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Show ! LATEST M-WS BY TELEGRAPH LAST NIGHT. PEACE BETWEEN GERMANY GER-MANY AND FRANCE SIGNED. France Tays Three nim-dred nim-dred and Twenty Millions Mil-lions Thaler's. GffiMANY GETS ALSACE AND LOKRAINE, WITH METZ AND NANCY. The German Army Will Not Enter Paris. Genera 1 Xews . President Graut Ignores the House Vest loiiit Resolution. Canada Expects Pay for the Fenian Invasion. JTew York in Danger of Freezing. Severe Storm on the Pacific Pa-cific Coast. Terrible Fire at Springfield, Illinois, FOREIGN. London, 24, 4:30 p.m. The Standard Stan-dard has a special from Versailles which announces that the treaty of peace was sipned to-day by Thiers and Bismarck. Some of the details are un-arranged, un-arranged, but all will be finally settled to-morrow. France pavs to Germany 320,000,000 thalers. Alsace and Lorraine, Lor-raine, including the cities of Metz and Nancy, are ceded to Germany. The German army will not enter Paris. The Emperor William will leave on Monday for Berlin. Bremen, 24. A telegraphic order from Versailles directs the immediate liberation of tho French hostages. London, 2. The Brussels 2ord says that Bismarck hints at the restoration restor-ation to Paris of the impost of 200,-000,000 200,-000,000 francs, if no hostile manifestations manifes-tations are made during the pas-age of the Germans through Paris. A letter of the 22nd says a conflict is expected should the Germans enter the city. It was believed the Assembly would be convoked on Friday or Saturday of this week. The Journal de Paris says Bis-raarok, Bis-raarok, at the request of Thiers, has ordered the cessation of requisitions upon the inhabitants of all sectn ns, and has declared that all contributions levied since the 28th of January will be deducted from the French indemnity. The Daily News says Thiers and his colleagues were to leave Paris for Bordeaux Bor-deaux on Thursday to confer with the Assembly on Friday, and return to Paris on Saturday, when they will have a decisive interview with Bismarck. The .Tmirnnl de. Miimn savs General Penhald has; been ordered to dissolve Garibaldi's corp, and to disband the free oorps uuder his command. |