Show DENIES IT Mrs Chamberlain in Not a Blackmailer Black-mailer > Watertown S D March 18Mra S E Chamberlain denies any knowledge know-ledge of any blackmailing letter sent the Fair heirs to San Francisco demanding de-manding 15000 for the return of the stolen will lire Chamberlain frequently fre-quently renortad that she had fallen heir to a fortune She claimed to be the heir of Nicholas Lute who she Baid died in California in 1893 and at another time she showed a deed to valuable oroperty in Battle Creek Mich which she said had been left her by a wealthy bachelor She now claims the blackmailing letters were written by a former husband hus-band who is anxious to get revenge for her desertion of him Shedeclares she knows nothing of the letters and never has been in California although she bought a ticket to EO there on Tune 6 last |