Show 3 ARRIVALS AND DEPARTttKfiS OP MAILS at the Salt Lnke Cltj 1ostofflce ARRIVE CLOSE r etera 800pm 730 am c illfornia and West 1100 am 845pm A outaua and North 800 pm 080 am J > K O East 600 pm 1080 ain OSto Utah 1100 nm 730 turn JOtfdfcn Utah 800 pm 345 pm Pdt City 800 pm 730 om SCVwcle County 400 pm 720am Ata Utah jo20 am CBO nm siRham Utah 400 pm 0Wam < I Uhern Utah 1020 am 680 am V illard Beaver Iron and I Washlnctou Oos 1020 am 315 pm rue above is > standard mountain tlmo JOhN T LYNCH rohtmastcr Valt Lake City Utah March 4 15 Silver Quotations Silver New York 10G3 Silver London 49 j Lead New York per lOOlbs 37 O BTUION smranNTT One bar Christy Mining Company1460 One gold bar Kontuck M Co 4000 S W Dnrko CoInsurance Insuranceand Land Office Agents have Insurance removed during the tearing down and rebuilding of Swaner Cos premises H Pembrokes station to a store room over Will be back about April 1st cry the office Public always in A Notary Il v SALT LAKE CiTY BBEWIXO COMPANY M CULLEX II W MORSE President VicePresident We are now prepared to receive orders for our CELEBRATED BUDWEISER LAGER BEER Special inducements given to pur I chasers of carload lots Having given our careful attention to the selection of the finest material for the manufacture of beer after the Budweiser process we are in a situation to place before be-fore the public an article superior to any hitherto offered in this market Orders by telephone promptly attended to JACOB MORITZ Sec Treas Protect Tour Family It is the duty of every man rich or poor who has created a home to make some provisions against the inevitable for those who are dependent upon him and this most desirable result can be obtained tamed by procuring a policy in the Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York the oldest active company in America and the largest life insurance company in the world Rates etc furnished by Louis Hvams Agent 55 Main street Hooper Eldridge Block Salt Lake City I J FOR SALE A man that understands the restaurant business and catering for parties and lodge suppers A well established business busi-ness for sale Has a fine run of business Can be bought cheap No such chance ever offered in Salt Lake City Enquire of H 0 STEARNS 120 Main Street I IF you want a good drink and the best of liqors go Business Saloon J The Baptist Meetings The special meetings at the Baptist church are to be continued this week except ex-cept tonight After eight weeks of continued con-tinued service the interestseems to be only increasing The meeting on last Friday night was the largest in attendance attend-ance and the most encouraging since the series began and the Sunday school and the attendance upon the preaching last night the largest in the history of the church taxing the pews the pulpit steps and nearly one hundred extra chairs The public are most cordially invited to attend r A GREAT ILLUMINATOR Ruby Electric Oil This new oil is the finest illuminating oil in the Territory It takes like a charm I and Sells on sight It is a beautiful ruby color showing like bright wine in the lamp bowl It gives the most powerful light known and burns freely to the last drop It is high fire test and perfectly safe Particularly suited for the new Electric and Jumbo Lamps Imported exclusively by G F CULMER BROS 4 Salt Lake City Utah MONEY to Loan on Real Estate at the Pioner Loan and Building Association two doors south of postoffice Salt Lake CityFOB FOB the Best 25 cent Meal go to Merchants Mer-chants Lunch F H GBICE Prop Sales of Mining1 Machinery Salt Lake has now grown to be regarded re-garded as headquarters for mining machinery ma-chinery and supplies by the mineowners of Montana and Idaho as well as of Utah Park Lacy Co ipday received orders from Butte for two 15horse power hoist ingengines and 800 feet of wire rope One of these engines and 400 feet of the rope goes to the Moulton mine A quantity of small machinery was also shipped today to the Parker mine at Ketchum Idaho Messrs Scott Anderson also purchased a 15horse power Westinghouse engine for the sampling mill at Sandy A Fine Thoroughbred A beautiful thoroughbred race horse purchased by Mr Aleck Woods while on his recent trip to the New Orleans Exposition