Show I FLINCHIXG The Tribune representative In this I city keeps up a controversy with the local sheet over the question of the II chairmanship the county Republican committee regardless oC the fact that the public have lost Interest in the matter I instead of trying to evade the real point at Issue the Tribune would tackle the matter in earnest the discussion dis-cussion would doubtless soon become Interesting People on the inside know that the CraneGlassman combination I has to all intents and purposes captured cap-tured Weber county and that the combine com-bine will dictate the policy to be pursued pur-sued The Tribune representative is fully aware of the true state of affairs He is also aware of the fact that a great many Republicans both in Weber county and other places do not like the combine Yet he does not sound the war cry and enter the contest determined de-termined to break the combination Possibly discretion in this instance Is the better part of valor and it may be that he has discovered that the combine com-bine cannot be overthrown I is no secret that there is strong opposition to Crane and Glassman and that the Tribune is in sympathy with the movement to prevent them from accomplishing their purpose Therefore i strikes many people in this vicinity that the leading Republican organ is trying in a round about way to accomplish ac-complish something it is afraid to openly fight for I has often occurred that the Tribune Tri-bune has given accounts of trouble in the Democratic camp that existed only In the imagination of the writer with an astonishing array of imaginary details de-tails Now here is a chance for the representative of the Tribune in this city to distinguish himself by giving the facts about a little unpleasantness that is not an imaginary affair afalr |