Show CLUB WOMEN NOMEN NAME NEW NEV COMMITTEES New e committees of or the Salt Lake district of ot the Utah Federation of Women's Clubs have been announced by Mrs D. D N. N president Mrs also announced the district is sponsoring a lecture on Conditions in Europe as ns I Saw Them to be delivered In the Ladles Ladles' Literary club December 8 by Mrs Laura Waples McMullen of or the Vermont Vermont Vermont Ver Ver- mont federation The personnel of or the departments and committees es follows COMMITTEES Il Finance Finance Mrs Earl Van Cott chairman Mrs L. L T. T Whitney Mrs Thomas Brighton Membership Membership Mrs B. B B. B Owens chairman Mrs Gavin Goudi Mrs E. E EI E. E Rich Press and publicity publicity Mrs W. W V. V Wiegand chairman Mrs E. E A. A Bock Departments DEPARTMENTS American citizenship cItizenship Mrs Ernest Urien chairman Mrs Claude Kenyon Kenyon Kenyon Ken- Ken yon vice chairman Mrs W. W F. F Dyer Mrs A. A H. H Taylor Education Education Mrs Dana Hemphill chairman Mrs Harden Bennion vice chairman Mrs E. E H. H Schraga Mrs I. I R. R Barton Mrs W. W T. T International relations relations Mrs D. D T. T Lane chairman Mrs Lucile Luelle W. W Blair BIair vice chairman Mrs W. W L. L Baugh Mrs Edna Sloan American home home Mrs W. W M. M key chairman Mrs L. L L. L Dames Dalnes vice chairman Mrs F. F M. M Brookie Mrs L. L J. J Matthews Mrs J. J A. A Mc- Mc Fine arts arts Mrs W. W E. E Ware chairman chairman chairman chair chair- man Mrs R. R C. C Wilson vice chairman chairman chairman chair chair- man Mrs W. W J. J Loomis Mrs Luta V. V Hills Mrs A. A N. N Stohl Legislative Legislative Mrs Ben Johnson chairman Mrs Dan B. B Shields vice chairman Mrs O. O R. R Dibblee Mrs O. O D. D Collett Public welfare welfare Mrs B. B N. N C. C Stott chairman Mrs A. A L. L Beeley vice chairman Mrs 1 H. H R. R Parker Mrs Leslie Groesbeck Mrs Ambrey Nowell |