Show POLICE AND FIRE BOARD Business Transacted at the Meeting Held Last Night The board of police and fire commis ioners held its regular meeting last night and devoted the greater part of Its session to the consideration of the case of Byron Crosby who was suspended by Chief Devine for getting half seas over and acting in such a way as to have a deleterious effect on the discipline of the department and feelings of the officers When Crosby was brought up before the board he practically admitted the charge though he said on some points his memory was bad and he did not care to commit himself without proof was adduced To this end a great deal of time was taken up in testimony from different dif-ferent members of the department almost al-most all upholding the charges of Chief Devine After hearing all the testimony the board determined to make an example exam-ple of Crosby and after deliberation he was sentenced to suspension for sixty days without pay The board heard reports from the chiefs of both departments and considered consider-ed several important matters in executive execu-tive session As these are still In a state of fermentation nothing will be given out |