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Show LETTER MIOM KEMtlkV. iCrratwn,t,iKa uf lit. UmdU.j Lexington, Ky., Sept. 1 S7 1. Editor lierahl: Tho circuit court, now in session, has had to deal with sundry cases of misdemeanors, mis-demeanors, resulting so fai in consigning consign-ing several individuals to the "College: : of Keform" at Frankfort. The negro ! clement just now elevated to the status of "a man aud a brother," presents some amusing evidences of his fitness for the position. I give you one: Andrew sold Austiu somo tine, fat hogs, who paid him the money for them; shortly after which, the owner of tho hogd overtook his lost swine, aud Austin was arrested to answer for tho theft. lu court he was able to prove from whom he purchased them, but Andrew could not be found. This state of things leaving Austin still under the shadow, he volunteered to hunt his delinquent. He soon got on tho track, and found him hid on a farm some three miles from town. Austin, in his determination to secure him, forgot to draw his "warrant," but drew bin navy, (with which all are armed and well drilled), and emptied its content into his prisoner I The case has now assumed anothor phase, and after burying the body of Andrew, the court may leisurely consider the case of Austin, on negro instead of hog. A serious accident occurred yesterday yester-day evening, by which a little boy, ouly son of Mrs. Lewis, a widow lady, lost his life. A rock, weighing upwards up-wards of a pound, was thrown high into the air. from a blast from one of the new city cisterns, falling on the head of the boy, who was standing some distance liom the place, lie was killed instantly. Too much care cannot can-not be taken in so covering these blasts with timber as to prevent the dangerous danger-ous missiles from leaving the wclia. Tho weather is pleasant; and, considering con-sidering tho large fires which have lately left in ruins part of two handsome hand-some blocks of our oily, Lexington presents a pleasant appearance. Next week commences the races. All the fine stock of the country will be here. "Longfellow," and his iiery cousins will be.onhand. 11. |