Show When Others Fall Hoods Sarsaparilla builds up the weakened shattered system by giving vigorous action to the digestive organs creating an appetite and purifying blood It is prepared by modern methods possesses tho greatest curative powers pow-ers and has the most wonderful record of actual ac-tual cures of any medicine Try it Moods Pills cure nausea sick headache indigestion biliousness Sold by all druggists Slaughter Sale Fancy black dress goods best French and German makes most stylish designs at 45c 65c and 75c Dont fall to see them at F i AUBRBACH BRO I r The Chicago Pure Food Congress displays dis-plays modern food and appliances for its preparations Prices Cream Baking Powder secures highest award in all competitive tournaments You are too young no matter what your age to lose your hair Save it by the use of Ayers Hair Vigor It removes re-moves dandruff prevents baldness restores re-stores gray and faded hair to its original orig-inal color and makes it soft glossy and abundant No toilet is complete without it fHE Animal Extracts Prepared according to the formula of DR War A HAMMOND In his laboratory at Washington DC The most wonderful therapeutic discovery since the days of Jenner CEREBRINE FROM THE BRAIN MEDULLINEFROM FROM THE SPINAL CORD CARDINE FROM THE HEART TESTINE FROM THE TESTES OVARINE FROM THE OVARIES The physiological effects produced by a single sin-gle dose of Cerebrlne are acceleration of the pulse with feeling of fullness and distention in the head exhilaration of spirits increased urinary excretion augmentation of the ex pulsive force of the bladder and peristaltic action of the intestines increase in muscular strength and endurance increased power of vision in elderly people and increased appetite and digestive power Dose Five Drops Price 2 drachms 100 THS COLUMBIA CHEMICAL CO Washington D C Send for EooV 101 Z C M I Drug Dept Agts for Utah SAL LAKE THEATRE Cuss Burton Manager Curtain at 815 p m sharp Monday and Tuesday March 18 and 19 In tile Sunny South S JJ A PICTURE OF LIFE ix TilE SOUTH BEFORE TilE WAR 30 PEOPLE 30 HEADED BY EARNEST HOGAN The Funniest of nil Colored Comedians Com-edians II P S Q THE CRITERION TRO CADERf HE H fit AH LA VETA QUARTETTES OTJITJI EARNEST HOGAN AS OJUlXLl TRILBY S PRICES 100 To SO and 25c Seats on mile at the Box Office Next Attraction REUNI TED A New Military Play WEEK MARCH18 MAR GH J B Rogers Jgr A DRAMATIC TREAT W S Gilberts Great Satirical Comedy ENGAGED REGULAR PRICES and 0 cents MATINEE EVERY SATURDAY Admission Ad-mission U5c Evenings nt 815 Matinee at 215 Telephone 112 WEAR THE BEST If you want a Handsome Figure THE G lO V E FITTING CORSET Outrivals All Others in Perfection of Rt fLANGDONBArCHELlEKS II GENUINE 1 ii I fflOMSOmiQVFITHNl 1 tddvta r i + LadIes Invited r are iTo i P To Look at our Latest Selection of fa hionab1e TRI1YIf1ED CAPES They are Beautiful in Material and Style Also Low in Price Zm C m MI L > Carries an immense Line of LADIES SUITS SILK WAISTS and SEPARATE SKIRTS Try and See These Also Enquire for MISSES and CHILDRENS JACKETS x TEA GOWNS AND WRAPPERS CHILDRENS PERCALE DRESSES < All in the Cloak Department We again i call attention to our Unlimited Supply and Variety of Lacties hic1 Gioes0 Our Lady Clerks will Give you full attention A T G WBBBEiR Siipt JamesSpeneerBateman CO Successors to iJavnl James Co and SpencerBywater Co Plumbers Steam and Gas Fitters TINNERS CORNICE MAKERS STOVES AND TINW ARE No 67 Main Street Salt Lake City TELEPHONE 39 t AmBrican Biscuit liiiciw Co SUCCESSORS TO UTAH CRACKER FACTOR MANUFACTURERS OP FINE CRACKERS AND CAKES SRM All SMFLAKE SODAS ill ONE TWO 0 AND FIVE FOUND BOBS HENRY WALLACE Manager 443 Ssstti Second West Street DAVIS HOWE COc e IFOII n Fouller F r ann n WIadhiiS1 t MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF MINING AND MILLING MACHINERY < Prompt Attention Paid to Q BO 127 H fALL 6SLL < f-ALL KINDS OF REPAIR WORK o IL 11 INSIST ON yOUR Retailer Supplying you with CSco Coe Ce Shoes Look WOll Fit Woll Woar o Bottor Than All Otlmrs We Make Thenrfor Hen Women and Children MITCHELL LEWIS CO Limited RACINE WISCCISSN cf t awo MLrjttrI iiERj OP THE OLD RELIABLE JSkClTOBCD WAGON MONARCH OF TIlE ROAD made specially foe the rtolr trade The Mitchell Steel SkeIn Wagons are Superior to nnythlnsr in the market Call on the Utah Implement Co Salt Lake City Utah examine the Vac on ansi cret prices I I Kirkondall Jolle Company Boot Shoe Manufacturers I l Omaha Neb This cut represents celebrated School I p Shoe absolutely all solid Insids and outS out-S with the Patent Seamless Back Stay which no other manufacturer can use Asc your dealer for a trial pair They will please you and save money STEREOTYPI t The Herald does firstclass work at fair priceff |