Show GROWING INTERESTING Several Sew Phases Developed in the Jndgesliijp Contest A Movement on Foot to Secure the Appointment Ap-pointment of a Democrat lIly Bagley Is the New Man Judge Bartch Mr Tatlock and some other aspirants to the judicial vacancy would experience some extremely queer sensations should they wake up some morning and learn that a Democrat Demo-crat had been appointed to succeed suc-ceed Judge Anderson Yet such an unexpected event is a possibility Judging from the statements of some Republican attorneys it is much more than a possibility This latest and most interesting phase of the fight for a resting place on the supreme bench was brought about in this way Should any ol the present Republican Repub-lican applicants be appointed the odds are greatly against his serving more than a lew months Much of the business that would be brought before him would be left unsettled Every judicial change of this character greatly disturbs pending litigation and creates vexatious delays in the adjudication ot cases Reasoning in that line many Republican attorneys have for several days been discussing dis-cussing the desirability and expediency 01 uniting on some Democrat who would be generally acceptable to the bar and urging urg-ing the president to appoint him As a prominent Democratic attorney said yesterday This is not our affair and we have nothing to say in the matter I dont believe though that President Harrison would appoint a Democrat even though the Republican members of the bar should endorce him Mr Varian when questioned by a HERALD reporter admitted that this matter mat-ter had been discussed in a desultory sort of a way but there had been no concerted I action and there was some difficulty in uniting on the candidate He believed though that under the circumstances I President Harrison would appoint a Democrat Dem-ocrat if a majority of the members of the bar desired it 4 I The names of several Democratic attorneys attor-neys have been mentioned in this connection I connec-tion those ot Mr VanCott Mr Richard I W Young and Hon Franklin D Richards I Rich-ards seeming to receive the most favorable favor-able consideration It is understood that Mr VanCott has expressed a desire not to be considered as a candidate at any time I and the use of any of the names its of I course without the authority of the gentlemen I gen-tlemen themselves This programme may not be carried out but stranger things have come to pass THE NEW MAN Does anybody know Mr Bagley attorney attor-ney of Ogden He is the new man referred re-ferred to by THE HERALD THE liEu ALDS authority is a very prominent Republican Re-publican lawyer and politician who also intimated that Governor Thomas was pushing Mr Bagleys claims None of i the Salt Lake attorneys seem to know i much about Mr Bagley except that there is attorney at Ogden by that name It doesnt much matter who is appointed now said another attorney yesterday it will be a very short term and there i are very few Republican members of the I bar who think the appointment worth i seeking |