Show tL II INVESTIGATING TiE SCANDAL dr A Former Minister Dwlinos to Appear III J ISpfoie the Comuutlee I PARIS Dec 22 Floquet president oft of-t the chamber of deputies appeared before the Panama investigating committee tog to-g day He declared emphatically that he never received money from the Panama i company secret service or any other object I I ob-ject It Yves Guyot formerly minister of public pub-lic works has been summoned to appearS appear-S before the committee t explain the statement state-ment made by him The full list of names of the men compromised in the scandal 4 has been seen by President Carnot The committee desired t hear from d Yves Guyot today but he refused to appear q ap-pear on the ground that the statement attributed at-tributed t him was distorted by a spy He did not wish he added to counte count mince proceedings that mingled President Carnots name with the prosecution of those implicated in the affair Floquet before the Panama committee said when he was a member of the ministry minis-try he ordered that certain advertisements Le printed in Parisian newspapers These advertsement he admitted had been inserted in-serted not from 3 business but political point of view This admission is much commented upon being a acknowledgement ac-knowledgement that advertisements were but the cover under which newspapers were bribed to support ministerial schemes Marius Fontaine and Charles DeLes saps directors of the defunct Panama Canal company t were taken from Masas orison this morning to the office of 1I Franqueville examining magistrate by Whom they were questioned for two hours Bourgrois minister of justice appeared ap-peared before the parliamentary committees commit-tees on inquiry after Flouqnet He promised prom-ised that papers of the dyamite society and other important documents recently seized should be communicated to the commission M Andrieux exprefect of police said ho had a photo of the statement and account ac-count written by Baron De Reinach This showed the names of the payees of checks drawn by Baron De Reinach Andrieux Wrote the list of names on a piece of paper pa-per and handed it to Briason saying at the same time that four other names one of a very high personage he was prevented pre-vented front mentioning by dictates of discretion Dr Herz had shown him documents bearing the names of 105 deputies who had been bought by the lobbyist Arton of 1350000 francs Andrieux for a total 130 fnc Andreux could name most i not all the men mentioned men-tioned in this document He would try to obtain thedocumentfrom Her He wished it understood however that he could not guarantee absolutely the correctness of the documents In his opinion Baron De Reinachs word was far from unimpeachable unimpeach-able as to his knoweledge Reinach begun be-gun t pay personal debts with money of the Panama Canal company When asked to explain passing mention men-tion of the payment of checks t Floquet Andrieux explained that Felix Cuttu director di-rector of the canal company told him that Baron De Reinach onc spoke of Flo quet needing 750000 francs for secret service ser-vice funds After several discussions i Cuttu was rendered so apprehensive by I what he heard that he consented to give the government the 750000 francs required 1 re-quired He told Reinach however the whole affair was a blackmailing swindle I and might cause trouble Reinach responded re-sponded No I can say I received the f money to cay advertising expenses of the I J company ent and nobody will know differ Subsequently Reinach said Cuttu was too thinskinned when Cuttu seized Reinach by the beard dragged him from the front room of the bank into his private vate office and after calling him an embezzler em-bezzler and coward demanded back the check for 750000 francs Reinach declared de-clared i was at his house and duccceded in holding off Cuttu until the final crash came but part of the amount had then been paid to the government 11 Bacrue advertising agent of the Panama Canal company testified that sums paid newspapers by the company ranged from 400 to 1000000 francs roreach issue of shares Count Tarfiell monarchist monarch-ist deputy for Anne told the commissioners commis-sioners he could confirm the report that I President Carnot had list of the deputes I corruptly implicated in the Panama canal affair This list he said comprisedmanv deputies whose names are not yet mentioned I men-tioned in connection with the scandal |