Show 1 Mrs Ada McArthur Bailey Dies Following Brief Illness MT PLEASANT Nov 16 16 Mrs Ada McArthur Bailey of Ephraim died Friday afternoon following a brief illness She was 30 years old Mrs Bailey was an active church worker having filled a mission for the L. L D. D S. S church in the eastern states from 1921 to 1923 She was for some time a a. counselor in the North ward M M. I. I A. A presidency Mt Pleasant She was married October Oc Oc- tober 6 1928 1928 to Fred Bailey of Ephraim Surviving are her husband and parents and the tho following brothers and sisters Mrs Nelson Johansen Mrs James Burnside Mrs D. D A. A Shelley Mrs Fred Perry Evan Even and Tb Theodore odore McArthur all of Mt Pleasant Mrs Paul Frandsen Frand- Frand sen of and Mrs G. G D. D Jackson of Kenilworth Funeral services will be held at Ephraim Monday at 11 a. a nm m. m and at Mt Pleasant at 2 p. p rn m. m Interment will be in the city cemetery |