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Show SELECTED. JIVRDEE V THE AIR. The following chapter, in three verges, is from the Pioche Etcord, o: Sunday kit. It must be a nice place down there,as remarkable for its quiet ness as for its "virtue" that ever keep? railing against Utah : An attempt at murder took place at the 21-mile station on Thursday last. Tne attempt was made by .Mrs. Uiuz man, alias Mrs. Steele, against the Hie of her husband, Isaac tLuztnan. The affair occurred on the arrival of the stage at the above station. Mrs. Iinz man had got aboard at this station aud was on the outside, having paid her passage from the station below to .fioche (intending to grace this village with her presence), but her husbaud being lord and master (in a horn), attempted at-tempted to use his influence in inducing induc-ing her to stay, but she refused; he insisted in-sisted iu a forcible way, when she, to demonstrate the fact that s.ie wouldn't be forced, leveled a sis-shoo:er on him and tired, striking him ones on the collar-bone in front, and once in the side the latter glancing on the ribs. Sufficient to say Mr. Hinzman immediately imme-diately retired in good order. The siage then drove to Pioche with this gentle creature on board. On the arrival ar-rival of the stage she was arrested by Deputy Shenif John Pattie, and lodged in the county jail. Dr. Philson left for the scene of action immediately after the neivs reached Pioche, and returned re-turned early on Friday morning, lie fiititid his oxnected corn.? in no virv dangerous situation the small quantity of lead he had swallowed in no way in terfering with his digestion. After extracting ex-tracting the ball striking the collarbone collar-bone he returned to town, probably out of pocket some 50 for wagon to go there. That there is murder in the air now as spring approaches is apparent appar-ent to every one two murders and one attempted murder occurred in one week. About sunset, as the laundrymen of Messrs. Kelly & McDonald were returning re-turning from Pioche with clothes collected col-lected during the day, they were met by a boy in their employ just below their house at Highland Springs, who told them there was a man iu the house with a double barrel shot gun. When they reached the house the man came out in his shirt sleeves and leveled his gun at Mr. Kelly. Kelly said: '"Voung man, don't shoot me until you tell ine what it is for." By this time, McDonald Mc-Donald seeing ihe gun, endeavored to seize him. .Before he reached him the man wheeled and shot McDonald in the breast. McDonald threw up his aruis and said l'My Lord" and expired. The remaining barrel he aimed at Kelly, who, endeavoring to dodge fell over a rock, and arising rushed to Stanton's house and gave the alarm bringing back with him some ten men. hen they arrived on the scene they found the man endeavoring to get away with the wagon. Mr. Stanton called out asking what he was doing, wheu he said: ''Stanton I know your voice; come here, I won't shoot you. I have killed a man and am going to kill my-se my-se f." Before Stanton could reach him he placed the revolver to his ear and blew out his brains. Both the suicide and the mutdered man are now lying at Stanton B house. The author of this tragedy is unknown. Xo cause is as-siirued as-siirued for the act. Coroner and Sheriff Sher-iff left for the scene as we go to press. "John Kellow," we learn, is not the proper name of the man murdered on Wednesday evening last. His name is John Claffy. This was only known to a few, as he was a deserter from the regular army, aud changed his name to avoid detection. He took the maiden name of his mother, by which he was generally kuown at the time of his death. |