Show r- r 1 FT 1 COMPETITION HElD FO RAILS AILS r L Charges that buses t trucks pipe pipe- pipelines lines JInes and waterways arc are unfair competition comp com com- p petition ti on for railroads because their 4 operation Is unregulated were cr made Saturday night by H. H J. J Plumhof gen gert- cral erat manager of the Oregon Short Line railroad In a speech before more marc than members of the Or Oregon gon Short Line Old Timers club dub No 3 3 at the Newhouse hotel Mr Plumhof told the members that public sentiment Is necessary to cre cre- create create ate state and national legislation that would place all ll classes of carriers on onan onan an equally regulated basis if the future fu tu- future fu- fu ture of pf railroads is to b be assured Governor George H. H Dern another I speaker agreed greed with Mr Plumhof but pointed but pointed out that states cannot aid railroads Inasmuch as there is an absence absence ab ab- sence of regulatory laws Truck transportation is becoming a menace to highways of the country country country coun coun- try Secretary of State Milton MUton H. H WellI Welling Well Well- I lug ing said in a speech because of the t congestion they are creil creating ing President Heber J. J Grant of the tile L. L D. D S S. S Sv church was the final speaker at the meeting Music was provided by th the Gustaf Adolph Adoph chorus under the direction of A. A B B. B C. C Ahlson George president of the club was chairman pf of pf the meeting and arid A. A G. G Sims of the auditing department of the railroad rail road acted as rD S. S Spencer Spen Spen- cere general passenger agent of ot the Union Pacific system at Salt SaIt Lake delivered the invocation |