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Show TO FRUIT-O ROWERS. Know all men ,y ), 'rc-cntH, that Manful it Siockuian have received another lot of Halt. Lake I'eachei. The above i-i an advertisement in the '.Vest Liberty, Iowa, :'nirrj,ri.ic of Friday, February J 7 1 Ii . It, lelli iir. own story plainly erio'K'li, and puts to flil'lit, a whole Ii'mI of sneers a fain the pofnlii i'y of Salt, l, ike l oin;: nblo tu derive, a revenue I'mm fruit with iho railroad uero-j4 the Continent, One m" 'Le 'irHl resiilld of the gn at railroad is the finding of Utah salt and Utah fruit in every town of importance from Ogden to Chicago. This advertisement advertise-ment is strong encouragement to our horticulturists to persevere in procuring the best qualities of fruit that can be grown in this re:; hi. Dried peaches have this fall and winter been shipped extensively east. But fresh pulled fruit must be made a large item of exportation ex-portation in the season; not peaches alone, but apples, pears, plums, apricots, apri-cots, strawberries and grapes. Our bench landa should have acres of strawberries planted on them, as well j as grapes for y'mous purposes and for i exportation in the bunch. This matter is one of no- little importance. im-portance. There have been thousands of bushels of peaches wasted hero, fed to hogs, trampled under foot, made into brandy, or allowed to iium,mnJ Tf it. p.;i ; ,- fr-rior, cut down the trees and let them throw up fresh, young shoots. In a year, they can be budded with the best varieties to be procured, and in a couple of years more, or so. they will bear and be a profitable investment. Fruit-growers, the few lines that head this article furuish a more convincing argument iu favor of the pecuniary benefit to be derived from fruit, than a volume written on it could do. Wyoming, Wyo-ming, C ilorado, Nebraska, Towa and a largd portion of Llino s cau be supplied from this valley, as Delaware sends her peaches into the more nortnern regions. Think of it. |