE BLOOD PURIFIER. Hiiui is Tin: su:i;ka skvapa M,-nniars. in ir-e .uiderlul Sitc o ! iVi-ii'.-riiia. prow herb I.T.f ks.-wa tf- the . r.-i . ur,- :,..-KIU:i MA- :Ii.-M. ii;H T. SKI Kl.ulA. mid ilM- V; i'i('lWoi."s.1ii'';'.'i' ".tt le-.ii;;.. tT.Miisht 10 hiibl U. virtues 11 1 :h. potent herb h:i.-oouipoi:n.ioi Vi:i;r.f. sini.,k'i- rituui ur iho I'KKMAS tiN t Ci. KK ! Scrofil, Slt Rheum, and all Krnp-tlve Krnp-tlve nil C ut Hfoni U I senses. iiie itiimediste m. 1 p.-r:i;:i::e-l relief is UVM't-TMA. m.-H'::i. S. Kmc Worm. I rumor, lioil-. S.-.ld Head. I' ioer :m 'Sur.'; ern li-atJ irom the Mticai a l trace o; nieri'nriul ui.-c:i.'. n is rirta v stable, It i ther.'Tore re.-ul'nrly -:i.b!e for e by female mid ehil.irci a liLuJl) l'L'lU- fh-:k and ut:si' a ivit, Moiiiiais Who ih to find a ino.P.-ne reou!ir'v ji.iitpted to the cure. M III Mi'KS iul K1U' Tlt'SS in their children. ivJl find a ?Kte snd sure ourc in V fcili SANTA. 1'oriiala everywhere. RKDIXfiTllA, 1IKSTKTTKR CO. Afent, 59 and 531 Market St., Sun FraurUco. REDINGTON, HOSTETTER & CO., hi.porliTp and Jobbors of FtUKlLi. AXU UO.tlKSTIO DRKiS AM) nOIt'ALS, Klnr Kuriillnt (Hit, Gum, Hood, Srrd. FIom rm, ! tu Ren, Milus. I'omndf s, &.r., And all other Staple connected with th Wholesale and Retail lruc Itusine's. Cotictantly in receipt, I'- direct Import a lion, of h'uroponn nnd Aci.itie produeta. Exclusive Agents for Quicksilver, Ilostetler'si liittcrn. lrake". l'l.llil.ili -n lllt'er. Wolfs S.dn-i.Utii S hiinpps. Soel, b l'uhnoni.i)' Syrup, And all the leali:is "Proprietary Medtolnei both Aiuonoju and KuroieaQ. Orders ProiuUr nnJ Carefully Kxoouto 1. Not, O'itl mid t:il Market Sttt-n, llotween First and Second, San Francisco, California. my d Established is l&r2. ARMES & TTALLAM, Impoite'F, .)..l)btT. and NAM'tMCTVItKltS OF WoodiWillowWare BitixJMs.i-Aii.s.Trns, rnritss mkchh 1-.S. IIASK1-; I S, TWI NKS CuKIl.MlK M.VIt lll-:S, STATItiNKUV l'Al'l U UAtlS. t'l.OTHK HINdl.KS i-i:atiii.u iu s i i:i;s i ish. lNt,i TAl'K I.F.. 'U N 1'INS AM) HAI-l.', l"!XJ AND G l-.N VALA I, House rui'iiishiu (joods. DIHKCT IMPnilTi:iis,, llASIC HTS 1-RoM LKA L) I N 'i Ui:ii V N AMI FliKNCll MAM'l'ACTITti;il. Fll TDK Hit. It or S. V. 1'en-iiPMo.i Mii'.-h i '.nn n 1 MnMier. A 111 erica n Net and 1' me Ci inpii n j '.- I'm i ivr, lit.-ton 1-lax Millo1 J'wiiiih. l.O. t'onrny A 1 i-Ihiik Tackl-. II oil inn? north A W Inline I'm-.-i Uh,f, Slienu .ti'i- Improved OL.iIi-h Wmik..i.. i'. Iv (1ii-oJ A ii. 1-tMiuci- U lie inf. V, MoLauKlilin' KriiFlie'1, Our Pti'h l the Ui-ri-.I nn the Pi.lfln CtmNi, and o;ir idi'ilMic!- lur 111 n nul 1 u linn nnd iiporl inn -i).l)lr it to fill at l-iwot market pneo. tVBKND FUR CATALOriUlC. Kan. 11 Si. UI7 Nnirnmriitn Mttrl, hs kiiam:imo. TI. e rr.l K., ..u-.leni -The world may ho ml civ .'ht,jr;n.-i-d i n udure o .rr- I'nrrniit'H St-Mvr Aiirilnit l nf iln ntirinnl. 11... S,.H,-r Sprint "f (irr-runny. (irr-runny. I 1i A.-n-nt. I , ,-d fii a r-.irc-i nnl)-fi -1 He Kelt.-r W'n'. r ti- -r rop.Mi o t). .,, mm, 1 1.., -I l,v any oT 111 Ihfrl rni'l 11-1 l.h .;iMir f,,,,,,.! 1 ri nil mineial Pmiiiiiiri'i. I In ..,, inn 1. 1 1 i In l.rimt rrrl, , , 1V ,1,.. ;,,.,I(,r r of t;,..p... tuir.fl. d u.rl ,..,..-t, I, ....d .r..l.-..My .r..l.-..My th- U.I. ttm rno.L . t ),r I ,.- . ariil.iilioui piep.'.fati .1, on U,r h.oo ut lhv Hold Uy mil ITrtifiK ' STAR BAKERY. a (;oo, swi;i;t loaf. ' " ." PRKKH Kl'TTKIt AMI !:.;, VUnX MBAL, SHORT-, IIRAIV, f.HAIff, Groceries and Provisions, Kvi-7 dnj, wh'd, n' aft r'i'. I'BroH'ii j , taitt.. "ink-tr Bmipi, A a, Itw;if hand. KIt Doora Kat nf foil OltLtr. 1 Wthw) k KtAT'K, |