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Show INKLINGS. Edwia Forrest is a millionaire and One-half. Woodhull and Claflin call each other "Meter," and dress alike. The Chieapo Tribune laments that Mr. Greeley, in his wnrk upon farming, neglected to treat of the relative cost of crops of plaiti-hand!ed brooms and the red and blue variety. The largest well that has been struck for a long time in Petrolia, Oat., commenced com-menced pumping recently, and has continued to yield at the rate of two hundred and fifty barrels per day. The consumption of artificial flowers flow-ers of all kinds in the United States amounts to $15,000,000 worth annually. annual-ly. They have been chiefly made in France, but should be made in this country. In a Methodist church in Quebec, duiing service, a lively do?, religiously inclined, filed his appearance, and for a considerab e time played steeple-cl.ae over the pews. With snme difficulty he was eaptured and ejected forthwith. forth-with. A f-ixteen yar old girl, near Pittsburgh, Pitts-burgh, last week, kicked her father through the house, and across the jai d, and locked him up in the cow stable, because he went to twn and spent a.l his money for whiskey instead of buying buy-ing her a new bonnet, as promised. A Virginia paper cites a remarkable remark-able instance of the efficacy of abstaining abstain-ing from medicine, a lady in that State, who has reached the age of ninety six, and throughout all the long years of her life has taken but three pills and buried bur-ied three husbands. The lion. It. It. Butler is about to bring his acquittal to pecuniary ac count by suing for libel all the papers that have expres-ed an unfavorable opini"n of him, the damages to hit, fair fame being estimated at $'M, 0U0 in each instance. As there are about 8000 papers published in America, his prospective profit will be $210,000,-000. $210,000,-000. A society has been organized in Chicago under the name of the''French Producers' Aid Organization, " for the purpose of sending seeds and agricultural implements to thu t-uffer-ing and impoverished French peasantry. Governor John M. PalunT is Pre-ident olihe n;-sociation, with Vice Pendents from all parts of the State, coruprUing many leading agriculturalists. The American Publishing Compnny of llanford, Connecticut, are about to is.-ue a new monthly pper, to 1-e called the Amcriajii 1'ablUhcr. It will be an eight-page literary journal, and enducted by Orion Clemens, a brother of ''.Mark Twain." Ic wi.l contain nothing but original matter, and has among its contributors some of our bet writer-, among whom we may name Mark Twain, Col. Hay anl many others. |