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Show LIGHTNING FLASHES. A revolution in Hayti is reported. New Brunswick has a new government. govern-ment. Hayti had earthquake shocks on the 17th and 19. h Provisions have fallen iu Paris to ordinary prices. Itiiers opposes the entrance of any portion of the German army iuto Paris. The Hornet is being watched by a Spanish man-of war at Port au Prince. Poole's bljck, in Calais Maine, was burned on Wednesday night. Ljss, $40,UU0. The steamer ILlvetia cut through the ice on the Elbe, and has arrived at New York. Bordeaux had received no news on Thur-d iv of the progress of negotia tions iui peace. The Federal Senate will take up for prouipt disposal the House bill on purity pur-ity of elections. The German immigration arriving at New l"o:k has fallen off 30,U0tt as compared com-pared wi;h last jear. Congre-s-uan Bowcn is charg d with aiiotner ca-e of b.gamy. He is held again in J 5, 000 b-iil. E. C. Danlili, ca-hier of the Webster Web-ster na ional bank, Boston, is a defaulter de-faulter iu over tOO, 000. A portion of the German army, it is stated, will jiuip'y march through Pali.-, on their way to returu home. General Ila'pine, the Fenian, has reached New l ork aud i.- now with the exiles at Sweeney's hotel. England is negotiating for the purchase pur-chase ot the Dutch settlement on the Gold Coa.,t, Africa, for HS.ijM). New York is paying twenty dollars a ton for Coal and wants Cui,gre.-s to immediately aboli.-h the duty ou it. The pre-ent Indian policy of government govern-ment was the su'ject of di-cu.-vion in the Federal Senate on Thursday evening. even-ing. Miller, Senator-elect from Georgia, was to be .-worn in ye-tcrday, wnh the oath expressly prepared lor him to take. The Sin Domingo comniiss'oni rs have exploring pa: tied ou: iu dilferent parts of the l-land, to obtain reliable information concerning ito re.souices. D J oinville and d'Aumale await the deci-ion of the French Assembly on the legality of their elections before presenting themselves to tako their scats. The British House of Lords is considering con-sidering the question of national defense, de-fense, being alarmed at the astonishing astonish-ing rapidity ol the Piu-sian campaign iu France. A proclamation ha.s nppcare 1 calling on all Dominicans to drive Hwz from San Domingo, and saying that the country is b- ing boid like a piece of mcrchandi.-e. Tho San Dominco commi-sioners find their inVLStigatinns will tako a wider range than a.s at first supposed and name the fir-it of April for their return to Washington. The uuivcr.-ity test bill, levelled nga'nst Catholics assuming cc Ic-ia.-ti-cal titles, has parsed the ft-eond reading read-ing in the Briii-h House ol Common", by a majority of eighty-six. The Jirili-h Parliament has been startled by the ollieiul declaration, that d salf c' ion e xists in Ireland to such au alarming extent that a select committee commit-tee wdl have to be appointed to ascertain ascer-tain the causes. Col. MoMichaol, of Philadelphia, formerly of General Thomas' mall', has been permitted to act as counsel in a case beloro the Supremo Court, of San Domingo, being the first American to do so. Ho won the ea-e. |