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Show Professor Careless' Concert. Par above the claims of traveling artists, ar-tists, no matter how gif'.ed or emiueut in their profession, are those of a musician mu-sician like Professor Careless upou the publio patron 'go of this city. Xot only is ho a resident of whom we have reason to be proud, as a gentleman of talent and a well-trained musician, but he has labored faithfully aud earnestly to spread a knowledge of and a love for the divine science, which should make it a publio duty to manifest apprecia tion of his zeal and abilities by a sub-manual sub-manual tokeu on the occasion of his concert. Tho efficiency of the Tabernacle Taber-nacle choir under his leadership, is not the least of tho services he has rendered ren-dered to tho advancement of music in the city; while the sweet voice of his w;fe, pouring its flood of melody, has often ministered pleasure to the lovers of delightful harmony and sweet sounds. Professor Careless has secured the best talent in the city, vocal and instrumental, instrumen-tal, for his forthcoming concert, and lias beeu laboring asiJuou-ly for some time to make it an artistic succe-s. Among tho.se who will assist on the occasiou are Mrs. Carles,, the gifted and popular songstress, and M. Crox-ail, Crox-ail, E.-q., with his line cornet performances; perform-ances; while the duets, trios, quartettes quar-tettes and concerted pieces will be rendered ren-dered by competent musicians, assisted as-sisted by a powerful chorus of two hundred hun-dred toices, including the Tabernacle 'hoir. This concert will bo the musical musi-cal event of the season, and wo hope to see the theatre, on Tuesday night crowded "from pit to dome." |