Show I IIUSHA3IERICAXS A Large Attendance nt Their Ball Last Evening The IrishAmericans proved the truth of the statement heard at the lecture on Sunday evening that the typical ty-pical Irishman loves his native country coun-try but is loyal to the land of his adoption by the decorations at G A R hall last evening The green Hag of the Emerald Isle was in evidence I but the red white and blue of our national na-tional colors was likewise conspicuous Some of the programmes were decorated decor-ated with the green flag and harp dear to every son of Erin others with the stars and stripes The portraits of General Patrick OConnor General John A Logan and General Phil Sheridan Sheri-dan occupied prominent places Dancing to the music of the Irish American orchestra unler the leadership leader-ship of Mr Carl continued from 830 p in till an early hour this morning The hall was crowded with merrymaking merry-making IrishAmericans all of whom blessed the memory of the patron saint of Ireland for affording them an opportunity to celebrate in so satisfactory satis-factory a fashion The reception committee was composed com-posed of Messrs Michael Cantlon Thos Marnane John F Colins Dennis Ward John C Murphy Judge McGin nis of Ogden John Aylward Eureka the floor committe of John W Kennedy Ken-nedy Thomas Redmond Judge Shields Park City John B Stacey Manti and John C Kelly the committee of arrangements ar-rangements John J Riley John W Kennedy Michael Phelan Thomas Redmond J L Hutcherson John ODonnell and John C Kelly The officers of the IrishAmerican society which meets at the G A R hall every Tuesday evening are President John F Collins first vice president M Cantlon second vice president John ODonnell past president presi-dent John H Murphy treasurer John J Riley financial secretary John C Kelly and recording secretary Thos Marnane |