Show t Helping the Homemaker i MENU l FOR DINNER Potato and Salmon Puff Buttered Spinach Hot Biscuit Plum Jelly Pear Far Salad Mayonnaise Cottage Pudding I Chocolate Sauce Coffee Potato and Salmon Puff Serving 6 One cup salmon 2 cups mashed potatoes po- po 2 1 teaspoon salt 4 1 teaspoon paprika 4 1 teaspoon celery salt sait 2 tablespoons butter 1 egg yolk 1 egg white beaten Flake salmon with fork Add potatoes potatoes pota- pota toes oes seasonings butter and yolk Beat Seat well Fold in egg white Roughly Rough Rough- ly y pile into buttered baking dish and bake ake 15 minutes in moderate oven Pear Salad Sakul Six halves preserved pears 2 1 cup chopped hopped celery 2 1 cup chopped dates ates 2 1 cup salad dressing 8 1 tea tea- spoon poon salt Mix celery dates 4 tablespoons of dressing and salt Spread over pears and nd chill chut Arrange on lettuce and add dd rest of dressing Cottage Pudding One and one half cups pastry flour nour 3 teaspoons baking powder 4 1 teaspoon teaspoon tea- tea spoon poon salt 2 1 cup sugar 1 egg 2 1 cup up milk 3 tablespoons fat melted 12 2 teaspoon vanilla Mix all ingredients Beat 4 raIn min utes tes Pour into shallow greased pan and bake 20 minutes in moderate oven ven Cut in squares and serve fresh If desired this pudding can be baked in individual molds and served with whipped cream or lemon sauce Chocolate Sauce Two Tso squares chocolate melted 3 2 cup sugar 4 tablespoons flour 8 1 teaspoon salt 1 2 1 cups water 1 tablespoon butter 2 1 teaspoon va va- va nilla Melt chocolate in pan Add sugar and flour lour which have been blended Add butter and cook slowly and stir constantly until sauce thickens Beat well Add vanilla Serve warm wann or cold |