Show Slightly Easy Undertone Noted Note Not ed at Times at-Times Times but Selling Is Small Associated Press Financial Writer NEW YORK Nov 16 The 16 The curb jogged along rather smoothly Mon Mon- day A slightly easy undertone was was apparent at times but selling was directed against comparatively few issues and volume in such shares as felt pressure was small Electric Bond Share looked somewhat heavy reacting below 19 19 which meant a new low for the de decline de- de dine cline but offerings were pf of nominal size ize Most of the other utility favorites favor lavor- tes ites kept an even keel moving Fast specialties were quiet and some did not open until well along in the day Aluminum of Amer- Amer lea ca appeared frequently at little change in price In the more active group Deere rallied after the grain market opening at Chicago but the stock lacked aggressive support and its ts recovery was moderate Cord corporation cor cor- firmed fractionally over Saturdays Saturday's final price In the main low priced industrials were esting Lethargy dominated the oil group Gull held steady on several transactions at 43 48 Standard of Kentucky eased cased narrowly Keith Orpheum rights had a moderate turnover ruling slightly under a quotation of half a point In Investment Investment In- In vestment trust shares made a gible giblo contribution to the days day's deal deal- lags Ings United Founders which had a heavy undertone all of last week dipped below 3 but recovered It was very lightly traded The call money renewal rate rata on the curb as the week opened was 3 per cent |