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Show NEW YORK ABANDONED TO SNOW, SLUSH, AND SLEET. Testerday there was an ill-prevading .ense of dampness, with a gloomy atmosphere, at-mosphere, a sullen, leaden sky, stormy, whirling drifts of snow, and a combination combi-nation of slush below and sleet above, that rendered pedestrianisui au undertaking under-taking not to be entered into without many misgivings and additional mufflers. muf-flers. Few were the responses by the gentler sex to the "sound of the church-going church-going bells," and Fifth avenue had not one-fourth of its accustomed Sabbath liahi'lucs, winding their way to places of worship. Here and there miirht have beeu seen some adventurous adventu-rous lady, in a deplorable semi-blown away slate, nearly blinded by the driving driv-ing sleet, slowly and painfully wading through heavy, damp snow, seemingly endowed with the most penetiating quaiiiies. Few, however, attempted church going in the afternoon, although by that" lime the storm had somewhat noaieu. as wio e.n-ni.iiv. v. i,, ing was rather conducive to the enjoyment enjoy-ment of warm rooms and the glories ol a grate fire. The weather, without exaggerating ex-aggerating on the popular phrase, was ''perfectly awful," and many an exclamation ex-clamation of this kind wa given as d smayed faces peered out through the fro.-t-iicnisted window-panes, and saw the r hope.-of church-going eotnp etely bli.ghted. Kven the usua.lv enterprising enterpri-sing snow-shovellers, gencnl.y on the alert to make a lew cents, fa.l-.d 10 put in an arance, a,id it w i on y to ward the a fiei noon that li. .twlii -i Ji rs r eeived off rs to shovel aw..y the n..w. Tnen could be heard the u-ual ra'ile and soraping, as sturdy boys in tmill'.ers wi.rkod away in the heavy ma-s oi slu-h. The "quantity of .w which te.l was nn so great, but its .yi. i'y came up to the most app:ov.j stan-dar.l stan-dar.l in impeding travel. Hi 1 and driiA- made it as con.-ist.-r.: an 1 adhesive adhe-sive as ice cream, an 1 the '..er fir-m fir-m nts t f ped 'str.ans soon ' v m,e covered cov-ered with a .lamp, m.-Itii -'. tit-arreea-1 ble compound, that uiadon I tlr nk ol colds and rheumatics. -V i. 2i-h-, i Fib. 13. The Startling Style op Romance. Ro-mance. We find :he following list of soul-harrowing romances announced for sale very cheap: The Demon Hunter: or, The Squaw's Revenge. The Sailor Crusoe; or, Tj.e Mysterious Myste-rious Cavern. The Ocean Blood-hound: or, The Convict Brother. The Ocean Seout; or, The Shadow of Crime. Mad Mand: nr. The Masked Ball The Pea-1 Xeeklaes; or, The Midnight Mid-night Vigil. Ada, The Betrayed; or The Child of Destiny. J eannette Vetmore; or, The Burglar and the Comselior. Sol Aruerson; or, The Robber's Go'd. The Rattlesnake; or, The Bucc-aneer's Doom. The Wand of Gold; or, The Cruise of the Black Dog. Wild Bird; or, The Three Canoes. White Wing; or, The Pirate of the Rigolets. Tiger Head; or, The Spectre of the Swamp. Adelaide, the Avenger; or, The Startling Retribution. Black-Beard; or, The B'.ood-hound of the Bermudas. Six Shooter Jim; or, The Bandit of the Woods. This sort of thing is enough to curdle the blood and stiffen the hair of any ordinary mortal, but the small youths who devour the trash are extraordinary beings, whose voracity and endurance are equally wonderful. Fx. |