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Show ADVANCING ix Y EARS. We had uo idea the Herald was so old in years until the last number of the Scientific Pnss reached. us. Wo there find, in its Salt Lake correspondence, j that the Herald is "the official organ ' of the Mormon church, aud was pub- j ltshed for sixteen years as a weekly be-! fore being issued daily!" As we were! in at the start of this paper, and have' kept close by it since, on reading this somewhat curious piece of information there was a natural rush to a mirror, to see whether tbe editorial capillary 1 substance had grown white with age or was merely a mottled grey. The in-i formation of the Pri&s correspondent' must bo coirec;, very correct, for he called in the Herald office, and when ! we informed him this paper was not the organ of anybody but its editors, he evidently must have known better than we did. If tho Detent -Vers had not been named in tha same sentence, ' we might luve imiiatd U.U lTci. puniui rcitired lo u; as the JVlijs has b-oa publistJ ii j, v;cekly sicca UOj, is the oiicst paper vest of the Mis ouri river, and is "the official organ of tho Mormon church." Hut -,ve must accept the statement of Mr. M. with regard to our advanced age, although it takes away some gratuh-tory gratuh-tory thoughts ut the rapidity with which the Ueuai.d has reachfd it-, prc-ent position und popuniriiy. |