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Show KEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW MUSIC STORE ! Just Rcceired, a .fine assortment of 1'IAJVOS, OltttAXS, Violins, Guitars, Banjos, Accorcleons, Conceit inas, SH ET MUSIC. ALL KINDS OF STRINGS, And everything down to a Jeio's Harp, DAYfJES &CO'S, Two doors eat of Post Offi"l!. WAITED 4 FURNTGHED ROOM. WITH nr'WITH-r nr'WITH-r OU T B--AttL, for the Summer, in a Private Family Addie-"?, Kivintr location and time to call. Term? cash weekly in artvimce. City reference ref-erence wven. B. AV. VA'Ii, Feb. 25, JS71. P. 0 Box 4-lG. o 5 r -3 , W h i Hi BS f B o 5 C3 S g - C3 h -J : - f s 1 3 H r i &5 , H H- g n 2 A., cftj A.. S. R, a PT. J0ITN"S LODOE OF PL11FEC-f PL11FEC-f TIOV. N' 1. A. A A . R.. UK-etP in Jv Masonic Hall ever Tuesdiiy cveninfr r iit half ia t u-vn f cluck. Al n-bcrs n-bcrs in ool fun ling are invited f a'end. IRA M. SWAKTZ, T. F. TRxCV, f U Secretary. T. I. 0. M. POSTS WANTED. AViitcd S.rKJ R-d Pino P--m. 9 ft l-ug .! nit te ilina 8 .ticlirt dKinti-r Ht h t"i. dt-lin-d iheU. C R. R. (U'p-.i, S-lt UkeCity. Writ leu pni'n-U recfivetl U t i Mrrli 1-t. F. LIT rLK, h u pe r 1 it t e n d r n t THE OLDEST-AND BEST House in the Territory! ESTABLISHED lS.jt jTEASDEL & CO.. MANUFACTURERS A N II WhoU'siile mill Retnil Dealer in Ltallu r Wo liavo been minunictuiinK Boots and Shoes For upwardi of And with rnfntly ItiTcninc f'iHtir for tho bufinci are now uiiiKinf th bi-.i Boots and Shoes Of 1I ilefc.-ibtioD., anJ arc tho mly hou in UTAH TERRITORY th.it niik Boots and Shoes From Lc-Uhor f their own tnnniri. We wnuld aJvio tho Public hrfire pur-obajiiim pur-obajiiim tlinr Boots and Shoes To Bro th it cur trade ninrk. VM. .IKNNINOS A C O., in tlnuifd on enrh hAq, AW 'jot?.! lirtiiiif our fflff inn il arc, ftitirntitrrt) TEASDEL & CO, S. I,, (,'ilr, T oll. I7I. Kcda, Butter, I iUl.lLLKIlW, & o CO Very Cheap. 3 CD U01S0JJ pUB AMUSEMENTS. THEATRE GREAT SUCCESS Saturday Evening, Feb. 25th Will be presented, after careful preparation, for the ?cjud time in this citv. the thrilling thril-ling Drama, entitled LONELY MAN OF THE OCEAN! OR TBK Night Before the Bridal. With now Scenery an 1 Stao J fleets, including inclu-ding the TERRIFIC SKA ITGIIT BETWKKS TBK Man-of- Wars Man and the Privateer To eonelude with tho lauhabl Farce, entitled THE LOS 1' CHILI), BQLLERKATINO ! PLIMPTOX'S Celebrated Circular Skate, Now ued in San Francisco, Oablnnd. Sac-rameuto, Sac-rameuto, tan J.-ee. SLofkton. Virginia City and other places on the da-it. i the only Skate that gives rert'ect satisfaction. There Ii no more healthy cicrrlxe thmi Holler sknt I n. It give race to the carritge nml nffonU a hralthy in vlgrat liK exercise Hint can be oh allied In no other way- I-mllr a'i Gentlemen Gen-tlemen ivlll find It tiie most fascinaiiiiy recreation. AT BALLO'S HALL, FIRST Bt.CTB STRKKT, EVERY U.aY AND EVESIXU. siy.'ATa kic rritu. Halt open from 10 to VI a.tn. ; i to 5 p.m. and Vi to U4 p.m. ADMISSION, 2'ic. USE OF