Show LIBERTY AND THE SABBATH The argument in favor of abolishing Sabbatarian Sunday laws is unanswerable unanswer-able It is not the province of the state to prescribe religious observances of any kind Under our system of absolute secular sec-ular government and absolute religious liberty the law has rightfully no more to do with Sabbaths than with sacraments sacra-ments Its sole concern should be to protect pro-tect every citizen equally in his right to do as he pleaes with regard to religious observances Freedom to worship God does not mean freedom tocompel other people to worship God in tho same way Laws prescribing the observance of any day as a Sabbath or as holy time to use the language of the New York statute stat-ute are utterly obnoxious to the genius of our system They are unfair unequal do l 1 fi ggrf lrbeu rI and oppressive They ought to bo stricken strick-en from the statute book as lawn irreconcilable irrecon-cilable with the fundamental Ideas of American liberty N Y World |