Show DREISEn INDICTED BY KENTUCKY JURY Author and Party Charged With Criminal Syndicalism 0 Br Si Associated Frus Pru MIDDLESBORO Ky Nov 16 16 Theodore Dreiser and John Dos DosPassos DosPassos Passos Passes New York authors Marie Made and seven others were Indicted Indicted indicted in In- by a Bell county grand jury here today on charges of or criminal syndicalism All AU of those indicted were with Dreiser's national committee for the defense of ot prisoners during an investigation of ot coal field labor conditions in Harlan and Bell Ben counties counties counties coun coun- ties last week C Commonwealths Commonwealth's W. W A. A Brock who serves in Bell and BarIan Haran Harlan Har- Har lan Ian an counties said he be would take Immediate immedIate immediate im im- Im- Im mediate steps to return Dreiser and his companions for trial in Bell county Other names were Charles Rumford Rum- Rum ford ord Walker Valker his wife Adelaide Walker Valker Samuel Celia Kuhn George Maurer representative of or the International labor defense M. M P. P Levy a writer and andA A. A The Tho Theatter latter atter name apparently was listed Incorrectly as as' the other member of or orthe the group roup was was wal A. A Gannes All were nam named d in a a. single indictment indictment in in- which charged Dreiser and his associates during the tho tour of oC the coal fields unlawfully banded and confederated d together to commit criminal syndicalism and to promulgate promulgate gate a reign of terror In the coal fields The indictment charged further further further fur fur- ther that Dreiser's group roup had suggested sug- sug ested disorders and resistance to the he government of t the e United States Slates and of Kentucky Dreiser and the woman already were under indictment in Bell BeU county charged previously with adultery Dreiser er denied tho the adultery adultery adultery adul adul- I tery charge |