Ex-position arrived over the D R G this morning and was taken to the Dexter stables He is six years old was bred in Kentucky has won a 7000 purse and was at one time second to no running horse in the country He is brought to Utah by Mr Woods for breeding purposes pur-poses Sunlight nt Tiifflit Siemens Startling Success That wonderful mellow light which seems to set the Salt Lake Armory ablaze every night comes from two Siemens Regenerative Gas Lamps The hall is about 23x90 feet and the two lights give a superb illumination of the Billiard Tables at the one end and the targets at i the other Some magnificent shooting has been done in the evenings under this light indeed it is so near like daylight in steadiness and brilliancy that ij seems in a short experience with it to dispel all idea of artificial light Mr Meears will take pleasure in explaining the modus operandi Call at night FOR Finest Plastering and Ornamental Work call on JAMES WYATT IF you want choice groceries go to G F Potter corner State Road and Third South SHAVING 15c and haircutting 25c at the Wasatch Barber Shop cor Main and Second South St in Wasatch Block CALL at 55 Main Street and examine samples of Utah Soap I I ANYONE desiring a quick clean shave or an elegant hair cut should call upon Fowles Hartenstein in the Wasatch Block Go to 58 Main Street for your Materials and Lessons in Art Work LoNG Co PIONEER Ore Sampling Mill AND ASisorsry Office Situated at Sandy Utah Controlliuc also the Park City Sampling Mill The Oldest and Most Reliable Samp piling Mill in Utap SANDY UTAH Notice for Publication No 1923 u S LAND OFFICE AT SALT LiKE CITY March 9JS85 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT TIlE i followingnamed settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before be-fore the Register and Receiver at SaltJLake City on Saturday April 11 1885 viz Samuel Norman Nor-man Homestead Entry No 3537 for the S V of SW ic Sec 34 Tp 5 N R 1 W lIe names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz Joseph E Hodson Joseph Allen John H Sill John Milliard of Davis county Utah II MCMASOEK Register BIRD Low Attys for Appelant A tt Vi fij i SaodburgBurnkd MmfIttH3zi iuhra la all lids ef f FUR Nit U REf3 SPRING BEDS AND MATTRESSE tOt We make a Specialty of the MmTLE WOVEN WIRE AND NEW ADJUSTABLE ADJUST-ABLE SPRING BEDS Also School Furniture 36 s Main Street Opposite Z C M I P O Box 653 SALT LAKE CITY add washing H 8 10 r 0 8 rj 0 8 H c O > 4 t Ul 0 = uSO t E4 k 0 I 2 0 l cbz p Z X H s z Z 0 0 o 0 E4 UJ rE z 0 E H 00 z t b 8 E4 H E4 = r k i r19 ri C eJ I H H I 1 = = tit SI tU = J1 k2 S r q JJI V3 z 0 c1 1 p 4 V 8 tQ riI 0s O A 9 9o 9g 9l o < I < k J i g 03D A 03I > ii I H H tQH 0 H 0 2 O H 02 E4 asZ H t Z g J tj co I I I Ifr THE SALT LAKE DEMOCRAl t r DAILY 3 30 P < M FOR SOUTHERN UTAH 430 PlI FOR NORTHEnN UTAH SeD3iVVeek1y EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY voo13r 7 EVERY SATURDAY O DAILY per year in advance 750 six months 400 three months 200 Per month 75c Size 24x36 inches seven broad columns to the page printed with New Type New Power Press New Enginethe handsomest paper in Utah SEMIWEEKLY same size as the daily 300 per year 200 eight months 100 six months cash with the order t w WEEKLY 26x40 eight broad columns to the pagethe best Family Literary paper in the mountains 200 per year 100 six months cash with the order = = Agents Wanted Throughout the Territory 1 The SALT LAKE DEMOCRAT will fully sustain the principles of the National Democratic party as enunciated by its National Conventions and exemplified in the teachings of its great founders 2 It will advocate the doctrine that the people of Utah have Tvisdom enough and patriotism enough to govern themselves that the affairs of church and State ought obey the to and laws must be forever separate and distinct and that every citizen should 3 We believe that all the difficulties i which surround the people of Utah finda peaceful remedy if absolute freedom of discussion can be secured ft hide will individual pendent judgment expresed 4 The SALT LAKE DEMOCRAT will use the language of moderation and will vile no man for opinions sake While finn in its ra advocacy of correct ciples it will respect the rights of all others