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Show "Polite Attention." Ladies are recommended to provide themselves with an escort of some kind, either of the masculine gender or some protective protect-ive weapon, against the "polite attentions" atten-tions" of certain hombres who probably like to be called "geut'emen." The fellow who was so persistent in his of- f-rs np n 1 1 pnl inni fn a Lirltr tliA nrlsnr w .J , ...V night, on South Temple St., "will re-ojivo re-ojivo the thanks of her husband by sending his address to box 163, post office. We are not sure whether the thanks would be tendered with a club or a cow hide, but they would bo decidedly de-cidedly striking iu their application. It might be added that the lady in question ques-tion is a tolerable good shot with a small pocket pistol, which she keeps at home as a favorite toy, and will likely carry around with her in future. |