Show BONDS MOVE LOWEIN LOWE IN T Public Publio Utilities Are Firm German German German Ger Ger- man Loans Active With Slight Drops i By ALEXANDER HENDERSON Associated Press Financial Writer NEW YORK Nov No 16 The 16 The bond market declined irregularly Monday and trading in most issues was dulL Public utility obligations were linn inn to fractionally higher however American Telephone 55 of 1965 Detroit Detroit Detroit De De- troit Edison 4 1 l of 1961 1061 International International International Telephone debenture 55 North American 55 of 1961 1981 and Pacific Gas 55 appreciated slightly but the tUrnover turnover turnover turn tUrn- over in all these bonds was small Western Union Ss of 1960 and Utilities ties Power Light debenture 5 1 2 dropped sharply German loans were more active than most other foreign obligations The o of ol 1949 of the national government government gov gov- eminent the Dawes plan loan anc and the 65 o of October 1960 of the German German German Ger Ger- man Central Agricultural bank dropped about 1 point each The 5 1 2 of 1965 issued under the Young plan eased of off fractionally Possibly these losses ref reflected eted the results of the HessIan Hessian Hes- Hes sian election yesterday Other foreign obligations divided their changes about evenly between gains and md declines Australian 59 o of 1957 and Italian gained about 1 point on moderate activity San Paulo 79 of 1940 Austrian and Colombian Colombian Colom Colom- bian blan of October 1961 scored some som of ot the larger losses but the volume volum was small United States government obligations obligations obligations obliga obliga- followed the general trend Th The Liberty fourth 4 1 l experienced th the heaviest turnover Trading in fri mos most other issues of this group was quiet quie Railroad and industrial loans were generally lower The former were dull but the latter were more so Shell She Union Oil 59 slumped some 3 points to 70 and International Match lost los about half as much Standard Oil o of New York 4 41 l 1 gained about 1 point Among the rails ralls Atchison general 4 were fairly active and fractionally lower Pennsylvania 4 1 l of 1970 St St. Louis San Francisco 4 l I of 1978 Nickel P Plate te 4 1 l of 1978 Illinois Central 4 3 of 1996 1906 and Baltimore Ohio 4 1 l of 1960 scored some som large losses 4 f I |