to hold contrary opinions political prin IfM Full Telegrahic Dispatches from all parts of the world and all local of general interest news Address AddressALT LAKE DEMOCRAT CO S 1 31 AKD 33 E FIRST SOUTH STat S ST-at k city E ema rlis OLD JUNCTION CITY HOTEL OGDEN UTAH CENTRALLY LOCATED I now open and Everything FirstClass RATES 125 TO 200 PER DAY WM D WADLEY Prop MRS S M GOULD = Fashionable II I I Drcssaker1i J Up Stairs in the ZzxxzR BUILDING Main Street North of Coop OGDEN UTAH JCCOMDUOTCo jot UTAEI ORE SAMPLING MILL Ores and Bullion Carefully Sampled 6 SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE J sale of Ores and Bullion Mill South Temple Tem-ple Street between Utah Nevada and Utah Central Railroad Depots Office oyer London I Bank of Utah front room I THE WYOMING Hereford Association OF WYOMING Have opened a SALES YARD at tho place formerly for-merly known as Pitts Gardens where can always be found HIGH GRADE AND THOROUGHBRED 3E3I erefords FOR SALE GEO F MORGAN General Mana Ver CALIFORNIA WINE CO WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Whiskies Wines and Cigars OPPOSITE THE WALKER HOUSE Salt Lake City I WOOLF Agent A FISHER BREWING COMPY Brewery near U C R R and D R G Depots Salt Lake City Utah We are now Prepared to Supply the PUBLIC with KEG AND BOTTLED BEER Of a SUPERIOR QUALITY At Popu1ar Pricc P 0 Box 10 IT telephone 294 A FISHER BREWING COMPANY THE Chicago 3 Milwaukee AND St Paul RAILWAY COMPANY The Last Built Best Equipped AND SHORTEST LINE BETWEEN COUNCIL B l U F F SAND S-AND CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST THE EAGLE FOUNDRY And Machine CoIn Co-In i ifj FOUNDERS c MACHINISTS 73755 77 79 w Second South St SALT LAKE CITY UTAH ra Manufacturers of Furnace Mining and Milling Machinery Mining Cars and Car Wheels Slag Pots Burs and Pans for Sampling Mills Etc Cast and Wrought Iron Fencing and Cresting and all kinds of Builders Iron Work Including Ornamental Columns for front and Interior Supports anteed Orders promptly filled and all work guar Great Western TRUNK FACTORY Salt Lake Cltv JOHN MANNING Prop Salerooms Xo 64 E Second South St Factory Xos 213 and SU First East Street With increased facUlties I am now to offer to the trade the finest prepared assortment Trunks to be found between of Chicago and San Francisco at prices that defy competition An inspection of the most skeptical my stock and prices will convince At my salesrooms can always be found and varied a large assortment of Trunks from the Trunk to the Mammoth Toy Saratoga Including elc gant Satchel and valises of desIred every pat tern at wholesale or retail Theatrical Trunks a Specialty LUOiEVERUNDEIlSOLD 4 JOHN MANNING t II ci L 3 1V I DRs p STEINHART3 I SPEOIALISIJ FORMER PARTNER OF DR MINTIE SAN FRANCISCO No S61 Main Street Opposi e Overland House In Union Block Room No1 First Floor Can bc consulted dally from 9 oclock to oclock U I yv am and from 2 to 530 oclock Sundays from 10 am to 12m He has P hlld j hvel1tyfie years experience in the treatment of all Venereal Sexual and special I Diseases Syphilitic or Mercurial Affections fe the Throat SkIn or Bones XERTOC DEBItI S ° Impotency and Lost Manhood Exhausted ifJ itr Seminal Weakness Spermatorrhrea V1t51 alysls and all the terrIble eects of SeU iV Pa r youthful follies and excesses in naffi U5e reae Nocturnal Emissions the effects nIatnreryear various maddening and destructive hlch body and mind and unless cured wlii fo 1 ljoh I t ate fatally The presence of the disc nafn a continual consciousness of a slow andC4gUSC1 ual decaYof the power of body aM rail loss of manly power and vigor defectre mind WIth ory heart affections loss of sight nOIses nero head and ears confusion of ideas arer JnfJle I society excessive prostration trembnOI1 to hands and limbs consumption matSIll the ultimate derangement of the mind n1SIQI power becomes so weak that the person 1 to lose control of himself and cannot IOOk t11 square in the face It also causes DYSpe and Indigestion with Heart and KldnS Diseases Aianey Ltpawrm Expelled in 24 Hours Piles Treated and Successxuny Cured Consultation at the office is FRKK and invltM Thorough examination and advice inpini1 MialvBli of urine 3 All correspond lncludtn1 iilitiypTnaeatial 