Show e S p Deaths 0 i J J. J J. J HILL J. J J. J uw HIU 75 is Utah pioneer of ot 1053 1065 died Sunday at the horns homo of ot hi hs hi daughter Mrs Irs J. J 1 r. r Healy Mealy with whom he had resided the past three years rears Mr fr Hill was born bom In England In 1552 and S with two Iwo sisters emt- emt grated ted In 1868 crossIn cross cross- In tar InI the plains In the thelast lost last team company compan i and settling In Uric Brig ham rn CIt City He lie re returned returned re- re 1 turned J to England in 1 1872 and In 1874 1814 They sailed for lor America In 1881 settling t r In Smithfield J. J and rt t the iiI next year moving to t i Provo and In 1887 1881 to 1 t-t t Provo Bench W l Surviving are arc four t t- t sons end and daughters daughters- 4 i 4 i James W W. Joseph and iv Rowland Hill Ba Salt ill illi i 4 j r Lake Mrs J. J F F. x f 4 Healy Pro Provo Prove v 0 27 21 W six y Il s r ran a n a l U great Grandchildren v and a sister r Mrs rs Lou Lou- J. J J. J Hill Bill rr is isa d H Clow Los lange Anee- lee Cal leh nl services win be held in Sharon ward chapel chavel a Tuesday u at 1 p. p m. m with burial l l In Provo lo City cemetery B. B GARR CUTLER R Ia Cutler 2 29 59 of South t Thirteenth Thir N 58 te t East street t. t died nt at 7 25 p p. p m. m Sunday Sunday Sun Sun- day 10 of or general He lie had hail been III In a 0 week a. a as a a. result of ot an on Infection be believed believed be- be to have originated from a carbuncle carbuncle carbuncle car car- on his neck Mr Cutler was WIlS born July 9 9 1903 In Sol Salt Lake a son of Ralph and Vircinia Burton Cutler He was graduated from Granite bUh hiah school and 1 attended Utah State Agricultural Agri- Agri cultural college collece at Logan Loun two years Ho lIe served three years urs In the Swiss Get man mission for the tho L L. D D. S S. S church and andl was Ivas president of ot the Cologne conference two to years cus H returned from his mission I four years ago and engaged in truck I gardening I He was an sri alternate member of the thel nigh council for Cottonwood L L. D D. S S. stake I of the Young Youn Mens Men's Mutual Improvement ement association I Surviving are arc his widow Mrs Virginia I Fur arr Cutler and ond a 0 son Robert Gait Culler Cuter Cut Cul- CutI let ler er his parents two brothers Douglas and Ivan Ivon and five lve sisters Geneve Le Leonore Roberta Louise and Alice Allee May MaJ all aU of Salt Lake ALMA CHALKER Tribune Alma e Chalker bulletins building 11 le t elevator died at Sunday operator morning In The at athis hIs its residence 22 52 Short Line avenue fol fol- l a short Illness of or angina 1 pectorIs Mr Chalker was born In Plymouth En- En eland fland a 0 son of ot James and Georgina Chalk Chalk- cr r. r He came to America about 40 years tan ago He lived U In New York for a short Ime and then came to Utah He was employed as engine hostler by railroads In Salt Lake for fol a 1 score of years and later had charge chure of the tool room at nt th the Garfield smelter About two and one-half one years ago aco he be was employed by bl The Tribune Mr Chalker was taken iii last Tuesday Tues Tues- day da and grew gradually worse He was Ji IL member of the Salt Lake lodge Knights of ot tho the Surviving are his widow Mrs Rosetta ROletta HusbAnds Chalker and a 0 sister Mrs James of Salt Lake The body was taken In charge by Qua Qua- trough trough-Alcott mortuary LEE NORTON DAVIS Lee Norton Davis j 14 year old old car son of ot Mr and aud Mrs D D. W. W Davis died Sunday Bunday afternoon afternoon after after- noon at ot the family smily residence South toys boys State f father street t is of well spinal known meningitis as n. n Kid t Davis The boxing matchmaker The boy was born bom Jul July 25 1917 1911 1 In Oleve Olev- land and Utah Ho is survived by his parents par lIar Ills cats two brothers Gethen and Benjamin and one ono slater sister Des HENRY DENRY LUCE I Henry Luce Lute retired Salt Snit Lake merchant died at his home 40 F street Sunday afternoon afternoon aft aft- of or causes Incident to his age I He HeVos was Vos born bom in Morristown N. N J. J J. J October 6 6 18 1842 Ho had bad lived In Salt Lake