Show BONDS NO XO UOXDS The returns that have come in from the several precincts in this county including in-cluding this city shoy that the proposition pro-position to issue bonds in the sum of 375000 to pay off the floating debts of the county has been defeated by a considerable majority The Herald Is not surprised at this result because there has been all along a mIsunderstanding mIsunder-standing in relation to the matter added to a very strong prejudice against bonds in general There is something more than all that The expression has been freely made ever since the bonds were proposed pro-posed that many people had no confidence con-fidence in the county court and felt no assurance that the money raised by the bonds would be put to the uses announced an-nounced They point to the fact that the selectmen endeavored to secure pay for themselves while they shut off payment from the treasury for obligations obli-gations previously incurred We are sorry that the majority of the people have taken this position We believe they are mistaken and that when the debt now owing has been increased by the addition of the interest inter-est on the warrants Issued at eight per cent per annum they will see where they have made an error and will be ready and anxious to reverse their action The disbursement in this county of the greater portion of the 375000 would have afforded a stimulus to business and industry which would have been quickly perceptible And the saving of the difference between eight and five per cent would have been for the benefit of all the taxpayers Both sides of the controversy have been gen in The Herald but some communications came together in such volume that they had to be omitted However as the bonds have been voted down we presume the writers will feel satisfied anyway There need be no illfeeling over the result The county authorities will have to proceed as best they may under un-der the crippled condition of the county finances By economy curtailing expenses ex-penses making few improvements paying off as much of the indebtedness as possible and a general course of prudence and thrift they will be able to carry on the county business and may establish such confidence In the hearts of the people that more willingness willing-ness will be shown in the future than in the past or the present to place in the hands of the county court means to redeem all the county obligations |