SKATES, 25c FUASKll MOWEK, Pri'iinetors. Will open Saturday even'mj, February ISth. 117 O K A N U Vocal and Instrumental CONCERT Hbp th hri'ir to inf rm hi frin N nJ the public lUAl tie will f re a tir-in-i MUSICAL SOIREE 1 TBI S?.lt Lake Theatre, ). TIT.SDAY, FKIl. -2S, When the ,rwnr w11-kn'wn Artists i.l i-('CAr : 31 II H. I- . CAHK.tKSS, The 1'ojiuliir Vyci i t. .M AUK C H X A I. I. , K H U The ta't-nle 1 C'rnct l'..iyr. W . C . I V Si HAH, K 1 lli kitJly conicnt--! t-- in-tir on ttii o-c o-c fin. A I.- (he ?'( nni'ii'-V TtUnt tKe ( : v , i it Songs, Solos, Duetts, Trios, Quartettes, Etc., Etc. Ti-kclrAn b ! 'e.l itnnnf Mr, J.'. ii rfiaiu. t l li 1 uc'.rc --e. at uui tl Kur f ill I'ArticuI ir ire l'roirrii:ue. Half ft blook w"t f Preid'Bt Vouti'i JOHN V. VOl ;, - Prop. DlnlMI THIS WKKK, GRAND M0VIN3 PANORAMA OF CHINA AND JAPAN, WITH PESCKII'TIVK I.KCTt I'.K. Al 11 m.. 2 a4 4 p.m. di;y. n.iili, nir.l. n,l Hrptllr. WolTtrin... r"r, F"i".. M"iintin I'rcr, Lrm. WiM CaK. Au. Imp.rUnt enU.elion of NUrt M ncral.; AiIiimhmosi, nO rh, ( hildien, H " Ul.n .Tory 'lay irpi unnny. iroia 0 a.m. In ft p.iu Koriliiii; 'I'inir, :i . m. J. I.. ntllFIMlT, n.n.crr. xso,ooo VIII Ml KKKIM.IMI Apple Trees Urmlv f,.r Hii iilinn ml m : i u r Yirff N ur'rirrJ ; with ;i hirto 1"! . MOX IlLDLU'rilLLS Knr Hlni'li-. All l,ir V .-li . in i .milieu. I,y ST A INKS .v. I.IVISOX. r::i MORE LIGHT! ,Vi . for All! 1HEDAMF0HTH FLUID Ih llio I.it'lit fur llio lVoplo. Onl.y (). M'i ii:il . It V Til K K1VK (lAI.I.ONS. Tliir. ii..ii;t urn X I'll, w iiliimi I'liiuiiM i. Ilii tliinn TIIK I'A I K I. KII'S Am llic nnly I'nrlorl ly pu'p Ininl'.. AH HA KK AH CAN hl.KH. A NtW AllilVAi If lAMfb, IANTI.HNS AMI t-1 HID i' ft i; i, si: .v o., r,,rnrr n-'illli of WiiMtrr llri..'. CITY LIQUOR STOBE; ) rep cHWiintly mi limi'l, Cli'iiP I in pnrtril MQimiW AND WINKS, Al Umi lliii-n. 11 II o ir, v it v. u III I I, ln li , HIT h.mmt 'li.iiln Hlrvl. D.C.BWFIELD Has Just IVreived and is now opening a New, Freh Stock OF Direct from the East and West, consisting of MINERS' Outfitting Goods, Hardware, liquors, Tobacco, Cigars, Crockery, CLOTHING, BLANKETS, AND Boots and Shoes, OF CALIFORNIA V.AN'JFACTUHE, fit Store in Groesbeck's Block, Ojijiositc the L'tejihant Store, SALT LAKE (JIT Y, UTAH Where he cin and will offer illSIlPASSEl IIUCEHHS To all who may favor Lim with tlicir i-atrunajre. Kr'tniinc the .V'"i'V ind Jadje f"r yuursc'tts, fl 7 A FEW WORDS TO THE PUBLIC. Certain Acent of Oryan Maker.-Ti-itinc this city have In-'cn repre.-cnt-in (hat thi ir iii'tniMients are fu!ly a eu, id a, tiik Mason A Hamlin Ur-iIAN Ur-iIAN C'i's maVe. li :;n Mason A Uamun l)m; Cos Gi:nkral jAiiKNTS roll I'lAII, we U-c to say ihui we are prelate J to rove, UK jvo.NI A I.I. ro-MHiI.lrV OFAIkiLIIT. that then iii-lniimntH are H'l'EiiloH in K.vni'.v iur.LT to ricse un,v H'ftrr jii'tht r. 1 lie C.'Uip-my's snV' are over TWO lliMmm run vi:K, I i r . neailj dniii'le li.it ol' any uili'-r llivm l ..e-nr' ..e-nr' in Hie w r.d. W Ihti rr they li.