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Show PACIFIC 10AST SEWS. FU1ST DISPATCH. CALIFORNIA. j San Fmneiseo, 1-1. Kdward Kagan was drowned from a fishing boat, near Saucclity yesterday. Ilo was L'o years old and unmarried. I (ien. French, U.S. army, will this1 evening be presented with a gold medal ; appropriately inscribed, by the a.-so-1 ciated veterans of the Mexican war. 1 A large number of guests will par-1 ticipate in the grand banquet and ball i at the Pacific Hall this evening in honor of the anniversary of the oceu-pation oceu-pation of the city of Mexico by the American forces under Gen. Scott. ' Twelve Chinese star actors arrived' by tho Alaska, and are preparing to add to the attractions of tho "Celes-1 tial" theatre on Jackson street. j The friends of Gen. Samuel G. Lllis and Capt. II. A. Gorley are straining! themselves to secure the Adjutant; Generalship under the new Governor. Stockton, 1-1. The attendance at the race track to-dny was unusually large. At - p.m. tho trotting race came off for all horses that had neper j beaten 2:-10 previous to August ISth,, best three in five, lbr a purse of $(300; first horse, iSO; Jnd, 1U0; 3rd, 50. 1 Kn tries; Sisson Girl, Coquette, Billy ' Haywood, Black Kalph, and Kate. First heat was won by Black Kalph; Kate and Coquette distanced time 2:41. The 2nd heat was won by Sis-son Sis-son Girl, time 3:44. Tljo next throe straight boats wore won by Billy Hay-. wood, time 2:44, 2:47J, 2:46$. Itaco j aud tirst money to Billy Haywood; 2ndj to Black Ralph; 3rd to Sisson Girl. The next was a running race, two-! mile hosts, free for all, best two and i three, for a purse of $200; 1st horse j $125; 2nd $50; 3rd $25. "Entries ; : Moderato, Moses Taylor,llomulusand Silver Tail. Won by Romulus in two straight heats; time, 3.57 and 4.03. The next was an equestrian exeroise for ladios. Bight ladies entered the lists. First prize for good and graceful horsemanship, or norsewomanship, was won by Miss Mary May bury; second by Miss Emma Gardiner. Tho assemblage at the Pavilion today to-day and this e ening is very large. Dr, Holbrook is now delivering an oration before the Association. The drawing of the San Joaquin ' Fair has been set for next Tuesday night. The wheels are being now placed in position. Santi Cru;:, 14. Sheriff Linooln 1 and posse, who were in pursuit of a gang of Mexican desperadoes, came upon Procopio concealed under a hay stack, who made a desperate resistance, but was iinally killed by a volley tired by the sheriff's party. Narciso Uoderique was arrested on syspicionjof being concerned lu the stage robbery iu Monterey county a short time sinoe. Los Angeles, 14. A nortv deer- hunting in the mountains north of Anaheim, discovered a silver ledge, and ; have sent ore to San rrancisco ior an assay. The mine is about thirty miles from this city. Santa Cruz, 1-1 Tho name of the Spaniard killed by the sheriff's posse last night was Paucho Borcumeo. lie was ono of a ,Tang tbjit robbed the Visalia stage. The officers who participated par-ticipated iu the conflict with the Spanish de-perado, this morniug learned that a Mexican who had been concealed in a gully close to the scene; of tho affray, and who is said to be' badly wounded, was hastily removed ip a buggy as soon as the firing ended. From facts iu the possession of the authorities, there is every reason to believe that this was the notorious Procipio, aud that he received his wounds at tho hands of officer Liddle, in the Plaza of this city, on the night of the 11th. lie will probably be in custody in a few hours. San Francisco, 1 j. Brandiu Oliver and Phillip Eugenia, Frenchmen, were sent to tho comity com-t lor trial to-day, ior the most infamous crime known to law. The friends of McGlyuu and Rosen-feld Rosen-feld are hopeful yet of the election of their favorites, and betting is still going on. OREGON. Portland, 14. An ordinance has passed and been approved by the Mayor, authorizing the construction of a street railway, work to be commenced within six months. Miners arc suffering at the Peace River tilings, provisions being very scarce. SECOND DISPATCH. CALIFORNIA. San Francisco, 15. The examination examina-tion into the case of R. J. Canfield, clerk of the 4th ward, arretted by U. S. Inspector of Registration, Nathan Holland, charged with getting up a fraudulent poll district, was held today to-day and resulted in his honorable acquittal. ac-quittal. The steamer NticLorv, for the Colorado river to-morrow, will carry 100 U. S. troops arrived from the east for Arizona; and Major Newton, paymaster of the department of Arizona, Ari-zona, also goes there to pay off the, troops stationed in that Territory. ' |