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Show O.nlt Thins. The amount of unmitigated un-mitigated donkeyism that is sometimes developed in this western country is astonishing. There is a small trader in town here who declares the municipal muni-cipal corporation has no right, to charge him license for keeping store. He imagines that it is tyranical and all that for the city to claim anything for the support of the municipal regulations, regula-tions, officers and legitimate expenses. Some three months ago he was fined i 10 for not having license, which he declared he would never pay. An execution ex-ecution was issued, but was held over until yesterday without being presented, to give him every chance. Yesterday it was put in force, when this peculiarly peculiar-ly intelligent individual wouldn't pay the fine personally, but paid it through another. He petitions for a license. but will only do it through his agent, who is his wife. In fact, he seems to think if he were personally to recognize the existance of a City Council that he did not help to elect, he would be perpetrating per-petrating a crime for which there would le no forgiveness "Xot for Joseph." And of such is a portion of the world composed! |