-vi' t'i'i'ii rln' i;id they have inn-firmly inn-firmly ! tin- a.'.ir.N at In- ilii-in.il Fairs in 'iml in: the M f.l'AI. AT TIIK I'.MUS F.XIM-IlToN. 1U :l).iik-a-linti wi- will hirin-h the tf-tuinniy ol m arly one thmi-ati 1 Mii-:eia,., mend-inc mend-inc (he nni't pri'Uiiin'nl tlram-is, 1'iani-ls C''i'Ji"'er, Musical Conductors, Con-ductors, IliriH'ioi.H iif l),r.is Ae,, in Auirnea and liuropi-, w h, iiiv!re that tln-y nre M T '.moil in Al t. in II Kits. Vc have the U'-iimnny ol .Iom-i'Ii II. Ki U.-, K-. , htiiider of the ..lt Lake '.real Ore ot, FroleN.-or- tii'orce Carrli'-s .li'htt Tulii,li;e nnd O. l'ratt, dr.: C J. l.unill'tnl. and lien. Judson. in i kith and ri'i'airvrs ot organs and hi Iter reed inMriiini'iits and many olhrr inuu-ian in tlie 1 rriiory, to the M'-ri.ltioiin M'-ri.ltioiin v oKTIIl.sr.oitUANs; (o whom we if n (o reli r nil pi rsnns who inleitd liireh:i-ini:. K have mi.i ovf.h onk lU'Nlntn or.HANs, and many ol our en-.ionu'rs, Irmti ad parts ol' the li'rntory, have written lis enlhtisias-lie:il!y enlhtisias-lie:il!y in thrir praiM-. We liave been ollen d the Agency of many of the pi ineipal makrrs, in, hi-dnik: hi-dnik: all the orcatis inlrodnei'd ill (his eity up to dale, nnd have had live lead-im; lead-im; ork'ans plaeed si'ie ly side with ihoH'ol ihe Ma-mi A ll.milin Oriran Co's, and the unaniiiitut" verdiet id iur home iiHMeiatis was Ut.it (!n'y wvre infrrior to tho-e of our compiiny. W'e did nut neecpt the Ati'iiey id" -tny id tln'M', iilihuueh rll'-tt'd nnni uiurr lihrrnl trnn. Ihmiii; Will n.sviiu'd (hat we li mi tiik liKsr, and could iveotu-tni-nd t Iti-iii us Mirh. Si sunn a- wc (hsiMver a heller or-Kan or-Kan we hall liy and s eine it, as we are on y di-pendaiti on the company wc represent so lone as iln-ir insti umcnl.s All K TIIK 1 K VOINU ONI s IN he Matkcl. fo accoiiinniilaic (hoe persons w lu eiieuni-.ianei" prevent then payiiii; (he full minium al once, we oiler our nr-fjaiis nr-fjaiis on n siunll ca-h ndvanee, nnd the iMiiumv in linuir MoNTin.v Insim.i.-MI'.Nrs, Insim.i.-MI'.Nrs, 1,-iiiKinK Irom -'.Mill lo t-l-l 00 per month, nivorihinj (o style. The oienns me dehvetfd on payment of I he oa-di advance. Scud In us for illuslialcd ciuloi;lteH, irivum ilesi'iiplnui of each in .i uinciit nnd puces. Cm. PKU Hhotuv.iis. Sail l.ale ( 'it y. Fci. I llh. 1 ST I . COAL! COAL! (I 0 I, iii n ii y , lo.ii ,, .iiiioiI il v, l,r P"l ' ' Ho- li I'. 1 1 I, el , li-li, oi, I in lii' rn -i iiio on.-. Ooloi, i , loll nl lliol',.. mli,0 I'm" ,S"Io, ,, i,l It. Knkn, ,,,,!, -l'Ol hall 1,1, ll o II, Ml.,. ,11 UKUItuK rills'lON. