Show n Daily Dily Hea Rea Service S 0 o- By BT DR DB MORRIS Editor Journal of the American leal Ical Association and of H the Health This subject has been rc re discussed in this column and andone andone one of the most widely discussed i In periodicals dealing wi with j then's drens diseases Loss of appetite eU 1 pricious appetite loss Joss of weIght failure of children to gala gain w weight Unu to be the most disturbing a dillons that confront specialist diseases of the children childre Fo 11 reason Drs Dra M. M Loeber and H Heinberger Hj einberger of he the Tulane unI medical school contribute so rom that they have made made wt I seem to lend hope in his difficult lil i I 4 Th They y decided d to make a cart eare study of the digestion in these c e examining the contents of ot the sU ach exactly as one would study stud adult who happened to be suffer with some digestive disturbance some of ot their cases they found I possibility of the presence of ulof uk UIE of the stomach in two cases the pence pi ence of the disturbance of digest known as spastic constipation i in 23 out of 26 36 patients changes r the acidity of the gastric juices a n from what is considered no non acidity oddity i In 19 cases in which failure lailure to j In weight w ight was th the only or plaint Chief chief c plaint there was increased ach adE of the gastric juice and in three cs C there was lessened acidity Beta Beet of this excess acidity powders Vi prescribed which tended tow causing an alkaline reaction A result the children began to ram gate weight in jn most instances and general the responses w were re ly good Indeed two mothers rep ed that after alter treatment the dispositions changed for the be bel These Investigations while pernot not conclusive indicate the im hn imp tance of a real scientific study b fc from the mental and the physical i s of every case in which a child chUd- d not have a normal appetite for ft Ie and as a result fails falls to gain in weight There arc are plenty of records of K of or children who began to eat cat at angain anc gain In weight weicht following removal remo infected tonsils and of ot others vh Vb problems w were re primarily beha problems Now there seems to another another- group In which the di culty lies in the secretion of ot the the i trie juice as 35 the chief chic factor in eating problem |