Show f AN h PER1A1 MANIFE TO To Recall the House of Bonaparte I to the Throne TEE CRISIS IN FRANCE t Monarchist Agitation 3Iorc Feared Hum that of the B on ay artists The Ancient Royal Family Has Still a Large Folloxvuiff In the Proluces Who Hat the Republic 1 tw IeIHh1cA blralnccl Situation PARIS Dec 22To day it is the Bona 4 artiStS that are stepping to the front to take advantage of the difficulties of the republic The activity of the royalists has aroused the jealousy of the imperialist imperial-ist leaders and at a secret conclave they drafted a manifesto addressed to the pso pIe of France urging them to recall the house of Bonaparte to the throne This manifesto has not vet been issued but awaits the approval of Prince Victor present recognized head of the imperial family now in Brussels and the Bona partist leaders in Paris have sent agonts to that city to induce him to sign the manifesto and authorize it publication Tictur has been living in comparative retirement re-tirement recently but has kept careful watch upon the course of events and his friends in Paris claim that he will be found fully equal to any crisis that may arise and while prudent aa to taking a decisive step will be positive and courageous cour-ageous in action when the step is taken r The imperialists have been canvassing earnestly for supporters among the deputies depu-ties but not with much success tcs muc A the chances of revolution against the republican government seem t increase in-crease the division between the monarchists mon-archists and Bonapartists widens Members Mem-bers of the two parties heretofore on common grounds as opponents of the republic re-public arc now showing considerable jealousy as to which party will profit by the difficulties of the republic Already ths jealousy is showing it1elf in the strained relations between prominent members of the right They will attemt to atrike a blow in Paris rather than in the provinces They like the monarchists are being carefully watched and every movement reported to President Carnot The proceedings of the secret conclave at which the manifesto wa determined upon was known to the government almost al-most as soon as the conclave adjourned and the government is already in possession posses-sion of the terms of the manue t Not so much importance is attached by the authorities to the Bonapartists as tote to-te Monarchist agitation The ancient royal house has still a large folowing in the provinces as shown during the recent re-cent visit of the Countess of Paris to France when hundreds throngta to kiss her hand and she wa received at various places with all the loyalty and honor that could be shown a queen This following could easily be aroused into a formidable demonstration that would cst much effort to suppress and the Royalist cause would receive the sympathy of hundreds of thousands of swindled Panama stockholders stock-holders who despite what they regard as bastard Bonapartism that trades on the V p fattfe o the great Napoleon have learned to hate the republic whose representatives repre-sentatives are exposed as parties t the I I Panama fraud De L ioso writes Figaro that the parliamentary re > abic is rme and ought to b ° replaced by a consular con-sular republic with Prince Victor Bona I parte as the first consul The suggestion t 3S looked upon as an attempt to revive 11 F tthe empire through the same process by Ilk i > t which the first Nspolcon arrived at the I i throne I attracts attention only as indicating Sij in-dicating the strained situation which Ii makes such suggestion possible |