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Groceries, Hardware, PLOWS, STOVES, CLOCKS, GLASS WA IS TIWVAUE, Mining Tools &; Miners' Supplies. TILL STOCK AAD VERY CHEAP, AT grooeby k dipahment . , II. B CLU SON, Slpt. DUIMFORD 1 SONS EAST TE.MPLK STREET, THE ONLY HOUSE IN UTAH THAT DEALS EXCLUSIVELY IN Boots, Shoes and Hats! Who can Sell Cheaper and give Better Inducements to customers, JUST AT1IUVED A larre ttck of New Good- of LDK3', MISSES' m CHII.DKIiN'S FINK SPRING and SUM d KR SHOES in U-e-Fa-hioni; also MEV'S and BOYS' FRENCH CALF and Heavy" 31 1 NINO BO'JTS. Con-tantiy r-c:ir,ug poods irom East and Vest. We keep alway.s a lirge anl fashionable Sioek of HATS .1X1X3 os Kxamine our Gaorls anrl Prices ! j T. & WT TAYLOR Have Jut received a lot of HARDWARE, consisting of Knives and Forks, ,.7: ESi;., 1.2o Set, TABLE AND TEA SPOON3, r-ILLb, bAVb, PLANES, AXES, ETC., ETC. Door Locks, with white knob, Coc. IP5 ULn O "WiT o ALL OF WHICH YlLl UK SOLD VERY CHEAP. w WELLS, FARCO'3 IS NEAR w i a A I o ens w p 0 0 O p J.V SJ 9S3NISn9 JO 3H1 , F. A. IUBio.o. J.M.Mo.rt. r. a. iiorr.M v.x i n. REAL ESTATE MIXING BROKERS, 1NSJRANCE AG-NTS AJ CuVU:S. (lfnv (iodbt'i TlnMilInf;, ovrr (ht nril r f t l t r nniinnv i nn r n n nCAL LIAIC DUUUHI AllJ dULU. LOANS " K U O T 1 A T K D AM) Money Advanced. All Ilu ) tn ttiv V. 5. Land Offlrr Mltritdrd to. Titles of Kf-il K-i.-ttc nsTiiinrvl nnd Ahtriot furnilni. Convoynucmjc 1 - A Nrrn of 1 lV fti-rr. in T.-ieMn PiJiriol for tiilv. rlir U tn i niMU'lv tcttci. ln-luvro ln-luvro At ihc tv om! KUte Vr. n,'T. F. A. not F.l AX Jt CO. S VrportT wan o-l f.r Mj-piit' on M win ircol. Inquire ai thp Mtf F. A. UOKKMAN A CO-4 CO-4 sioro nnd JncHiuKP wiitcJ to rent. k. a. norrv a co I Marshal's Sale. IN r''1is-ANCK OK A W'T.VK of thr Pinol loin! in mul 'or llur.i ti - ili.'irtl I'.Mm.m of l Vrr.l.-r . to .hp .it- n-il r.l, I wul r ro en! I'll H ii' m l to t h r ntloil iM.lilrr, t tlio I In r 1 JilIm-ihI i.-ml I ' i u o ii'p, n.U Li-U 'iM, on Uo 4 l 1n of ! rli A. I I 1 ti t 10 o V o. V. A. M . i Iip !ol owins ,UvrH-r.t l t 01 ymf p( Irt n.l to n t t n 1 1 ' tol no 1 1 l o, W li n on. In t.oii, f Mt ,, l.-kc 1 il -,n y. I rti'iiinnii m 1-iHiH on I o noil M.lr ot l'.t 1 i in -t ri'iM. rik h io i pout h t r north oi ririiir of i-t l-'l. ninnn, tlicuop noM ton .o,l)i. Ill' n fou h tw.. to n, tiioi.op rtt I'm to , I li ' "rrlli l.-ut p n l.-pl im im'-i-p, 1 1t -hp ot.t Cm p r,l t . f. . ion. pU Si I, tlirnop n-nh ruliloon 'r.-i inrl.P' io I h p I' 'P.'I Its nu nk Oei.hin in a It livn iii "' i-',N Nit.) oho tin ii . I p 1 a i ti .my I r . )' IpoI o r.. .tn.l. tosollior ni it ill OiP ru lil yrw ilocw mill .,i,io-iiii'" .,i,io-iiii'" 'I'Pioilli.o lrlonkUw. flu t'V t'l t I'oitig in ,-.rtit i ni, .-lt l.kp V'. ii t.l t nn,t l or no. v ot 1' t ih lo lPi.ol,l tli,- t...P It of ,1oS ,ni-h. im 'or a loi ool-'-iii ir ol vi 01 m .ro mi hp i "t .'"Im M HnnliiM'l Jolt Miuili mi.l Jmiii" Li it I o 1 1 h . M . 1', f I HUH, I . i. .Uih- Z. C, WI. I. CARPETS -i iii.'iu i Uiiivi Jinny Retail Department wt sro propsrovi to o-t smv ' mem. A fino folcvlion ol" ih? TAPESTRY, BRUSSELS. INCRAIN. At i:f oru I'rirrs. IUTCU C.VKl'lX 40o. lVrViri TABLE AND WINDOW DAMASK. lHUHiinStH-!;fMlH'1.0TH Siisetings and Qjilis. COKMIT.S VM l.Vli: (IKTin" 1 1 mi ps liiuo'-. ' l'"av Cm i. Xa.lf ' t lilt'. II. i I I AWM'X. WiLMtKDINJ A KtLlOfiS. ,,-,-r,ri . I ,1,-hbfm ,'l Wines aud Liquors, j- M IHA.'"lV |