Show I i Who's WIo's N Noo 00 in Congress i J J. J K R. Mitchell His District Moved So He Did Too COOKEVILLE Tenn Nov 16 P W I It If If one is elected representative and his cong congressional district district is b moved out from under him o one e way to y solve the problem is to move with it l That's what J. J ri Ridley Mitchell has hns done P T Ten e n n o's os s sees see's e c's cs z back slapping 5 h hand a and n d shaking Joke-cracking Joke rotund rotund ro ro- ro- ro 7 lund bachelor rep rep- a from tram the fourth district lived at But when the leg leg- finished J. J Ridley Mitchell reducing the number number numer num- num ber er of ot districts from ten to nine in accordance with the reapportion reapportion- reapportionment ment act Mitchell was a congressman congress congress- man without a district Crossville was placed in the stoutly stout- stout ly r Republican second and most of ot ofle the le remainder was parceled out to Congressman Edwin L. L Davis' Davis Dem- Dem fifth And the redistricting took ook place just after Mitchell's Mitchells elec- elec tion on to his bis first term Although Mitchells Mitchell's friends say the he Democratic legislators Intentionally Intention- Intention intentionally ally Ily put Crossville in the second because be- be cause ause they thought he was a man nina who could carry the tho district Mitchell Mitch Mitch- ell eli l promptly moved to Cookeville In Davis Davis' district The Tho race between them will beafter be beafter after fter the next congressional session Criticized Criticised during his campaign for tor too much slapping back Mitchell relied replied replied re- re plied lied from tho the stump My only regret regret re regret re- re gret is that that-I dont don't have four hands i Instead of two with which to shako your hands bands and slap your backs Despite his jovial nature Mitchell has his serious side As district prosecutor he was vigorous and even relentless As banker he acquired a n reputation for tor shrewdness in hi busi bus ness |