Show JSOOWORK WORK OF VIGILANTES WOMAN OUTRAGED AXD MURDERED IX NEBRASKA Citizens Have Taken the Matter in Hand and One or More Hangings May Be Looked For in a Remarkable Remark-able Short Time Omaha March 18A special to the Bee from Butte Neb says Some time on Friday Mrs W T Holhton a respectable woman residing alone on a ranch in Isolated part of Keya Palm county was outraged and lynched The crime Is credited to the vigilantes of the district w ho be lieved her in league with cattle rustlers tiers Some think rustlers committed the crime for revenge on account of evidence furnished by the woman against them Persons passing the ranch Saturday found the body and reported the matter today The coroner cor-oner found 60 on the womans person which is regarded as certain evidence that the crime was not committed by tramps as at first supposed Her struggle strug-gle for life had been a hard one The bedding and clothing of the woman were torn and scattered about the building Her shoes had evidently been removed probably by herself preparatory to going to bed when surprised by the lynchers The woman had evidently been outraged before she was strung up and everything points toward a premeditated plan for the consumation of the dastardly deed No warrants have yet been made but 3 meeting of the citizens of the neighborhood was held yesterday yester-day and it was dfecided prompt measures meas-ures should be taken and it is expected that another taien possibly several hangings will take place before long hangngs Several persons are under suspicion and the parties will be taken and compelled com-pelled to confess The latest report comes that a man named Hunt Is Implicated Im-plicated in some way with the lynchers and it is thought he can be forced into in-to a confession A number of the alleged al-leged rustlers were recently arrested and taken to Spring View where they broke jail and escaped to the reservation reser-vation where they were afterwards recaptured and convicted The proximity prox-imity of the Indian reservation to the scene of the depredation makes it possible pos-sible that a United States deputy marshal mar-shal may have to mae the arrests If warrants are sworn out |