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Show Koor Wantkd. A furnished room in a private family, with or wiihou. board, is nt,d by Mr. ad. Sec ,,i3 notic.,ead.d "U anted. Wavied-A f.-wioo 1 crprnters an-3 joiner.. Apply to l'uli0m & l' La.t Chkck at thk Raffle. All tho'e holding t ck-.-ts l".,r Nellie Coie-.-(Wk'e Piano ralSW'11 please present i'e ssrne to-diiy at .Mrs. Colebrook's It.re or they will be f'ri'eited or thrown fur ' There are a few yet that are not in adv AccTioy Sale. Wo will sell at ri'BLIO AUCTION, at 10 o'clock thi. I'-.renoon. at our Auction Stand, on 2d rioutu str.-et, a large lot of guns, carbine',, car-bine',, and cartridges, sadoles ana p., aches. Also un assortment of bedding, bed-ding, lurniture, boots and shoes, and "tioral merchandise. ::dv Ll-NCnLX & STEVEXS. What is life without Hialth And how tew are free from, tho numerous numer-ous ai m--nts arising from an impure stHto of the blood? lie warned in time, and purify your blood and restore your health, by takine YEKliA SAX PA the lest blood purifier known, as the numerous nu-merous certificate's of remarkable euros accompanying each bottle unquestionably unquestion-ably prove. I'or sale by all Druggists. Eedding-tom, Eedding-tom, IIostettkr. & Co. agents, No. 6:-& 6:-& 6;j1 ALarket street, Nan Francisco, ad GO AND SEE Phil. Jlargetts, if vui want ft glass of genuine EN G1.IJT ALE. adv If too want a .No. 1 Suit, go to 11. Jjarl, Socond South St.. adv Ukciemas's (jkxui.vs Cod Liver Oil. For Consumption, Scrofula, &e. Our Cod LivtT Oil is warranted pun N E WFOUN DLAN D OIL,. It has stood the test of over twioity years' experience, exper-ience, and can be relied on in every particular, par-ticular, auui'acturod by Hkoeman fc Co, Chemists and Druggists, Nert York, and sold by all Druggists. Jewelry of the finest quality and in great variety, optical goods, silver plated ware, thecelebrated ELGINT WATCHES, WATCH-ES, &c., at Carl C. Asmusservs New Hock Building, opposite Salt Lake Exchange. Ex-change. adv Fresh Salmon, wholesale and retail, at J. It. Clawson's, adv Choicest Cigars, tobacco and sta-n.mery sta-n.mery at LI. Aruier s, opposite "Walker Uro's. adv For a stylish pair of Punts go and see t. Earl.Groesbeck's Buildings, Second South St. adv FKESH A K RIVAL. Fine English alo on draught, at Phil. Margotts'. adv Proclamation to tub Purlic I do hereby issue this my Proclamation, to the travelling public : Parties visiting Salt Lake City and uoing east on the U. P. K. li., will find it to their advantage to leave Salt Lake City on tho evening train and remain over at Ogdon that night, thereby having hav-ing a good night s rest, and so be tresh for travel at 8 o'clock a, m., when the dailv express train leaves this depot. At the Ogden House we offer as good accommodations ac-commodations as any hotiso west ot Omaha. Froo busses at every train to and from the depot. a,1v Jons AlAItox, Proprietor. 