1 corresPondenc 272 Main streer Three Doors Northef Clift House DR C W HIGGIKs Microscopic and Anal tical Physician THE MOST RELIABLE SPECIUBf r Cures Fits in their worst forms and all Chrnn Diseases Seminal Weakness Syphylis In all Its forms Gonorrhoea Gleet and all disease f ofa private and confidentialnature Drlrh made these diseases a specialty for the past fifteen years Dr H has been in this city for the past thirteen years and in that Uma I has cured over 1000 of the above diseases Suffering friends dont delay call at once and put yourself under Dr Hs treatment l 1 The knowledge of disease is half its Cure j Many have been rescued from the grasp of disease and death by my medicines who were given up as incurable by friends and physicians for the proof of this call and get their addresses ad-dresses and see them for yourselves CONSULTATION FREE Medicine given away to the poor j DR H can be consulted daily at his office NO 272 Main St Sanpete Valley Railwy 0 Trains leave daily as follows Leave Moroni 900an Arrive at Nephi 1100 am Leave Nephi 1200 ra Arrive at Moroni 200 pm E Stages connect at Moroni for all parti of San Pete and Sevier Private teams and spring wagons can be ordered or-dered by telephone at Nephi to be ready on arrival of trains at Moroni Price fl per day driver paying all his own expenses S BAMBERGER Manager TJtah Central E E Passenger Trains leave Salt Lake Daily as L t lows GOING NORTHAtlantic Express at 800att Pacific Express at 431 pm GOING SOUTH Milford Express at 355 p a Juab Express at 720 am Passenger Trains Arrive in Salt Lake Daily follows FROM NORTH Pacific Express at 1043 00 Atlantic Express at 751 pm FROM SOUTH Juab Express at 640 pn Milford Express at 1005 am j 9 Freight Trains leave Salt Lake daily except Sundays for North at 855am and Wpm W-pm for South at 840 am and 135 pm JOHN SHARP Genl Supt FRANCIS COPE Genl Fgt Pass Agt The Scenic Line OF THE WORLD Denver Rio Grande 733S1E3E13Sr aB THE POPULAR Trans Continental Route BETWEEN Salt Lake Gunnison leadville Pueblo and Denver Atwhich latter points DIRECT CONNECTIONS are made with trains for Kansas City Omaha Chicago St Louis And all Principal Points in the United State and Canada Train leaves Salt Lake EVERY DAY at 155 pa connecting with Central Pacific for the West THE ATLANTIC EXPRESS TRAIN COX JL poed of the Celebrated Buffet and Se ing Cars elegant firstclass Coaches and Eroi grant Sleeping Cars will laarf Otrdeit i 930 am on arrival fU train from San ftIO cisco and Salt Lake City at 1055 am mt > n direct connection at Pueblo and Denver nth trains for the East North and South THE PACIFIC EXPRESS TRAIN from Denver Den-ver Pueblo and Eastern points will arrive i Salt Lake City at 450 pm and Ogden at10 pm making direct connection with the Central Cen-tral Pacific train for San Francisco and the Pacific Coast LOCAL TRAINS leave Salt Lake for Ogden oOo am Leave Ogden at 540 pm and arrive in SLake S-Lake at 700 pm Leave Salt Lake daily for Bin hltm at 7 am Returning arrive at Salt Lake at 115 pf AN ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leases Lake daily except Sundays at 500 am a r riving at Pleasant Valley Junction at 4 rap1 Returning leaves Pleasant Valley Junction 700 am arriving at Salt Lake at eOO pm s v Ecc1es General Freight and Passenger Agent D F G WesternSalt Lake City W H BANCROFT Receiver Notice for Publication No 1915 U S LAND OFFICE SALT LAKE CITY Feb 271st NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE 1 following named settlers have filed notl c = of their intention to make final proof caca1 I1 support of his claim and that said proof W1 be made as follows towit John Flint Jrt homestead entry No 73 upon the Nl Sill qr Sec 24 Tp 4 N R 2 twill t-will make Tifs proof before the Register ana il Receiver at Salt APr Lake City on Saturday rrJ 111885 and Heberli a names as his witnesses Ueber on son William Flint John Hodson and Edffaw Philips Robert J Firth homestead entry No f0 > upon SE qr NE qr Sec SI Tp 5 N K 1 IIJ will make qrl s proof beforo the Register i Receiver at Salt Lake City on Tuesday Phel I 1885 and names as his witnesses Matne Young John Shipley Hrrum Alford and Jo bJI WKrebs u McMASTRB BIRD dc LOWE Hegi er Attya for ApplV |