Show WHAT THEY READ Various Types of People Who Visit the Public Library The Youns Ladles Seek the Mrs South worth Style Who the Favorite Authors Are and Who the Readers I t I When you see areal book worm liKe I some old and grizzly caterpillar with his I back arched up ana his head turned down i between the leaves of some ancient book I you say that man is impracticable because he does not go plodding along like a dray horse and earn his oats and a grooming every night You are practical and you hate theorists You are in love with yourself and you I like men who do ns you do because it I swells your vanity I Many of the men who patronize the Pioneer library are of the class you despise Ther ccat is shiny and a back number hat is good enough cover for I their humble heads The practical man in the west does I not read books at allfor he argues to I himself that a little learning is a danger I i ous thing He believes in Keeping out of a danger and to make sure of it confines con-fines his literary pursuits to the daily newspapers whicn after all are the most practical educators of the present 1 day But there are practical people who read I books and they are not menthey are quite thereverseof men they are women Plump rosy cheeked girls the pictureof health bright eyed and ruby lipped lineup line-up to the window at which Miss Chapman Chap-man deals out her literary wares There are matronly dames who in the number of volumes they devour are entitled to the distinction of being called bookworms book-worms Bat they are not of the pale intellectual caste with sear and sallow looks intellectual ghosts you might call them They are buxom healtny normal practical people who can cook and conjure at the same time What sort of a library have we got In comparing it with eastern libraries we find that there is as large a percent per-cent of books of the higher order read here as in the east This was the tribute volunteered by Mr and Mrs Dallin who are very much pleased with the collection of artWorks art-works Dr Jacobson who is rated as a first rate scholar by the gentlemen of the cloth who have conversed with him was very much surprised at the character of the works he found on the shelves and said it would save him S100 a year he being a large purchaser of books WHAT THE GIRLS READ The younger class of readers as a rule pick on Mrs South vorth first and once they have tasted of this attractive authoress author-ess they do not leave her until they have devoured all the South worths they can find on the shelves Mary J Holmes comes next in favor ana E 1 Hoe continues to be very popular Howells Charles King and Stockton are much sought after Dickens Thackeryand Bulwer of course I are in demand though the latter is not read as much as formerly Every boy and girl tries to read Sir Walter Scott Wilkie Collins William Black and Robert Louis Stevenson are occasionally oc-casionally called for Ryder Haggard and Amelia Riveslet us be thankful I have been dropped and there must have been a sickening thud There is always a casual reader who I will ask for Owen Meredith and George McDonald Among writers most read should be mentioned Mrs Alexander and among those of a sensational character Agnes Flernmins and Bertha Clay Of Mrs Soutworths works the library has three shelves full and that is not near enough to meet the demand There are some who come to ask if they have read all of Mrs Southworth and when they find that tuey have they have no further fur-ther use for the library The volumes of Ben Hnr and Fair God were so badly worn that they had to be replaced The members of the Ladies Literary club are among the most regular patrons of the library Miss Clawson Miss Katz Miss Jennie Hawley and the Misses Lynch Miss Ella Thomas are among tho omininerous readers of the younger set Lire MEMBERS George B Ayers Charles W Bennett Robert N BasUIn Samuel D Connor George Collins H C Goodspeel Albert Hainan A Hanauer L E Holden Robert Harkness E L T Harrison W H Hooper IE R Jones William Jennings George A Lowe Thomas Marshall r Samuel Merritt IV S McCornick B W Morgan J R McBrIde Kicha McIntosh Isador Morris William Nlson Charles Popper J B Roaboronch George M Scott A B Smith S W Sears Frank Tilford Honry Wagner George Y Wallace S S Walker D F Walker J R Walker M H Walker Parley L Williams Christopher Diehl The new members include the following subscribers Charles W Bennett C E Allen John S Scott Fred Simon Christopher Diehl W GVan Home C B Jack Robert Harkness W F James John W Donnellan A M Grant W F Colton 1 Wilford Woodruff George Q Cannon I John It Barnes Simon Bamberger 1 A Hunauer Lewis S Hills Mrs W McCornick John Q Packard W H Dickson George A LoweR Lowe-R H Terhune A T Holden M E Cummings Francis Armstrong I A L Smith iheron Geddes Hugh Anderson Hiram Johnson I GrandLodgeAFAM James Sharp John Tierman Spencer Clawson John A Marshal J F Woodmin J G Sutherland Cnpt Willard Young E R Eldredge James H Bacon G Lavagino Frank W Jennings J L Rawlins W W Chlsholm Ladles Literary club Henry Dinwoodey W W Riter George BuckleD I Buckle-D S Thompson C W Lymaa J M Stoutt J E Dooly I |