Show 1 COME TO ti E HEARTS HEART'S HAVEN HA A O Y m With BETTY BL BLAIR IR Attain of tho the heart brut ana nna kindred 1 problems ONLY will wUl b tit dimmed t In this department Letters Letters and requests for tor advice should howd be addressed to MISS BETTY BErrY LAKE BLAIR HEARTS HEART'S HAVEN TELEGRAM SALT Write legibly upon only one aide of the tho paper i It Is necessary that you OU append the tho right name anti and address but these wUl wW be held beld In n strict confidence and end will by 1 no flO means appear i i- i In prIntEd w f. f THE LOVE IOVE TREATMENT t Dear Miss Blair I am thinking day and nJ night bt about abou my problem and cant can't decide what to do do so will you OU help me ma I was wn g coins with a girl whom I loved very dearly but I didn't know until untO I lost loa her Just how how- much I did care I know sho ho loved me too but I got cot to thinking I would exercise my man manly prerogative the and flirt with a few more girls I c uld see sec that this hurt hur hurther hurther her but I didn't realize then how ho much She Is a very quiet and sincere I and I think Jt It goes harder wit with that kind than with girl who can laugh and be bo g gay with other r bo boys s. s She hinted a time Ume or two that ah she sho I want didn't-want didn't want me t to do this but I just Jus went ahead head In my obstinate wa way Finally when I made dates with an an- other girl she he said she didn't wan want me Ins to come to see sec her any more three months now I haven't seen her ber sow Now however she sho In Is ill In the boa hos pita pital I still love her thou though h It Jt made t me e mad when she turned me ins down 0 BO 10 flat fiat Do you you ou think I 1 should go goto goto goto to see sea her or not I have ha sent her S flowers but butI I wonder If It wouldn wouldn't help her herto to get well ivell if Jf she sho knew J I still Ull loved her her provIding providing she aile still loves me Please nd TERRY JERRY Tho The doctors In whom we wc have the greatest confidence tell ten us they cant can't cure us of our ills IUs They can produce certain effects with drugs and arid au rge y but what it is that makes people get well Is still sUll a mys mystery tery to them Some people call it il nature others call can it God and still others say it is a force about which mankind knows nothing at all an But th love lave force Is the strongest strong- strong est eat force in the world It is the force torce that brings life nCe in the first place and In thousands of cases it has healed life Without it the b hu human human hu- hu man being becomes mentally and physically Ut With It life takes takes' on exhilaration circulation in the tho body is accelerated l the nerv nerves s and muscles and tissues are toned up as DS asif asif if it with a tonic Doctors themselves would like to know just what the healing force in nature is I feel sure if they knew th that t the tho little lady with whom you you ar are in love was wan likely to still be in inlove inlove love Jove with you they would invite you to visit her But she is s evidently evident evident- ly not the kind to bare her own heart to curious observers nor even to her physician Why Wh not find out from hospital wh ther or not she is receiving receiving re re- re- re visitors I If she is seriously ill m talk to her doctor Get his permission permission permission per per- mission to see her as as he thinks best If n she is not not seriously ill ill get her permission by telephone It willbe will willbe willbe be an experiment with the love treatment treat treat- ment Let us know how it works AGE OF FALL FALLING NG IN INLOVE LOVE Dear Miss Blair Will you please tell me mo what That are the ages at which human beings arc are the tho most likely to fall in love 10 Thank you JUST J ST WONDERING An investigation Into this question question ques ques- tion of ages at which men and women wo we- men are ara most likely to fall in love was conducted by the division of human relationships of the bureau of ot social hygiene of New York City From Froni experiments and data gathered gath gath- ered erect from men and women the following conclusions were derived The men began to show amatory enthusiasm sooner than the women Up to 15 their average was somewhat somewhat some some- what ahead The Tho women reach the peak of their love affairs earlier than men The field of greatest activity ac ac- ac- ac runs from 16 to 20 The Tho men reach the peak between 21 and 22 After the peak the men go down more slowly than the women There Is 18 a slight rebirth of love making at about 30 then another sag Through their thirties the women the women Show how a little m more more re activity than themen themen the tho thomen men in their love making and with the forties comes comes another peak In their love affairs The women show no interest in younger men until they reach their thirties had more affairs that ended because they fell in love with somebody else because of Interference Interference ence mice of relatives because of the death of tho loved one or because because one ne or both of the lo lovers loers ers were al- al ready eady married The love affairs of the Ule 10 men terminated because of separation sep sep- ration dissatisfaction with the women women women wo wo- men and a feeling of inferiority The direct directors rs of this bureau of investigation in- in were John D. D Rockefeller Jr rf Charleston O. O Heydt Dr Katherinc Kath Kath- erinc B. B Davis and Raymond RaymondB B B. Fos- Fos dIck Ick ICE AS Dear ear Miss l Blair To settle an argument will you please lease tell is preferable to use iso as ns a face astringent Ice or ice water Thank you B AND G. G Many beauty salons use ice as an astringent We Ve know of other beauy beau- beau y salons that that that-do do not One special special- let 1st t having gone gono so far as to declare that lat the use of ice on the face causes br broken ken capillaries those capillarIes those unlovely red ed threads that sometimes occur on the 10 cheeks Furthermore we have knowledge of a case where ice was to clear up an an irritated eye and nd was left on a few seconds too long ong and paralyzed a vital nerve I Knowing these things why should shouldIce Ice ce be used in home treatments when I Ilee lee ice cc water docs does the job well and holds holdso no o hazards However not for a n moment moment do we regard as hazardous tho ho the practice of beauty salons which use sc ice as tho the usual finish to a treat treat- mente ent To begin with the ice is not used bare but wrapped round with a aft soft ft cloth or cotton And In the second cond place it is in the hands o of an expert in Its ita use Yet neither do we doubt the word of f the beauty specialist who wh opposes the ic use of ice on the tho the face She tells tens of f several instances where the sudden sudden sud- sud den en change from warm wann to cold treatments treat- treat meats ments has resulted in the broken face veins fry Try the following treatment Instead instead in- in stead cad of the ice rub Dip a piece of absorbent cotton colton Into the ice water then hen into your favorite skin tonic and nd press it all over the face tace and throat Repeat the process several times The average skin will respond II to o this treatment with the freshness freshness fresh- fresh ness ess and glow of a healthy childs child's skin NOTE TO VEDA We c have a circular prepared which tens tells of a harmless rinse for blond hair air This will tone up the hair and give Ive it the sunshine appearance you rou describe Ask also for our circular clr- clr cular ular on the treatment of oily hair In n case your our hair may be dry before or r after aeter this rinse A GE GENTLEMAN IAN El LIFTS HIS illS HAT Dear Miss 1 Blair Is 15 it the tho proper thing when one meets two men Dlen on the street only one of whom Is known for both gentlemen gun gen to raise their hats Thank you LU I Yes Lu a gentleman offers this courtesy to the friend of his I friend A gentleman also lifts his hat when his friend offers a woman companion corn com com I panion a seat or picks up something she has dropped or is courteous in some other way |