Show GRAFF GETS JAIL TERM DESPITE LONG LEGAL WA WAR After Arter having waged a court battle for a year and a half halt in an effort to save himself from prison Paul Graff Graft 37 is now behind the bars at McNeils McNeil's Island serving a one year and find one day sentence on a liquor transportation charge change He was turned over to the prison authorities last week by Deputy U. U US U.S. S. S Marshal Jack Ottenstein Graft Graff was arrested on May 3 1030 in Parleys Parley's canyon canon as he was com in V Vinto Into Salt Lake with gallons of whisky whisk from Kemmerer Wyo Every legal means was used to save him from being convicted on on the liquor charge but Federal Judge Tillman D. D Johnson passed sentence after a jury found Graff Graft guilty Graft Graff then carried the case to tho the circuit court of appeals There the decision of the lower court was upheld upheld upheld up up- held and the case was taken to the United States supreme court where it was rejected without a hearing During his court battle Graft Graf is said to have spent approximately 1500 In trying trIng to escape being placed In Ia prison |