013 "Heap Smoke." Go and see that mammoth Cigar at Ed. Harris', three doors east of Post Office, and get one of his "Salt Lake Beauties;" they are deli cious. Best of chewing tobaccos, pipes, cards, canes, collars, knives, and other fancy notions. Cigars cheap at wholesale. whole-sale. Be sure you go and see him. adv For Sale, on very reasonable terms, a few hundred "feet" of verv rich mining mi-ning ores, in the "Tintic," "Lafayette," " Anthony Wayne" nRd " Eureka" Lodes, Tintic Mining District. Shafts have been sunk in ail of these claims, therefore the purchaser can inform himself him-self and know what he is buying. For particulars inquire of J. II. Simmons, At his residence, opposite City Hall. advj25 Carter at his gallerv always pleases every person with his life-Lke portraits. Have you seen the superb portraits that ne takes four for One Dollar? adv For a good meal go to J. R. Claw-son's. Claw-son's. advjl3 SHADE TREES, LOCUST! ad 1 KM TREPARKD TO FURNISH ANY 1 .yof L.os-.Llan.iM , .r-e.-, y 1 .o tir-n of-.lt Miit..r,-. ' i- ir.l ' any i an wii the l.Qe ot rail!" 1 A. C. PVPtB. A-Hrc. rankiM Lciuiricf, t PretidtntB. raiMi SMIY mis, j Jordan Street, 17th Ward. Half-a-block w:t cf iLt Tabernacle, j S A LT LAKE CITY, UaTiDIT the late, t iinTr-'i Machinery frr workiLt in I Iron. Wood h Brass, I Can manufacture k;r, h of ach tlt rol, Ttirnlng Lath, Kan Blower, F-ir ( nl line and I Holt Srrrwlnf Hrhinr, hff ! Vato, ( "lion, oolr n and trtt Mt hlncr) , Kir., Kir., Ktc. ' ; "Vasatch"c"l f ' "'-j ' I. l-jti.w.M-r.c-.' X ia-. snm- y C ,..::.. I r , -, " 1- . J . v l....e ' : .. 1-r.. I . e I- K i'- t' -'. " ' ' ? : L o u:. .o .. :.( 1. y a.zi "t.-e.i. 1.1 - e ,t. - F. A. 1ITt llf-.l.t.. DO fl Pi i-'OUNI Uf: ,ZL i . . . t?t3'i AND STEhL At nf-lt i loftiiian'!-. Opposlta Salt Lk. Hoax. Trees! Trees!! Fruit Trees, ! Shade Trees, I Ornamental Trees, Gooseberries, Shrubbery. Currants, Greenhouse Rapberries, Plants. Ktc. Ute., Etc. Ktc. njS:RW.;n and f.:h.st, P. 0. Bex 355 SALT LAKS CITY, 1. T ! Z. C. M. I. Clothing Departm't Great reduction IX Winter Clothing! OVERCOATS, BLANKETS, HEAVY GOODS, iS'D ALL WINTER CLOTHING AT Greatly Reduced Rates FOR A S1I0RT SEASON. Now is the time to Buy! Also a Full Variety of GENT'S FJRNISMINj G33DS Gents'. Ladies' and B'lys' BOOTS & SHOES Gents' Youths' and Bays' HATS and CAPS. TRUNKS in all styles and qualities. Valisks and Carpet Sacks. Carpets,Matting,Floor Cloths Wall Paprr and Dccoralious. Alwaye od hand ami for ale by the yard, a Ure stock of French and English Caestmeres, Doe skins, Dtiwtri, WUKnry Cloths, Home Mario Tweeds, Ac. SUITS MADE TO ORDER ! Gentlemen's Clothing, or Military P-.iitp, made to ortlnr in the cwe.-t Style ot FiMon on 'he shorio-t notice, first-class Fit and Workmanship (juarautoeJ. ivliLITAHYTRiMMiiluS IN GREAT VARICT1". nil II. B. CLAWOX, c'i tt. GRAY, J3MES, & CO. 1IF.I-OT OF III F. SANTA CRUZ TANNERY Wi.srrATUKFi;-i or Onlt fo!n !..: I Ii 41 BATTERY ST., SAX PRANCIsCO. fjy H.DINWOODEY, FURNITURE DEALER And uriioi.Tfi'.itr:i:. All kin.lt of IMPORTED FURNITURE Ooctantlr on han-l&t the S-ilesniom, EAST TEMPLE ST Every dwcrii'tiuo i-f HOME-MADE FURNITUHE At the Fat'jry aii'l S;ilrr""!n, FIKT JrUL'TlI STREET, S. L. CITY COFFINS, i'Iai. mid ok ;-n:M" i, f-l A'wa.-.-i in CMck. SEEN, iUUk CA"PEILL BISCUIT BAKERS, Anl m.i.5''urri of d, Bnilnn, Hiltr. F'lr tr, ti C r , Milk and L. . n l r cri AC xl fci , -T. r.r v I. - piic. . - - , ; r. r,, -t hr.a.j, .-rn I',. l H j, i, t . T l - r- k-' - ' . f a -a m - i, A -r s . . ,.. Bkr-2n mn H t Mu.l.,n -l ., nl Mi Mi' rwi ui t . , m W 1-. ( SPECIAL NOTICE. la- "J L A I'jT GKAXD Gift Enterprise! T'r.e u-ic-';r.f.i ro.c- io sr.-u.