Lako fifty flUy years rears and ond had bad been retired for about twenty years He Is 13 survived by five sons sans and one daughter Henry Henn Luce San Son Francisco John find and Charles Luce Luu Salt Lake Fred Pred Luce Martinez CM Cal Robert Luce of Boise and Mrs G G. tw W. W Hall n of Boise d Five 0 grandchildren dC rl dren also survive JOHN BROWN BROWNl LEm tErn John John O Brown o 82 52 Lent Lehi pioneer of f l ml hr l 1863 died at the tho family home t told Sunday of old age ao Mr Brown was born February 15 1849 In m Ulc Hunters Scotland a son of John and end Mary Mory Young Youna Brown Drown He emigrated In let 1853 1863 walking nero across the plains ID in the Captain married I i to Samuel Julia White Austin company cg on March l h He 3 e 11 1878 was wag Surviving are his widow and 10 sons Ions and daughters John and Darrell Brown Drown Payson Payson Payson Pay- Pay son Hector Brown Grand OrAnd Junction Colo Cob Mrs IrIS Lynn Taylor and Michael Brown Idaho Idalo Ida Ida- ho lo FaIt Fails Idaho Alexander Brown Drown Seattle Pencil Denzil Brown Provo Mrs Israel L L. Lott end and Eldon and L Lowell Brown Lehl Lohi 39 grandchildren and seven lieven great dren circa MRS 1 CLARA S. S BATEMAN IAN ALPINE ALPINE Mrs Mrs Clara Strong Bateman Bauman 72 wile wife f of f Joseph T. T Bateman a of Alpine died r at the tho h i family residence Sunday g following f fa a heart attack Mrs iMra Bateman was born October 22 1651 In Alpine I I a daughter of William I J. J and Julia I Mary y t g She was married J Jis July 15 is 1875 1815 in the theold old endowment house in Salt Lake Nine sons song and daughters surI survive survive sur sur- vive J J. A. A and William A A. Bateman ate n Salt bait I Lake i Mrs Charles illE E. E Giles itt and Mrs George Dunsdon Provo Samuel 8 8 Bateman Bateman Bate Bate- man Magna Mrs Evan Evon Jacobsen Spring Spring- yule Mrs Lester Ford Cedar City Frank and Waldo Bateman Alpine five brothers r 3 l and sisters Davis J 1 Samuel and en Frank Fran D D. Strong Stron Alpine Mrs airs J. J U M. Jensen anc an nd Sirs Mrs O. O W. W Hyde Hyde- Provo o 34 grandchildren dl md nd 1 11 great t lr I She Sho haon had been active In church and C civic lc affairs of or lb the community cervine servine five years rears as the first firs president of ot tho the Young Youn Ladles Ladles' La lles' lles Retrenchment Retrench Retrench- ment society which later became the Y L M. M I. I A. A She Sho was n a member of the Alpine P J ward c choir 69 89 years and rere president r d R Rot of ot the Primary association Uon 11 U years nars Funeral services will b be held beld Wednesday at lit 1 p. p m. m In the Alpine ward chapel with interment in Alpine cemetery CHRISTIANA G. G HIATT WATT PAYSON PAYSON-Christiana Christiana Gertrude Oertrude Hiatt wife of ot James Franklin Hiatt died hero suddenly sud denly Sunday morning She h was born bom hero here April 10 1871 a daughter daugh daush- t ter of tW David a A. A er and Christians Christiana il 7 D Frost Froit t Mitchell and lived JIved here hero all Ill her site Ufe She had bed been an ate active L. L D. D 8 S. S church worker Surviving r besides h her husband ore aye fl fland five o sons and daughters James F F. Raton Ralph ic K and seid nd Louis M. M HUtt maU Payson Panon Mrs Martha O. O Salt BAlt Lake Looke Mrs Ira COrneliaf Cornelia Pierce chIldren f n nAbi Abi Aberdeen and ee two wida Idaho great grandchildren fifteen grandchIldren grand grand- g erht brothers and sisters Robert Mitchell Pleasant Grove o Mrs Norma M. M l tt Dave and ell James Mitchell t iN l i E. E Arthur Pt Mitchell Mitchell- Provo four tour sisters Mrs Marlon Marion Mariona a U. U Hand lland Sandy Saudi Mrs Rachel M. M I. I Etta 3 M. M Burdick Salt Lake THRESSIA LUPUS PROVO PROVO LUPUS months 5 daughter of t Ass Asa and e Lupus U of Orein died at the family residence rde Sunday Sun Sun- u day tay of ot malnutrition Sho She was wai born June 4 t. t 1931 at Orem S1 nUR st She is survived rd b by her parents end nd several sev sev- crab eral brothers and end sister listen ten Funeral services will be held in the Provo Catholic church Burial will be bit in the Provo vo City CUr cemetery |