-? that !u $5,000 B" Tli SALF. OF .COO Ticketsat $5 Each, Arith.i; on or bi:Vre the Srsi dirofMay, DKAAVIX; FOU GIFTS l"u.:er the sv.p?ry'.-:.cn rf a C-vr-Tivue .Cv-l-d :u s;:.i'iip our m,'t ro;u :u e?T irn-, a. vi v-on.'u 't''J ur u tre s.ixe ( ruu- y o w -. ion rove. i sv sa. o-s' ul i : 1 ' e r.- -i KiM Corcvri vribrK-:..:::. 'ire Vroj.:.t: S O O WILL SE AFPflCPElATED TO GIFTS! i ;tn or - s.oo (..His of Si''1 eieh, - -n 4 A a - QO " - -r'll 4rt 10 - (' liS 5 - '-0 it GlUs. Value 5i,50O CL-ina s trj'w F1YK O X K a c-'insi The b ,lanc?. : . w.ll. stt j. ,hio'inc ex pen www rot in oarr; u;i o.it t.ie M-jime, be ao;i;oi to the Salt l.aUo Kxrliai.jrc and To si l in the m.iin' en:inip :n i w i po-t o t' the Insinuti n. u . ii mio:i ti iu- n. pufiio p :i t n ii j; e 1 1 b c u ili o i e ii t l J c u .i b . c i l l o b e .-fU'-supporiiiiK. The i'ane ant y'ar of Driuinj in.'t be Tickets can be r-urohaseJ of the Trcn-'urer, O. C. OSHOU.NK, Kq,. WITH WAl.KFR UKO'S, H whom -ho proi-ppiis will be retninrj until the draw ns i.iko y.w a'tor w i. U lie will hmi I .her t Hie 1' wi- H-hl.Ts i htir rt's pi'ct ive h iu"U'i' s mut hi i y i ho b.il.inoe to tue p'.ri.K-e.- heron. bo. ort i itim-d. F.rcrv iniiriti-nl '",, i : t r. ? fr tiro iirkt'ts ri!l br ent;ti, on iut.:t thn ou a .'') ( r, r i:tc jr use inr lifiniinii .:i$ !.: fnits. Truslrrs nitd M a ni. f; t j Commitirr M. II- W.U.KKI!, t'WIl. CtMi'.ANP, K. FAKl'i:K, S W M.KI'K. It W. K. ,1 k.NM'N'S, V M S O.U'lll 1.1,, O. 1-. 'l I'.VKNS.iN, It. ii. KAVH'M I I", 1'. IKASlKU W. I'. Al'i'l.LbV. B K X Til l F HI , (lencml tupcrintiMiiicut. S. L. City, F.-b. 10, 1. 1. Tlionm T.:itimer, . 11. K-loin, ! (icoiKO 11. l';iv,ur, lio.r;o Honiiitfy ( II A(iR OF PIUM. Tlie TlHiiitig Mill, Snh ninl Poor Fho-tory Fho-tory of FOTjSOM, 3 t D IVJ IV FY t". Will hereafter do huinc; undor the firm naiiitf ul LATIMER, TAYLOR & 10. SASH A" fi-'-'S on lmnU Htid nindo to fl'lflR I-' ife I -uicl, lM'Mild.'i, p.th U JU llJ ir. I.i'fc.' i" ( -1 -o.! , m n y thiekucji-, i urkiii'l, lur-lusued lur-lusued t'i tirder. WINDOW Wiih np, ,beii I and fh1i, FRAMES c""",Ul"' CD ? CC Taiiol fr.'iii:', plain donrBiM rnMrvi Co wmduw tiHinu.. MOULDiNGSK,!.,",!;.i:""in. 1 1 1 i - IlliU 1'iM II iflt). C fiRI'n Tnna.M-l an I prwiv(..l ,,. I LU J lli i U r 'i ii ir -iK - ii h Miid and forked in oid.r. LIJV7 TfTO iM.Hi'd owl "f Win ir. to t O ii j, L . 1 t ti ..'kin"--, it nd n pp-d to n .iy .! -, ltd MtO. Planer anJ Circular Saws Kuimiiiff nil t oi' 1 1 in c. MLMXi; DIMItlCTs Supplied f'ti : ii"i t Tiotir. Uivc u.1- a eall, or ;i 1 i i hy !m lt to o I.A I I 'IHI, I A I.IIU o,, 1-9 Ol.f Jilock WV'l,. ..bvtNMOlo 23. C M. D. BOOT AND SH0S I) pa r( iih nl At tho Miiiii "f thr "BIG BOOT" (.'hll Kiid KiHimiiu our r Ii "i i fr k H 0 hi E- ill A D i And Iiiijxii t( il 30DTS KM Si!3r.G LD Li' ',3 tlMi' V:'. S il. -1 1 I '"i s'.-- r-r ,. .,,. .. I i li' i. 1 I ) ( illlil.Ii - 'I ' ! ;.., .,. ,V.-.V.iy ,..! I',,. iiipll, , nil.,,. I. I .. M. I.... i:... -, i , . , , .. i , , , I.. ! h. r. I ... I ...I ln I r. ... I. - .. .. . ... m n i m I f U It... .,, f r ( fnrl.it ,,f fc l. ( m ...1 I I h . .,f M r.l II - .!..' .1 h ...I tfr' ll.tr. I ..Mm... AI... m Fa!! Stcck cf S.zz FiiiJis. mii. i:oi;(;i r. 1 s :-!' - ' ; .ir .. I i,; I ' !( i I ..n - l..,,.,..V... ., y. . ,v i, :.,, M, i, ', nt .., ,, . , w.'j .. tj. ,,' J, ,,' -,, I Si,"". ' u, b. LLAV.'o'jIi pu |